230 research outputs found

    Dirac's theorem for random regular graphs

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    We prove a `resilience' version of Dirac's theorem in the setting of random regular graphs. More precisely, we show that, whenever dd is sufficiently large compared to ε>0\varepsilon>0, a.a.s. the following holds: let GG' be any subgraph of the random nn-vertex dd-regular graph Gn,dG_{n,d} with minimum degree at least (1/2+ε)d(1/2+\varepsilon)d. Then GG' is Hamiltonian. This proves a conjecture of Ben-Shimon, Krivelevich and Sudakov. Our result is best possible: firstly, the condition that dd is large cannot be omitted, and secondly, the minimum degree bound cannot be improved.Comment: Final accepted version, to appear in Combinatorics, Probability & Computin

    Hamilton cycles in graphs and hypergraphs: an extremal perspective

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    As one of the most fundamental and well-known NP-complete problems, the Hamilton cycle problem has been the subject of intensive research. Recent developments in the area have highlighted the crucial role played by the notions of expansion and quasi-randomness. These concepts and other recent techniques have led to the solution of several long-standing problems in the area. New aspects have also emerged, such as resilience, robustness and the study of Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs. We survey these developments and highlight open problems, with an emphasis on extremal and probabilistic approaches.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings of the ICM 2014; due to given page limits, this final version is slightly shorter than the previous arxiv versio

    On sufficient conditions for Hamiltonicity in dense graphs

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    We study structural conditions in dense graphs that guarantee the existence of vertex-spanning substructures such as Hamilton cycles. It is easy to see that every Hamiltonian graph is connected, has a perfect fractional matching and, excluding the bipartite case, contains an odd cycle. Our main result in turn states that any large enough graph that robustly satisfies these properties must already be Hamiltonian. Moreover, the same holds for embedding powers of cycles and graphs of sublinear bandwidth subject to natural generalisations of connectivity, matchings and odd cycles. This solves the embedding problem that underlies multiple lines of research on sufficient conditions for Hamiltonicity in dense graphs. As applications, we recover and establish Bandwidth Theorems in a variety of settings including Ore-type degree conditions, P\'osa-type degree conditions, deficiency-type conditions, locally dense and inseparable graphs, multipartite graphs as well as robust expanders

    Resilient degree sequences with respect to Hamilton cycles and matchings in random graphs

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    P\'osa's theorem states that any graph GG whose degree sequence d1dnd_1 \le \ldots \le d_n satisfies dii+1d_i \ge i+1 for all i<n/2i < n/2 has a Hamilton cycle. This degree condition is best possible. We show that a similar result holds for suitable subgraphs GG of random graphs, i.e. we prove a `resilience version' of P\'osa's theorem: if pnClognpn \ge C \log n and the ii-th vertex degree (ordered increasingly) of GGn,pG \subseteq G_{n,p} is at least (i+o(n))p(i+o(n))p for all i<n/2i<n/2, then GG has a Hamilton cycle. This is essentially best possible and strengthens a resilience version of Dirac's theorem obtained by Lee and Sudakov. Chv\'atal's theorem generalises P\'osa's theorem and characterises all degree sequences which ensure the existence of a Hamilton cycle. We show that a natural guess for a resilience version of Chv\'atal's theorem fails to be true. We formulate a conjecture which would repair this guess, and show that the corresponding degree conditions ensure the existence of a perfect matching in any subgraph of Gn,pG_{n,p} which satisfies these conditions. This provides an asymptotic characterisation of all degree sequences which resiliently guarantee the existence of a perfect matching.Comment: To appear in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. This version corrects a couple of typo