4 research outputs found

    Computational approaches to predict protein functional families and functional sites.

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    Understanding the mechanisms of protein function is indispensable for many biological applications, such as protein engineering and drug design. However, experimental annotations are sparse, and therefore, theoretical strategies are needed to fill the gap. Here, we present the latest developments in building functional subclassifications of protein superfamilies and using evolutionary conservation to detect functional determinants, for example, catalytic-, binding- and specificity-determining residues important for delineating the functional families. We also briefly review other features exploited for functional site detection and new machine learning strategies for combining multiple features

    A növényi RHO (ROP) GTP-áz kapcsolt receptor-szerű citoplazmatikus kinázok aktiválását befolyásoló aminosav motívumok azonosítása

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    The Rho-type GTPases have central roles in cellular processes associated with cytoskeletal dynamics (e.g. cell movement, cell division, cell shape, and cell polarity). These proteins operate as molecular switches: they activate signal transduction pathways when they are in GTP-bound conformation, but their signalling activity cease when they are GDP-bound. If the Rho GTPase is in the GTP-bound form, it can further activate a diverse set of downstream signalling effector proteins. There are some upstream regulator proteins which regulate the activity of ROPs. One of these proteins are the guanine nucleotide exchange factor or GEF proteins which catalyse the GDP to GTP exchange activating ROPs. In contrast, the GAPs (GTPase accelerator proteins) inactivate ROPs via the promotion of GTP hydrolisis, while the GDIs (guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors) stabilize the inactive state of ROPs. Plants has a specific group of Rho-type GTPases, the „Rho of plants” (ROP) family. Our knowledge about the signalling pathways associated with ROPs is yet incomplete. ROPs differ from other Rho-type GTPases in the regions which are responsible for effector binding, suggesting that ROP GTPases have specific effectors. Indeed, plants lack the Rho GTPase-activated PAK kinases, which are very important mediators of Rho GTPase signalling in yeast as well as in animals. Therefore our question was: are there any ROP GTPase-activated kinases, which may have PAK-like functions in plants? Due to a yeast two-hybrid screening approach two ROP-interacting kinases could be identified. These kinases interacted with the GTP- but not with the GDP-bound ROP GTPase form what is typical for ROP GTPase effectors. Furthermore, the in vitro activity of these kinases was dependent on the presence of GTP-bound ROP GTPase. These ROP GTPase-activated kinases belong to the subfamily VI of receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCKs) of Arabidopsis. They have a receptor kinase-like catalytic domain, but they don’t have extracellular or transmembrane regions and that’s why they can found in the cytoplasm. Based on their primary structure, the 14 Arabidopsis RLCK VI kinases can be classified into two groups (A and B). Only the members of group A have ROP GTPase-binding ability, but it was not observed in the case of group B kinases, their activity is ROP GTPase independent

    Functional classification of protein domain superfamilies for protein function annotation

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    Proteins are made up of domains that are generally considered to be independent evolutionary and structural units having distinct functional properties. It is now well established that analysis of domains in proteins provides an effective approach to understand protein function using a `domain grammar'. Towards this end, evolutionarily-related protein domains have been classified into homologous superfamilies in CATH and SCOP databases. An ideal functional sub-classification of the domain superfamilies into `functional families' can not only help in function annotation of uncharacterised sequences but also provide a useful framework for understanding the diversity and evolution of function at the domain level. This work describes the development of a new protocol (FunFHMMer) for identifying functional families in CATH superfamilies that makes use of sequence patterns only and hence, is unaffected by the incompleteness of function annotations, annotation biases or misannotations existing in the databases. The resulting family classification was validated using known functional information and was found to generate more functionally coherent families than other domain-based protein resources. A protein function prediction pipeline was developed exploiting the functional annotations provided by the domain families which was validated by a database rollback benchmark set of proteins and an independent assessment by CAFA 2. The functional classification was found to capture the functional diversity of superfamilies well in terms of sequence, structure and the protein-context. This aided studies on evolution of protein domain function both at the superfamily level and in specific proteins of interest. The conserved positions in the functional family alignments were found to be enriched in catalytic site residues and ligand-binding site residues which led to the development of a functional site prediction tool. Lastly, the function prediction tools were assessed for annotation of moonlighting functions of proteins and a classification of moonlighting proteins was proposed based on their structure-function relationships