107 research outputs found

    Near far resistant detection for CDMA personal communication systems.

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    The growth of Personal Communications, the keyword of the 90s, has already the signs of a technological revolution. The foundations of this revolution are currently set through the standardization of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), a communication system with synergistic terrestrial and satellite segments. The main characteristic of the UMTS radio interface, is the provision of ISDN services. Services with higher than voice data rates require more spectrum, thus techniques that utilize spectrum as efficiently as possible are currently at the forefront of the research community interests. Two of the most spectrally efficient multiple access technologies, namely. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) concentrate the efforts of the European telecommunity.This thesis addresses problems and. proposes solutions for CDMA systems that must comply with the UMTS requirements. Prompted by Viterbi's call for further extending the potential of CDMA through signal processing at the receiving end, we propose new Minimum Mean Square Error receiver architectures. MMSE detection schemes offer significant advantages compared to the conventional correlation based receivers as they are NEar FAr Resistant (NEFAR) over a wide range of interfering power levels. The NEFAR characteristic of these detectors reduces considerably the requirements of the power control loops currently found in commercial CDMA systems. MMSE detectors are also found, to have significant performance gains over other well established interference cancellation techniques like the decorrelating detector, especially in heavily loaded system conditions. The implementation architecture of MMSE receivers can be either Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) or Single-Input Single-Output. The later offers not only complexity that is comparable to the conventional detector, but also has the inherent advantage of employing adaptive algorithms which can be used to provide both the dispreading and the interference cancellation function, without the knowledge of the codes of interfering users. Furthermore, in multipath fading channels, adaptive MMSE detectors can exploit the multipath diversity acting as RAKE combiners. The later ability is distinctive to MMSE based receivers, and it is achieved in an autonomous fashion, without the knowledge of the multipath intensity profile. The communicator achieves its performance objectives by the synergy of the signal processor and the channel decoder. According to the propositions of this thesis, the form of the signal processor needs to be changed, in order to exploit the horizons of spread spectrum signaling. However, maximum likelihood channel decoding algorithms need not change. It is the way that these algorithms are utilized that needs to be revis ed. In this respect, we identify three major utilization scenarios and an attempt is made to quantify which of the three best matches the requirements of a UMTS oriented CDMA radio interface. Based on our findings, channel coding can be used as a mapping technique from the information bit to a more ''intelligent" chip, matching the ''intelligence" of the signal processor

    Burst-by-burst adaptive multiuser detection cdma: a framework for existing and future wireless standards

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    Power control in multimedia CDMA cellular networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.Wireless mobile communication is witnessing a rapid growth in, and demand for, improved technology and range of information types and services. Further, third generation cellular networks are expected to provide mobile users with ubiquitous wireless access to a global backbone architecture that carries a wide variety of electronic services. We examine the topic of power control and models that arc suitable for modem third generation wireless networks. CDMA technology is proving to be a promising and attractive approach for spectrally efficient, economical and high quality digital communications wireless networks. This thesis addresses the challenge of integrating heterogeneous transmitting sources with a broad range of Quality of Service characteristics in the cellular COMA networks. Provided the right power control can be devised, COMA offers the potential of extracting gain from the statistical multiplexing of such sources. A distributed power control algorithm is proposed which is required to update the transmitted power of the mobiles in each of the service classes locally. and enhance the performance of the system significantly. Algorithms for pragmatic issues like power level quantization and truncation of power are derived and incorporated into the proposed distributed power control algorithm

    Multi-carrier CDMA using convolutional coding and interference cancellation

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN016251 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Fiber-optic code division multiple access : multi-class optical orthogonal codes, optical power control, and polarization encoding

