500 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Cyber-Security of Smart Grids: Cyber-Attacks, Detection, Countermeasure Techniques, and Future Directions

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    One of the significant challenges that smart grid networks face is cyber-security. Several studies have been conducted to highlight those security challenges. However, the majority of these surveys classify attacks based on the security requirements, confidentiality, integrity, and availability, without taking into consideration the accountability requirement. In addition, some of these surveys focused on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model, which does not differentiate between the application, session, and presentation and the data link and physical layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. In this survey paper, we provide a classification of attacks based on the OSI model and discuss in more detail the cyber-attacks that can target the different layers of smart grid networks communication. We also propose new classifications for the detection and countermeasure techniques and describe existing techniques under each category. Finally, we discuss challenges and future research directions

    Cross-VM network attacks & their countermeasures within cloud computing environments

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    Cloud computing is a contemporary model in which the computing resources are dynamically scaled-up and scaled-down to customers, hosted within large-scale multi-tenant systems. These resources are delivered as improved, cost-effective and available upon request to customers. As one of the main trends of IT industry in modern ages, cloud computing has extended momentum and started to transform the mode enterprises build and offer IT solutions. The primary motivation in using cloud computing model is cost-effectiveness. These motivations can compel Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) organizations to shift their sensitive data and critical infrastructure on cloud environments. Because of the complex nature of underlying cloud infrastructure, the cloud environments are facing a large number of challenges of misconfigurations, cyber-attacks, root-kits, malware instances etc which manifest themselves as a serious threat to cloud environments. These threats noticeably decline the general trustworthiness, reliability and accessibility of the cloud. Security is the primary concern of a cloud service model. However, a number of significant challenges revealed that cloud environments are not as much secure as one would expect. There is also a limited understanding regarding the offering of secure services in a cloud model that can counter such challenges. This indicates the significance of the fact that what establishes the threat in cloud model. One of the main threats in a cloud model is of cost-effectiveness, normally cloud providers reduce cost by sharing infrastructure between multiple un-trusted VMs. This sharing has also led to several problems including co-location attacks. Cloud providers mitigate co-location attacks by introducing the concept of isolation. Due to this, a guest VM cannot interfere with its host machine, and with other guest VMs running on the same system. Such isolation is one of the prime foundations of cloud security for major public providers. However, such logical boundaries are not impenetrable. A myriad of previous studies have demonstrated how co-resident VMs could be vulnerable to attacks through shared file systems, cache side-channels, or through compromising of hypervisor layer using rootkits. Thus, the threat of cross-VM attacks is still possible because an attacker uses one VM to control or access other VMs on the same hypervisor. Hence, multiple methods are devised for strategic VM placement in order to exploit co-residency. Despite the clear potential for co-location attacks for abusing shared memory and disk, fine grained cross-VM network-channel attacks have not yet been demonstrated. Current network based attacks exploit existing vulnerabilities in networking technologies, such as ARP spoofing and DNS poisoning, which are difficult to use for VM-targeted attacks. The most commonly discussed network-based challenges focus on the fact that cloud providers place more layers of isolation between co-resided VMs than in non-virtualized settings because the attacker and victim are often assigned to separate segmentation of virtual networks. However, it has been demonstrated that this is not necessarily sufficient to prevent manipulation of a victim VM’s traffic. This thesis presents a comprehensive method and empirical analysis on the advancement of co-location attacks in which a malicious VM can negatively affect the security and privacy of other co-located VMs as it breaches the security perimeter of the cloud model. In such a scenario, it is imperative for a cloud provider to be able to appropriately secure access to the data such that it reaches to the appropriate destination. The primary contribution of the work presented in this thesis is to introduce two innovative attack models in leading cloud models, impersonation and privilege escalation, that successfully breach the security perimeter of cloud models and also propose countermeasures that block such types of attacks. The attack model revealed in this thesis, is a combination of impersonation and mirroring. This experimental setting can exploit the network channel of cloud model and successfully redirects the network traffic of other co-located VMs. The main contribution of this attack model is to find a gap in the contemporary network cloud architecture that an attacker can exploit. Prior research has also exploited the network channel using ARP poisoning, spoofing but all such attack schemes have been countered as modern cloud providers place more layers of security features than in preceding settings. Impersonation relies on the already existing regular network devices in order to mislead the security perimeter of the cloud model. The other contribution presented of this thesis is ‘privilege escalation’ attack in which a non-root user can escalate a privilege level by using RoP technique on the network channel and control the management domain through which attacker can manage to control the other co-located VMs which they are not authorized to do so. Finally, a countermeasure solution has been proposed by directly modifying the open source code of cloud model that can inhibit all such attacks

