39 research outputs found

    Optimal Quantization in Energy-Constrained Sensor Networks under Imperfect Transmission

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    This paper addresses the optimization of quantization at local sensors under strict energy constraint and imperfect transmission to improve the reconstruction performance at the fusion center in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We present optimized quantization scheme including the optimal quantization bit rate and the optimal transmission power allocation among quantization bits for BPSK signal and binary orthogonal signal with envelope detection, respectively. The optimization of the quantization is formulated as a convex problem and the optimal solution is derived analytically in both cases. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed quantization schemes

    Power Allocation for Distributed BLUE Estimation with Full and Limited Feedback of CSI

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    This paper investigates the problem of adaptive power allocation for distributed best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) of a random parameter at the fusion center (FC) of a wireless sensor network (WSN). An optimal power-allocation scheme is proposed that minimizes the L2L^2-norm of the vector of local transmit powers, given a maximum variance for the BLUE estimator. This scheme results in the increased lifetime of the WSN compared to similar approaches that are based on the minimization of the sum of the local transmit powers. The limitation of the proposed optimal power-allocation scheme is that it requires the feedback of the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) from the FC to local sensors, which is not practical in most applications of large-scale WSNs. In this paper, a limited-feedback strategy is proposed that eliminates this requirement by designing an optimal codebook for the FC using the generalized Lloyd algorithm with modified distortion metrics. Each sensor amplifies its analog noisy observation using a quantized version of its optimal amplification gain, which is received by the FC and used to estimate the unknown parameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear at the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 201

    Estimation Diversity and Energy Efficiency in Distributed Sensing

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    Distributed estimation based on measurements from multiple wireless sensors is investigated. It is assumed that a group of sensors observe the same quantity in independent additive observation noises with possibly different variances. The observations are transmitted using amplify-and-forward (analog) transmissions over non-ideal fading wireless channels from the sensors to a fusion center, where they are combined to generate an estimate of the observed quantity. Assuming that the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) is used by the fusion center, the equal-power transmission strategy is first discussed, where the system performance is analyzed by introducing the concept of estimation outage and estimation diversity, and it is shown that there is an achievable diversity gain on the order of the number of sensors. The optimal power allocation strategies are then considered for two cases: minimum distortion under power constraints; and minimum power under distortion constraints. In the first case, it is shown that by turning off bad sensors, i.e., sensors with bad channels and bad observation quality, adaptive power gain can be achieved without sacrificing diversity gain. Here, the adaptive power gain is similar to the array gain achieved in Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) multi-antenna systems when channel conditions are known to the transmitter. In the second case, the sum power is minimized under zero-outage estimation distortion constraint, and some related energy efficiency issues in sensor networks are discussed.Comment: To appear at IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Decentralized Estimation over Orthogonal Multiple-access Fading Channels in Wireless Sensor Networks - Optimal and Suboptimal Estimators

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    Optimal and suboptimal decentralized estimators in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) over orthogonal multiple-access fading channels are studied in this paper. Considering multiple-bit quantization before digital transmission, we develop maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) with both known and unknown channel state information (CSI). When training symbols are available, we derive a MLE that is a special case of the MLE with unknown CSI. It implicitly uses the training symbols to estimate the channel coefficients and exploits the estimated CSI in an optimal way. To reduce the computational complexity, we propose suboptimal estimators. These estimators exploit both signal and data level redundant information to improve the estimation performance. The proposed MLEs reduce to traditional fusion based or diversity based estimators when communications or observations are perfect. By introducing a general message function, the proposed estimators can be applied when various analog or digital transmission schemes are used. The simulations show that the estimators using digital communications with multiple-bit quantization outperform the estimator using analog-and-forwarding transmission in fading channels. When considering the total bandwidth and energy constraints, the MLE using multiple-bit quantization is superior to that using binary quantization at medium and high observation signal-to-noise ratio levels