2 research outputs found

    An Instantaneous Framework For Concurrency Bug Detection

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    Concurrency bug detection is important to guarantee the correct behavior of multithread programs. However, existing static techniques are expensive with false positives, and dynamic analyses cannot expose all potential bugs. This thesis presents an ultra-efficient concurrency analysis framework, D4, that detects concurrency bugs (e.g., data races and deadlocks) “instantly” in the programming phase. As developers add, modify, and remove statements, the changes are sent to D4 to detect concurrency bugs on-the-fly, which in turn provides immediate feedback to the developer of the new bugs. D4 includes a novel system design and two novel parallel incremental algorithms that embrace both change and parallelization for fundamental static analyses of concurrent programs. Both algorithms react to program changes by memoizing the analysis results and only recomputing the impact of a change in parallel without any redundant computation. Our evaluation on an extensive collection of large real-world applications shows that D4 efficiently pinpoints concurrency bugs within 10ms on average after a code change, several orders of magnitude faster than both the exhaustive analysis and the state-of-the-art incremental techniques