71 research outputs found

    A Note on Efficient Computation of All Abelian Periods in a String

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    We derive a simple efficient algorithm for Abelian periods knowing all Abelian squares in a string. An efficient algorithm for the latter problem was given by Cummings and Smyth in 1997. By the way we show an alternative algorithm for Abelian squares. We also obtain a linear time algorithm finding all `long' Abelian periods. The aim of the paper is a (new) reduction of the problem of all Abelian periods to that of (already solved) all Abelian squares which provides new insight into both connected problems

    A Note on Easy and Efficient Computation of Full Abelian Periods of a Word

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    Constantinescu and Ilie (Bulletin of the EATCS 89, 167-170, 2006) introduced the idea of an Abelian period with head and tail of a finite word. An Abelian period is called full if both the head and the tail are empty. We present a simple and easy-to-implement O(nloglogn)O(n\log\log n)-time algorithm for computing all the full Abelian periods of a word of length nn over a constant-size alphabet. Experiments show that our algorithm significantly outperforms the O(n)O(n) algorithm proposed by Kociumaka et al. (Proc. of STACS, 245-256, 2013) for the same problem.Comment: Accepted for publication in Discrete Applied Mathematic

    Taxonomies of regular tree algorithms

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    Algorithms for acceptance, pattern matching and parsing of regular trees and the tree automata used in these algorithms have many applications, including instruction selection in compilers, implementation of term rewriting systems, and model checking. Many such tree algorithms and constructions for such tree automata appear in the literature, but some deficiencies existed, including: inaccessibility of theory and algorithms; difficulty of comparing algorithms due to variations in presentation style and level of formality; and lack of reference to the theory in many publications. An algorithm taxonomy is an effective means of bringing order to such a field. We report on two taxonomies of regular tree algorithms that we have constructed to deal with the deficiencies. The complete work has been presented in the PhD thesis of the first author

    Finite Automata Implementations Considering CPU Cache

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    The finite automata are mathematical models for finite state systems. More general finite automaton is the nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) that cannot be directly used. It is usually transformed to the deterministic finite automaton (DFA) that then runs in time O(n), where n is the size of the input text. We present two main approaches to practical implementation of DFA considering CPU cache. The first approach (represented by Table Driven and Hard Coded implementations) is suitable forautomata being run very frequently, typically having cycles. The other approach is suitable for a collection of automata from which various automata are retrieved and then run. This second kind of automata are expected to be cycle-free.

    Sequence searching allowing for non-overlapping adjacent unbalanced translocations

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    Unbalanced translocations are among the most frequent chromosomal alterations, accounted for 30% of all losses of heterozygosity, a major genetic event causing inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Despite of their central role in genomic sequence analysis, little attention has been devoted to the problem of matching sequences allowing for this kind of chromosomal alteration. In this paper we investigate the approximate string matching problem when the edit operations are non-overlapping unbalanced translocations of adjacent factors. In particular, we first present a O(nm3)-time and O(m2)-space algorithm based on the dynamic-programming approach. Then we improve our first result by designing a second solution which makes use of the Directed Acyclic Word Graph of the pattern. In particular, we show that under the assumptions of equiprobability and independence of characters, our algorithm has a O(n log2σ m) average time complexity, for an alphabet of size σ, still maintaining the O(nm3)-time and the O(m2)-space complexity in the worst case. To the best of our knowledge this is the first solution in literature for the approximate string matching problem allowing for unbalanced translocations of factors

    Sequence Searching Allowing for Non-Overlapping Adjacent Unbalanced Translocations

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    The Gapped-Factor Tree

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    International audienceWe present a data structure to index a specific kind of factors, that is of substrings, called gapped-factors. A gapped-factor is a factor containing a gap that is ignored during the indexation. The data structure presented is based on the suffix tree and indexes all the gapped-factors of a text with a fixed size of gap, and only those. The construction of this data structure is done online in linear time and space. Such a data structure may play an important role in various pattern matching and motif inference problems, for instance in text filtration