    Side-channel timing attack on content privacy of named data networking

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrónica e de ComputadoresA diversity of current applications, such as Netflix, YouTube, and social media, have used the Internet mainly as a content distribution network. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a network paradigm that attempts to answer today’s applications need by naming the content. NDN promises an optimized content distribution through a named content-centric design. One of the NDN key features is the use of in-network caching to improve network efficiency in terms of content distribution. However, the cached contents may put the consumer privacy at risk. Since the time response of cached contents is different from un-cached contents, the adversary may distinguish the cached contents (targets) from un-cached ones, through the side-channel timing responses. The scope of attack can be towards the content, the name, or the signature. For instance, the adversary may obtain the call history, the callee or caller location on a trusted Voice over NDN (VoNDN) and the popularity of contents in streaming applications (e.g. NDNtube, NDNlive) through side-channel timing responses of the cache. The side-channel timing attack can be mitigated by manipulating the time of the router responses. The countermeasures proposed by other researches, such as additional delay, random/probabilistic caching, group signatures, and no-caching can effectively be used to mitigate the attack. However, the content distribution may be affected by pre-configured countermeasures which may go against the goal of the original NDN paradigm. In this work, the detection and defense (DaD) approach is proposed to mitigate the attack efficiently and effectively. With the DaD usage, an attack can be detected by a multi-level detection mechanism, in order to apply the countermeasures against the adversarial faces. Also, the detections can be used to determine the severity of the attack. In order to detect the behavior of an adversary, a brute-force timing attack was implemented and simulated with the following applications and testbeds: i. a trusted application that mimics the VoNDN and identifies the cached certificate on a worldwide NDN testbed, and ii. a streaming-like NDNtube application to identify the popularity of videos on the NDN testbed and AT&T company. In simulation primary results showed that the multi-level detection based on DaD mitigated the attack about 39.1% in best-route, and 36.6% in multicast communications. Additionally, the results showed that DaD preserves privacy without compromising the efficiency benefits of in-network caching in NDNtube and VoNDN applications.Várias aplicações atuais, como o Netflix e o YouTube, têm vindo a usar a Internet como uma rede de distribuição de conteúdos. O Named Data Networking (NDN) é um paradigma recente nas redes de comunicações que tenta responder às necessidades das aplicações modernas, através da nomeação dos conteúdos. O NDN promete uma otimização da distribuição dos conteúdos usando uma rede centrada nos conteúdos. Uma das características principais do NDN é o uso da cache disponivel nos nós da rede para melhorar a eficiência desta em termos de distribuição de conteúdos. No entanto, a colocação dos conteúdos em cache pode colocar em risco a privacidade dos consumidores. Uma vez que a resposta temporal de um conteúdo em cache é diferente do de um conteúdo que não está em cache, o adversário pode distinguir os conteúdos que estão em cache dos que não estão em cache, através das respostas de side-channel. O objectivo do ataque pode ser direcionado para o conteúdo, o nome ou a assinatura da mensagem. Por exemplo, o adversário pode obter o histórico de chamadas, a localização do callee ou do caller num serviço seguro de voz sobre NDN (VoNDN) e a popularidade do conteúdos em aplicações de streaming (e.g. NDNtube, NDNlive) através das respostas temporais de side-channel. O side-channel timing attack pode ser mitigado manipulando o tempo das respostas dos routers. As contramedidas propostas por outros pesquisadores, tais como o atraso adicional, o cache aleatório /probabilístico, as assinaturas de grupo e não fazer cache, podem ser efetivamente usadas para mitigar um ataque. No entanto, a distribuição de conteúdos pode ser afetada por contramedidas pré-configuradas que podem ir contra o propósito original do paradigma NDN. Neste trabalho, a abordagem de detecção e defesa (DaD) é proposta para mitigar o ataque de forma eficiente e eficaz. Com o uso do DaD, um ataque pode ser detectado por um mecanismo de detecção multi-nível, a fim de aplicar as contramedidas contra as interfaces dos adversários. Além disso, as detecções podem ser usadas para determinar a gravidade do ataque. A fim de detectar o comportamento de um adversário, um timing attack de força-bruta foi implementado e simulado com as seguintes aplicações e plataformas (testbeds): i. uma aplicação segura que implementa o VoNDN e identifica o certificado em cache numa plataforma NDN mundial; e ii. uma aplicação de streaming do tipo NDNtube para identificar a popularidade de vídeos na plataforma NDN da empresa AT&T. Os resultados da simulação mostraram que a detecção multi-nível oferecida pelo DaD atenuou o ataque cerca de 39,1% em best-route e 36,5% em comunicações multicast. Para avaliar o efeito nos pedidos legítimos, comparou-se o DaD com uma contramedida estática, tendo-se verificado que o DaD foi capaz de preservar todos os pedidos legítimos

    Information Security Analysis and Auditing of IEC61850 Automated Substations

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    This thesis is about issues related to the security of electric substations automated by IEC61850, an Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) based protocol. It is about a comprehen­ sive security analysis and development of a viable method of auditing the security of this protocol. The security analysis focuses on the possible threats to an electric substation based on the possible motives of an attacker. Existing methods and met­ rics for assessing the security of computer networks are explored and examined for suitability of use with IEC61850. Existing methods and metrics focus on conven­ tional computers used in computer networks which are fundamentally different from Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED’s) of substations in terms of technical composition and functionality. Hence, there is a need to develop a new method of assessing the security of such devices. The security analysis is then used to derive a new metric scheme to assess the security of IED’s that use IEC61850. This metric scheme is then tested out in a sample audit on a real IEC61850 network and compared with two other commonly used security metrics. The results show that the new metric is good in assessing the security of IED’s themselves. Further analysis on IED security is done by conducting simulated cyber attacks. The results are then used to develop an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to guard against such attacks. The temporal risk of intrusion on an electric substation is also evaluated