1,278 research outputs found

    Power Control in Two-Tier Femtocell Networks

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    In a two tier cellular network -- comprised of a central macrocell underlaid with shorter range femtocell hotspots -- cross-tier interference limits overall capacity with universal frequency reuse. To quantify near-far effects with universal frequency reuse, this paper derives a fundamental relation providing the largest feasible cellular Signal-to-Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio (SINR), given any set of feasible femtocell SINRs. We provide a link budget analysis which enables simple and accurate performance insights in a two-tier network. A distributed utility-based SINR adaptation at femtocells is proposed in order to alleviate cross-tier interference at the macrocell from cochannel femtocells. The Foschini-Miljanic (FM) algorithm is a special case of the adaptation. Each femtocell maximizes their individual utility consisting of a SINR based reward less an incurred cost (interference to the macrocell). Numerical results show greater than 30% improvement in mean femtocell SINRs relative to FM. In the event that cross-tier interference prevents a cellular user from obtaining its SINR target, an algorithm is proposed that reduces transmission powers of the strongest femtocell interferers. The algorithm ensures that a cellular user achieves its SINR target even with 100 femtocells/cell-site, and requires a worst case SINR reduction of only 16% at femtocells. These results motivate design of power control schemes requiring minimal network overhead in two-tier networks with shared spectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Revised and resubmitted to the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Integration of TV White Space and Femtocell Networks.

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    PhDFemtocell is an effective approach to increase system capacity in cellular networks. Since traditional Femtocells use the same frequency band as the cellular network, cross-tier and co-tier interference exist in such Femtocell networks and have a major impact on deteriorating the system throughput. In order to tackle these challenges, interference mitigation has drawn attentions from both academia and industry. TV White Space (TVWS) is a newly opened portion of spectrum, which comes from the spare spectrum created by the transition from analogue TV to digital TV. It can be utilized by using cognitive radio technology according to the policies from telecommunications regulators. This thesis considers using locally available TVWS to reduce the interference in Femtocell networks. The objective of this research is to mitigate the downlink cross-tier and co-tier interference in different Femtocell deployment scenarios, and increase the throughput of the overall system. A Geo-location database model to obtain locally available TVWS information in UK is developed in this research. The database is designed using power control method to calculate available TVWS channels and maximum allowable transmit power based on digital TV transmitter information in UK and regulations on unlicensed use of TVWS. The proposed database model is firstly combined with a grid-based resource allocation scheme and investigated in a simplified Femtocell network to demonstrate the gains of using TVWS in Femtocell networks. Furthermore, two Femtocell deployment scenarios are studied in this research. In the suburban Femtocell deployment scenario, a novel system architecture that consists of the Geo-location database and a resource allocation scheme using TVWS is proposed to mitigate cross-tier interference between Macrocell and Femtocells. In the dense Femtocell deployment scenario, a power efficient resource allocation scheme is proposed to maximize the throughput of Femtocells while limiting the co-tier interference among Femtocells. The optimization problem in the power efficient scheme is solved by using sequential quadratic programming method. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes can effectively mitigate the interference in Femtocell networks in practical deployment scenarios

    Price-Based Resource Allocation for Spectrum-Sharing Femtocell Networks: A Stackelberg Game Approach

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    This paper investigates the price-based resource allocation strategies for the uplink transmission of a spectrum-sharing femtocell network, in which a central macrocell is underlaid with distributed femtocells, all operating over the same frequency band as the macrocell. Assuming that the macrocell base station (MBS) protects itself by pricing the interference from the femtocell users, a Stackelberg game is formulated to study the joint utility maximization of the macrocell and the femtocells subject to a maximum tolerable interference power constraint at the MBS. Especially, two practical femtocell channel models: sparsely deployed scenario for rural areas and densely deployed scenario for urban areas, are investigated. For each scenario, two pricing schemes: uniform pricing and non-uniform pricing, are proposed. Then, the Stackelberg equilibriums for these proposed games are studied, and an effective distributed interference price bargaining algorithm with guaranteed convergence is proposed for the uniform-pricing case. Finally, numerical examples are presented to verify the proposed studies. It is shown that the proposed algorithms are effective in resource allocation and macrocell protection requiring minimal network overhead for spectrum-sharing-based two-tier femtocell networks.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to JSA

    Open vs Closed Access Femtocells in the Uplink

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    Femtocells are assuming an increasingly important role in the coverage and capacity of cellular networks. In contrast to existing cellular systems, femtocells are end-user deployed and controlled, randomly located, and rely on third party backhaul (e.g. DSL or cable modem). Femtocells can be configured to be either open access or closed access. Open access allows an arbitrary nearby cellular user to use the femtocell, whereas closed access restricts the use of the femtocell to users explicitly approved by the owner. Seemingly, the network operator would prefer an open access deployment since this provides an inexpensive way to expand their network capabilities, whereas the femtocell owner would prefer closed access, in order to keep the femtocell's capacity and backhaul to himself. We show mathematically and through simulations that the reality is more complicated for both parties, and that the best approach depends heavily on whether the multiple access scheme is orthogonal (TDMA or OFDMA, per subband) or non-orthogonal (CDMA). In a TDMA/OFDMA network, closed-access is typically preferable at high user densities, whereas in CDMA, open access can provide gains of more than 200% for the home user by reducing the near-far problem experienced by the femtocell. The results of this paper suggest that the interests of the femtocell owner and the network operator are more compatible than typically believed, and that CDMA femtocells should be configured for open access whereas OFDMA or TDMA femtocells should adapt to the cellular user density.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Coalitional Games with Overlapping Coalitions for Interference Management in Small Cell Networks

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    In this paper, we study the problem of cooperative interference management in an OFDMA two-tier small cell network. In particular, we propose a novel approach for allowing the small cells to cooperate, so as to optimize their sum-rate, while cooperatively satisfying their maximum transmit power constraints. Unlike existing work which assumes that only disjoint groups of cooperative small cells can emerge, we formulate the small cells' cooperation problem as a coalition formation game with overlapping coalitions. In this game, each small cell base station can choose to participate in one or more cooperative groups (or coalitions) simultaneously, so as to optimize the tradeoff between the benefits and costs associated with cooperation. We study the properties of the proposed overlapping coalition formation game and we show that it exhibits negative externalities due to interference. Then, we propose a novel decentralized algorithm that allows the small cell base stations to interact and self-organize into a stable overlapping coalitional structure. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm results in a notable performance advantage in terms of the total system sum-rate, relative to the noncooperative case and the classical algorithms for coalitional games with non-overlapping coalitions