28,190 research outputs found

    Partner oder „Paria“? : Syriens Nahostpolitik unter Bashar al-Asad

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    Am 10. Juni jĂ€hrte sich zum zehnten Mal der Todestag des langjĂ€hrigen syrischen PrĂ€sidenten Hafiz al-Asad. Die erste Vater-Sohn-Nachfolge in einer arabischen Republik hinterließ dem neuen PrĂ€sidenten Bashar al-Asad eine große außenpolitische Hypothek: stockende Friedensverhandlungen mit Israel, einen kalten Frieden mit der TĂŒrkei, schwierige Beziehungen mit den Golfstaaten sowie ein gespanntes VerhĂ€ltnis zu den USA und den EU-Staaten

    Taxation and presidential approval: separate effects from tax burden and tax structure turbulence

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    Previous research has established that taxation may entail significant electoral costs to politicians. This literature, however, focuses exclusively on the effect of the tax burden. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that both the level of the tax burden and the change in the tax structure affect the US president’s approval ratings (over the period 1959-2006). Our results support this proposition. Specifically, we find a negative impact from the levels of the tax burden and the deficit as well as from changes in the tax structure on presidential approval ratings. -- Bisherige Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Besteuerung mit erheblichen Kosten fĂŒr Politiker bei Wahlen einhergeht. Die entsprechende Literatur fokussiert allerdings ausschließlich den Effekt der Steuerbelastung. Im vorliegenden Artikel testen wir die Hypothese, dass sowohl das Niveau der Steuerbelastung als auch VerĂ€nderungen der Steuerstruktur den Grad der Zustimmung fĂŒr den US-PrĂ€sidenten beeinflussen (im Zeitraum 1959-2006). Die empirischen Ergebnisse stĂŒtzen diese Behauptung. Es wird gezeigt, dass neben dem Defizit sowohl das Niveau der Steuerbelastung als auch Änderungen in der Steuerstruktur negative Auswirkungen auf den Zustimmungsgrad fĂŒr den PrĂ€sidenten haben.Policy,tax structure turbulence,presidential approval ratings,popularity function

    Geleitwort des PrÀsidenten

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    Welche ZukĂŒnfte?

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    Vortrag, gehalten am 20.04.2017 zur EinfĂŒhrung von Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp in das Amt des PrĂ€sidenten der Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weima

    Nominalization – lexical and syntactic aspects

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    The main tenet of the present paper is the thesis that nominalization – like other cases of derivational morphology – is an essentially lexical phenomenon with well defined syntactic (and semantic) conditions and consequences. More specifically, it will be argued that the relation between a verb and the noun derived from it is subject to both systematic and idiosyncratic conditions with respect to lexical as well as syntactic aspects

    Mimicking war: how presidents coordinate the American State

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    'Mimicking war', that is declaring war on some undesirable phenomenon - such as crime, poverty, illegal drugs, illegal immigration, terrorism and so forth - is a recurring strategy employed by White House incumbents from the beginning of the twentieth century. This paper examines the strategy and argues that the appeal to presidents of such war like exhortations are threefold. First, they provide a means by which the political executive can overcome the great problem of American governance - separated powers. Mimicking war, that is declaring a particular problem 'public enemy number one' constitutes a means of inducing coordinated government expansion. Second, mimicking war is a means of signalling a singular priority to bureaucrats and key policy makers thereby effecting a reallocation of scarce public resources to the new priority. Last, the strategy enables a president to set a political agenda and to justify the expansion of national standards of government in a political culture inherently hostile to federal governmental activity. -- Als-Ob-KriegsfĂŒhrung bedeutet, dass irgendeinem unerwĂŒnschten PhĂ€nomen wie Verbrechen, Armut, Drogen, illegale Immigration, Terrorismus politisch der Krieg erklĂ€rt wird. In immergleicher Weise wird diese KriegserklĂ€rung von den Amtsinhabern des Weißen Hauses seit Anfang des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts strategisch eingesetzt. In diesem Arbeitspapier wird diese Strategie untersucht und der dreifachen Anziehungskraft nachgegangen, die ein derartiges kriegsĂ€hnliches Vorgehen fĂŒr den PrĂ€sidenten hat. Erstens kann die politische Exekutive so das große Problem ĂŒberwinden, dass sich der amerikanischen Regierung immer in den Weg stellt: die Gewaltenteilung. Einem Problem den Als-Ob-Krieg zu erklĂ€ren bedeutet, es wird zum 'öffentlichen Feind Nummer eins' und jede Koordinierung des Regierungshandelns und Ausweitung staatlichen Tuns zielt auf seine Beseitigung. Zweitens bietet eine solche KriegserklĂ€rung ein Mittel, um der Beamtenschaft und den politischen HauptentscheidungstrĂ€gern eine einzigartige PrioritĂ€t zu signalisieren; so lĂ€sst sich eine Neuverteilung der knappen allgemeinen Betriebsmittel hin zur neuen PrioritĂ€t bewirken. Drittens ermöglicht es diese Strategie einem PrĂ€sidenten, ĂŒberhaupt eine politische Rangordnung durchzusetzen und nationale GestaltungsansprĂŒche des Regierens in einer politischen Kultur auszuweiten, die einem TĂ€tigwerden des Bundesstaates an sich von Anfang an feindlich gegenĂŒbersteht.