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    Ever since the mid- 1980s when the single-mode fiber-optic media were believed to become the main highways of future telecommunications networks for transporting high-volume high-quality multipurpose information, the need for all-optical multi-access networking became important. An all-optical multi-access network is a collection of multiple nodes where the interconnection among various nodes is via single- or multi-mode fiber optics and for which they perform all their essential signal processing requirements such as switching, add-drop, multiplexing/demultiplexing and amplification in the optical domain. Optical CDMA networking is one possible technique that allows multiple users in local area networks to access the same fiber channel asynchronously with no delay or scheduling. Optical CDMA networks are not without their own problems. Search for codes suitable to the optical domain is one of the important topics addressed in the literature on optical CDMA. Existing codes developed in the late 80's are limited to single class traffic or can support multiclass traffic but with restrictions on code lengths and weights. Also the number of generated codes is severely limited due to orthogonality issues. In this thesis, we pay particular attention to propose new codes that can support multiclass traffic with arbitrary code weights and lengths. Therefore, data sources with varying traffic demands can be accommodated by optical CDMA networks using the proposed codes. We also present a simple generation technique for the proposed multiclass codes and analyze their performance. The number of users supported by the proposed multiclass codes will be limited since it is an extension of existing code designs with such limitation. We then propose the use of polarization dimension in order to double the number of supported users. On the other hand, incoherent optical CDMA systems are considered as positive systems meaning that only unipolar codes can be considered for such systems. Therefore, multiple access interference will be quite high in optical CDMA due to the nature of incoherent power detection. Reducing the effect of the interference on the performance of optical CDMA is an important topic. We propose the use of power control to decrease the effects of interference in optical star networks in which users' fiber lengths and data rates are not equal. We consider the case of optically amplified network with amplifier noise as the main source. We then elaborate by considering the nonlinearity in the photodetection process and propose the use of an iterative algorithm to find the solution of the non-linear optical power control problem. Finally, we propose an optical CDMA system based on polarization encoding. Since the encoding is performed in the spatial domain, therefore, positive and negative levels can be realized. This approach leads to increasing the number of supported users of optical CDMA by the use of known codes, such as Gold and Hadamard codes, with enhanced performance.reviewe

    Multi-carrier transmission techniques toward flexible and efficient wireless communication systems

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2562号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新470

    Techniques in secure chaos communication

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    In today's climate of increased criminal attacks on the privacy of personal or confidential data over digital communication systems, a more secure physical communication link is required. Chaotic signals which have bifurcation behavior (depending on some initial condition) can readily be exploited to enhance the security of communication systems. A chaotic generator produces disordered sequences that provide very good auto- and cross- correlation properties similar to those of random white noise. This would be an important feature in multiple access environments. These sequences are used to scramble data in spread spectrum systems as they can produce low co-channel interference, hence improve the system capacity and performance. The chaotic signal can be created from only a single mathematical relationship and is neither restricted in length nor is repetitive/ cyclic. On the other hand, with the progress in digital signal processing and digital hardware, there has been an increased interest in using adaptive algorithms to improve the performance of digital systems. Adaptive algorithms provide the system with the ability to self-adjust its coefficients according to the signal condition, and can be used with linear or non-linear systems; hence, they might find application in chaos communication. There has been a lot of literature that proposed the use of LMS adaptive algorithm in the communication arena for a variety of applications such as (but not limited to): channel estimation, channel equalization, demodulation, de-noising, and beamforming. In this thesis, we conducted a study on the application of chaos theory in communication systems as well as the application of adaptive algorithms in chaos communication. The First Part of the thesis tackled the application of chaos theory in com- munication. We examined different types of communication techniques utilizing chaos theory. In particular, we considered chaos shift keying (CSK) and mod- ified kind of logistic map. Then, we applied space-time processing and eigen- beamforming technique to enhance the performance of chaos communication. Following on, we conducted a study on CSK and Chaos-CDMA in conjunction with multi-carrier modulation (MCM) techniques such as OFDM (FFT/ IFFT) and wavelet-OFDM. In the Second Part of the thesis, we tried to apply adaptivity to chaos com- munication. Initially, we presented a study of multi-user detection utilizing an adaptive algorithm in a chaotic CDMA multi-user environment, followed by a study of adaptive beamforming and modified weight-vector adaptive beam- forming over CSK communication. At last, a study of modified time-varying adaptive filtering is presented and a conventional adaptive filtering technique is applied in chaotic signal environment. Twelve papers have been published during the PhD candidature, include two journal papers and ten refereed conference papers

    A new vision of software defined radio: from academic experimentation to industrial explotation

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    The broad objective of this study is to examine the role of Software Defined Radio in an industrial field. Basically examines the changes that have to be done to achieve moving this technology in a commercial domain. It is important to predict the impacts of the introduction of Software Defined Radio in the telecommunications industry because it is a real future that is coming. The project starts with the evolution of mobile telecommunications systems through the history. Following this, Software Defined Radio is defined and its main features are commented such as its architecture. Moreover, it wants to predict the changes that the telecommunications industry will might suffer with the introduction of SDR and some future structural and organizational variations are suggested. Additionally, it is discussed the positive and negative aspects of the introduction of SDR in the commercial domain from different points of view and finally, the future SDR mobile phone is described with its possible hardware and software.Outgoin

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest