5,747 research outputs found

    Quasi-cycles in a spatial predator-prey model

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    We show that spatial models of simple predator-prey interactions predict that predator and prey numbers oscillate in time and space. These oscillations are not seen in the deterministic versions of the models, but are due to stochastic fluctuations about the time-independent solutions of the deterministic equations which are amplified due to the existence of a resonance. We calculate the power spectra of the fluctuations analytically and show that they agree well with results obtained from stochastic simulations. This work extends the analysis of these quasi-cycles from that previously developed for well-mixed systems to spatial systems, and shows that the ideas and methods used for non-spatial models naturally generalize to the spatial case.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Fluctuations and Correlations in Lattice Models for Predator-Prey Interaction

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    Including spatial structure and stochastic noise invalidates the classical Lotka-Volterra picture of stable regular population cycles emerging in models for predator-prey interactions. Growth-limiting terms for the prey induce a continuous extinction threshold for the predator population whose critical properties are in the directed percolation universality class. Here, we discuss the robustness of this scenario by considering an ecologically inspired stochastic lattice predator-prey model variant where the predation process includes next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We find that the corresponding stochastic model reproduces the above scenario in dimensions 1< d \leq 4, in contrast with mean-field theory which predicts a first-order phase transition. However, the mean-field features are recovered upon allowing for nearest-neighbor particle exchange processes, provided these are sufficiently fast.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2-column revtex4 format. Emphasis on the lattice predator-prey model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction (Rapid Communication in PRE

    Goodwin's Predator-Prey Model with Endogenous Technological Progress

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    Contemporary economics contains mainly two approaches for an explanation of fluctuations of economic activity indicators. The first approach expresses fluctuations as consequences of random external shocks. The second approach expresses fluctuations as a deterministic dynamical process producing more complex behaviour of the economic system. In our article both approaches are applied. A purpose of our paper is to re-formulate traditional Goodwin predator-prey model by including a specific differential equation describing technological progress in deterministic and/or stochastic way. A base of this system contains such variables in interest as a rate of employment, a share of labour, and different forms of a rate of the technological progress.non-linear three-equation dynamic model; predator-prey market; limit cycle

    Effects of demographic stochasticity on biological community assembly on evolutionary time scales

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    We study the effects of demographic stochasticity on the long-term dynamics of biological coevolution models of community assembly. The noise is induced in order to check the validity of deterministic population dynamics. While mutualistic communities show little dependence on the stochastic population fluctuations, predator-prey models show strong dependence on the stochasticity, indicating the relevance of the finiteness of the populations. For a predator-prey model, the noise causes drastic decreases in diversity and total population size. The communities that emerge under influence of the noise consist of species strongly coupled with each other and have stronger linear stability around the fixed-point populations than the corresponding noiseless model. The dynamics on evolutionary time scales for the predator-prey model are also altered by the noise. Approximate 1/f1/f fluctuations are observed with noise, while 1/f21/f^{2} fluctuations are found for the model without demographic noise

    Spontaneous emergence of spatial patterns ina a predator-prey model

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    We present studies for an individual based model of three interacting populations whose individuals are mobile in a 2D-lattice. We focus on the pattern formation in the spatial distributions of the populations. Also relevant is the relationship between pattern formation and features of the populations' time series. Our model displays travelling waves solutions, clustering and uniform distributions, all related to the parameters values. We also observed that the regeneration rate, the parameter associated to the primary level of trophic chain, the plants, regulated the presence of predators, as well as the type of spatial configuration.Comment: 17 pages and 15 figure