134,675 research outputs found

    Extremal Trigonometrical and Power Polynomials of Several Variables

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    We consider the set of the power non-negative polynomials of several variables and its subset that consists of polynomials which can be represented as a sum of squares. It is shown in the classic work by D.Hilbert that it is a proper subset. Both sets are convex. In our paper we have made an attempt to work out a general approach to the investigation of the extremal elements of these convex sets. We also consider the class of non-negative rational functions. The article is based on the following methods: 1.We investigate non-negative trigonometrical polynomials and then with the help of the Calderon transformation we proceed to the power polynomials. 2.The way of constructing support hyperplanes to the convex sets is given in the paper

    Zonal polynomials via Stanley's coordinates and free cumulants

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    We study zonal characters which are defined as suitably normalized coefficients in the expansion of zonal polynomials in terms of power-sum symmetric functions. We show that the zonal characters, just like the characters of the symmetric groups, admit a nice combinatorial description in terms of Stanley's multirectangular coordinates of Young diagrams. We also study the analogue of Kerov polynomials, namely we express the zonal characters as polynomials in free cumulants and we give an explicit combinatorial interpretation of their coefficients. In this way, we prove two recent conjectures of Lassalle for Jack polynomials in the special case of zonal polynomials.Comment: 45 pages, second version, important change

    A probabilistic interpretation of the Macdonald polynomials

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    The two-parameter Macdonald polynomials are a central object of algebraic combinatorics and representation theory. We give a Markov chain on partitions of k with eigenfunctions the coefficients of the Macdonald polynomials when expanded in the power sum polynomials. The Markov chain has stationary distribution a new two-parameter family of measures on partitions, the inverse of the Macdonald weight (rescaled). The uniform distribution on permutations and the Ewens sampling formula are special cases. The Markov chain is a version of the auxiliary variables algorithm of statistical physics. Properties of the Macdonald polynomials allow a sharp analysis of the running time. In natural cases, a bounded number of steps suffice for arbitrarily large k
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