54 research outputs found

    Projecte Inspira'ns: detecciĂł d'idees relacionades

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    El projecte Inspira'ns compta amb un sistema online per a la recollida de suggeriments i comentaris (Idea) d'usuaris. Aquests comentaris es classifiquen per categories (Aplicacions mòbils, Banca mòbil, Banca per Internet, Caixers i Targetes), i pels temes que tracten (el tema és lliure, generalment es tracta de peticions de millora d'un servei o problemes detectats amb algun producte o servei, entre d'altres). Sovint els usuaris es refereixen a una mateixa Idea, és a dir, es reben suggeriments i comentaris repetits. Actualment, la classificació d'aquestes idees es duu a terme de forma manual. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una metodologia que permeti detectar que una nova Idea és similar a una Idea anterior rebuda. És a dir, donat un conjunt D d'idees, determinar si una nova Idea d està relacionada (és similar) amb alguna de les idees del conjunt D.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of errors in the automatic translation of questions for translingual QA systems

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    Purpose – This study aims to focus on the evaluation of systems for the automatic translation of questions destined to translingual question-answer (QA) systems. The efficacy of online translators when performing as tools in QA systems is analysed using a collection of documents in the Spanish language. Design/methodology/approach – Automatic translation is evaluated in terms of the functionality of actual translations produced by three online translators (Google Translator, Promt Translator, and Worldlingo) by means of objective and subjective evaluation measures, and the typology of errors produced was identified. For this purpose, a comparative study of the quality of the translation of factual questions of the CLEF collection of queries was carried out, from German and French to Spanish. Findings – It was observed that the rates of error for the three systems evaluated here are greater in the translations pertaining to the language pair German-Spanish. Promt was identified as the most reliable translator of the three (on average) for the two linguistic combinations evaluated. However, for the Spanish-German pair, a good assessment of the Google online translator was obtained as well. Most errors (46.38 percent) tended to be of a lexical nature, followed by those due to a poor translation of the interrogative particle of the query (31.16 percent). Originality/value – The evaluation methodology applied focuses above all on the finality of the translation. That is, does the resulting question serve as effective input into a translingual QA system? Thus, instead of searching for “perfection”, the functionality of the question and its capacity to lead one to an adequate response are appraised. The results obtained contribute to the development of improved translingual QA systems

    A Visualization method for machine translation evaluation results

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    PACLIC 20 / Wuhan, China / 1-3 November, 200

    An automatic visual analysis system for tennis

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    This article presents a novel video analysis system for coaching tennis players of all levels, which uses computer vision algorithms to automatically edit and index tennis videos into meaningful annotations. Existing tennis coaching software lacks the ability to automatically index a tennis match into key events, and therefore, a coach who uses existing software is burdened with time-consuming manual video editing. This work aims to explore the effectiveness of a system to automatically detect tennis events. A secondary aim of this work is to explore the bene- fits coaches experience in using an event retrieval system to retrieve the automatically indexed events. It was found that automatic event detection can significantly improve the experience of using video feedback as part of an instructional coaching session. In addition to the automatic detection of key tennis events, player and ball movements are automati- cally tracked throughout an entire match and this wealth of data allows users to find interesting patterns in play. Player and ball movement information are integrated with the automatically detected tennis events, and coaches can query the data to retrieve relevant key points during a match or analyse player patterns that need attention. This coaching software system allows coaches to build advanced queries, which cannot be facilitated with existing video coaching solutions, without tedious manual indexing. This article proves that the event detection algorithms in this work can detect the main events in tennis with an average precision and recall of 0.84 and 0.86, respectively, and can typically eliminate man- ual indexing of key tennis events

    Comparative analysis on bayesian classification for breast cancer problem

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    The problem of imbalanced class distribution or small datasets is quite frequent in certain fields especially in medical domain. However, the classical Naive Bayes approach in dealing with uncertainties within medical datasets face with the difficulties in selecting prior distributions, whereby parameter estimation such as the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) often hurt the accuracy of predictions. This paper presents the full Bayesian approach to assess the predictive distribution of all classes using three classifiers; naĂŻve bayes (NB), bayesian networks (BN), and tree augmented naĂŻve bayes (TAN) with three datasets; Breast cancer, breast cancer wisconsin, and breast tissue dataset. Next, the prediction accuracies of bayesian approaches are also compared with three standard machine learning algorithms from the literature; K-nearest neighbor (K-NN), support vector machine (SVM), and decision tree (DT). The results showed that the best performance was the bayesian networks (BN) algorithm with accuracy of 97.281%. The results are hoped to provide as base comparison for further research on breast cancer detection. All experiments are conducted in WEKA data mining tool

    Automatic Error Analysis Based on Grammatical Questions

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    Deep evaluation of hybrid architectures: simple metrics correlated with human judgments

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    The process of developing hybrid MT systems is guided by the evaluation method used to compare different combinations of basic subsystems. This work presents a deep evaluation experiment of a hybrid architecture that tries to get the best of both worlds, rule-based and statistical. In a first evaluation human assessments were used to compare just the single statistical system and the hybrid one, the rule-based system was not compared by hand because the results of automatic evaluation showed a clear disadvantage. But a second and wider evaluation experiment surprisingly showed that according to human evaluation the best system was the rule-based, the one that achieved the worst results using automatic evaluation. An examination of sentences with controversial results suggested that linguistic well-formedness in the output should be considered in evaluation. After experimenting with 6 possible metrics we conclude that a simple arithmetic mean of BLEU and BLEU calculated on parts of speech of words is clearly a more human conformant metric than lexical metrics alone.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft
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