326 research outputs found

    Preconditioned low-rank Riemannian optimization for linear systems with tensor product structure

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    The numerical solution of partial differential equations on high-dimensional domains gives rise to computationally challenging linear systems. When using standard discretization techniques, the size of the linear system grows exponentially with the number of dimensions, making the use of classic iterative solvers infeasible. During the last few years, low-rank tensor approaches have been developed that allow to mitigate this curse of dimensionality by exploiting the underlying structure of the linear operator. In this work, we focus on tensors represented in the Tucker and tensor train formats. We propose two preconditioned gradient methods on the corresponding low-rank tensor manifolds: A Riemannian version of the preconditioned Richardson method as well as an approximate Newton scheme based on the Riemannian Hessian. For the latter, considerable attention is given to the efficient solution of the resulting Newton equation. In numerical experiments, we compare the efficiency of our Riemannian algorithms with other established tensor-based approaches such as a truncated preconditioned Richardson method and the alternating linear scheme. The results show that our approximate Riemannian Newton scheme is significantly faster in cases when the application of the linear operator is expensive.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Preconditioning Kernel Matrices

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    The computational and storage complexity of kernel machines presents the primary barrier to their scaling to large, modern, datasets. A common way to tackle the scalability issue is to use the conjugate gradient algorithm, which relieves the constraints on both storage (the kernel matrix need not be stored) and computation (both stochastic gradients and parallelization can be used). Even so, conjugate gradient is not without its own issues: the conditioning of kernel matrices is often such that conjugate gradients will have poor convergence in practice. Preconditioning is a common approach to alleviating this issue. Here we propose preconditioned conjugate gradients for kernel machines, and develop a broad range of preconditioners particularly useful for kernel matrices. We describe a scalable approach to both solving kernel machines and learning their hyperparameters. We show this approach is exact in the limit of iterations and outperforms state-of-the-art approximations for a given computational budget

    A hierarchically blocked Jacobi SVD algorithm for single and multiple graphics processing units

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    We present a hierarchically blocked one-sided Jacobi algorithm for the singular value decomposition (SVD), targeting both single and multiple graphics processing units (GPUs). The blocking structure reflects the levels of GPU's memory hierarchy. The algorithm may outperform MAGMA's dgesvd, while retaining high relative accuracy. To this end, we developed a family of parallel pivot strategies on GPU's shared address space, but applicable also to inter-GPU communication. Unlike common hybrid approaches, our algorithm in a single GPU setting needs a CPU for the controlling purposes only, while utilizing GPU's resources to the fullest extent permitted by the hardware. When required by the problem size, the algorithm, in principle, scales to an arbitrary number of GPU nodes. The scalability is demonstrated by more than twofold speedup for sufficiently large matrices on a Tesla S2050 system with four GPUs vs. a single Fermi card.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin

    Algorithms for Large Scale Problems in Eigenvalue and Svd Computations and in Big Data Applications

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    As ”big data” has increasing influence on our daily life and research activities, it poses significant challenges on various research areas. Some applications often demand a fast solution of large, sparse eigenvalue and singular value problems; In other applications, extracting knowledge from large-scale data requires many techniques such as statistical calculations, data mining, and high performance computing. In this dissertation, we develop efficient and robust iterative methods and software for the computation of eigenvalue and singular values. We also develop practical numerical and data mining techniques to estimate the trace of a function of a large, sparse matrix and to detect in real-time blob-filaments in fusion plasma on extremely large parallel computers. In the first work, we propose a hybrid two stage SVD method for efficiently and accurately computing a few extreme singular triplets, especially the ones corresponding to the smallest singular values. The first stage achieves fast convergence while the second achieves the final accuracy. Furthermore, we develop a high-performance preconditioned SVD software based on the proposed method on top of the state-of-the-art eigensolver PRIMME. The method can be used with or without preconditioning, on parallel computers, and is superior to other state-of-the-art SVD methods in both efficiency and robustness. In the second study, we provide insights and develop practical algorithms to accomplish efficient and accurate computation of interior eigenpairs using refined projection techniques in non-Krylov iterative methods. By analyzing different implementations of the refined projection, we propose a new hybrid method to efficiently find interior eigenpairs without compromising accuracy. Our numerical experiments illustrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method. In the third work, we present a novel method to estimate the trace of matrix inverse that exploits the pattern correlation between the diagonal of the inverse of the matrix and that of some approximate inverse. We leverage various sampling and fitting techniques to fit the diagonal of the approximation to that of the inverse. Our method may serve as a standalone kernel for providing a fast trace estimate or as a variance reduction method for Monte Carlo in some cases. An extensive set of experiments demonstrate the potential of our method. In the fourth study, we provide first results on applying outlier detection techniques to effectively tackle the fusion blob detection problem on extremely large parallel machines. We present a real-time region outlier detection algorithm to efficiently find and track blobs in fusion experiments and simulations. Our experiments demonstrated we can achieve linear time speedup up to 1024 MPI processes and complete blob detection in two or three milliseconds
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