    Venezuela und das "Neue Lateinamerika"

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    Das kolumbianische Magazin "Semana" wĂ€hlte den venezolanischen PrĂ€sidenten Hugo ChĂĄvez jĂŒngst zum "Mann des Jahres 2005". Damit war ChĂĄvez der erste AuslĂ€nder, dem diese Auszeichnung zuteil wurde. Er habe, so die BegrĂŒndung, die "politische Landkarte" Lateinamerikas grundlegend verĂ€ndert und die Möglichkeit anderer zwischenstaatlicher Beziehungen aufgezeigt. Dadurch sei ChĂĄvez zum inzwischen einflussreichsten Mann des Subkontinents avanciert. ..

    Environmental NGOs in China - partners in environmental governance

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    This paper is a snapshot of the potential of Chinese environmental NGOs1 to effectively address environmental problems and needs, alone and in partnership with others. As environmental NGOs have only be on stage for the last ten years or so and as they undergo dynamic changes, a thoroughly conducted scientific analysis about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks is not possible yet. However, as the author has more than six years working experience with different Chinese environmental NGOs across the country, some empiric findings can be given, and some trends and tendencies be predicted. The paper starts with a look at the history of NGOs in China with a specific focus on environmental NGOs, followed by problems and chances caused by the present legal status of the groups. It then describes the main working areas of Chinese environmental NGOs, illustrating them by giving some representative examples. After a brief analysis, the paper proposes current trends and tendencies about the development of China’s environmental NGOs. The main trend is that Chinese NGOs, independently on their origin (grass root, semistate organizations or Government-organized non-profit environmental organizations) will gain more respect and influence in both environmental awareness raising and as competent partners in policy formulation and law enforcement, if the State institutions concerned will involve them in planning and developing processes in an early stage and assist them in their capacity building. --

    Welfare Implications of the Design of a Currency Union in Case of Member Countries of Different Sizes and Output Persistence

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    In the study, the relevance of several optimum-currency-area (OCA) criteria is formally worked out in a welfare approach. The optimum monetary-policy rules of the supranational central bank are derived within the Barro-Gordon framework, and consideration is given to how the welfare of the member countries of a currency union is affected by symmetric and asymmetric national output shocks. The welfare implications are deduced both analytically and with the use of simulations. In a twocountry framework, the countries are allowed to differ in size, and different degrees of labour mobility are addressed. Also the issue of output persistence is taken up. The central-bank council may consist of a central-bank board and of a group of national central-bank presidents, where the national presidents are assumed to focus on their home economies. It is shown that relatively small member countries favour a situation where the group of national central bank presidents is in a strong position while large countries prefer decisions to be taken by the central-bank board. The preferences are the less strong the higher the degree of labour mobility. With output persistence, labour migration also moderates the disadvantages of the decisions taken by a central-bank board for a relatively small country. Furthermore, for output persistence in conjuncture with labour migration, monetary policy by a small country within the group of national presidents may negatively affect its future welfare. Besides, differences in the national monetary transmission processes as well as divergent national inflation and output preferences affect welfare. --monetary union,voting power,shocks,output persistence,monetary transmission process,central bank council,labour mobility
