14 research outputs found

    Efficient and Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Blockchain Confidential Transaction Protocols

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    We propose new zero-knowledge proofs for efficient and post-quantum ring confidential transaction (RingCT) protocols based on lattice assumptions in Blockchain systems. First, we introduce an inner-product based linear equation satisfiability approach for balance proofs with a wide range (e.g. 64-bit precision). Unlike existing balance proofs that require additional proofs for some \u27\u27corrector values\u27\u27 [CCS\u2719], our approach avoids the corrector values for better efficiency. Furthermore, we design a ring signature scheme to efficiently hide a user\u27s identity in large anonymity sets. Different from existing approaches that adopt a one-out-of-many proof [CCS\u2719, Crypto\u2719], we show that a linear sum proof suffices in ring signatures which could avoid the costly binary proof part. We further use the idea of \u27\u27unbalanced\u27\u27 relations to build a logarithmic-size ring signature scheme. Finally, we show how to adopt these techniques in RingCT protocols and implement a prototype to compare the performance with existing approaches. The results show our solutions can reduce about 25% proof size of Crypto\u2719, and up to 70% proof size, 30% proving time, and 20% verification time of CCS\u2719. We also believe our techniques are of independent interest for other privacy-preserving applications such as secure e-voting and are applicable in a generic setting

    MatRiCT: Efficient, Scalable and Post-Quantum Blockchain Confidential Transactions Protocol

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    We introduce MatRiCT, an efficient RingCT protocol for blockchain confidential transactions, whose security is based on ``post-quantum\u27\u27 (module) lattice assumptions. The proof length of the protocol is around two orders of magnitude shorter than the existing post-quantum proposal, and scales efficiently to large anonymity sets, unlike the existing proposal. Further, we provide the first full implementation of a post-quantum RingCT, demonstrating the practicality of our scheme. In particular, a typical transaction can be generated in a fraction of a second and verified in about 23 ms on a standard PC. Moreover, we show how our scheme can be extended to provide auditability, where a user can select a particular authority from a set of authorities to reveal her identity. The user also has the ability to select no auditing and all these auditing options may co-exist in the same environment. The key ingredients, introduced in this work, of MatRiCT are 1) the shortest to date scalable ring signature from standard lattice assumptions with no Gaussian sampling required, 2) a novel balance zero-knowledge proof and 3) a novel extractable commitment scheme from (module) lattices. We believe these ingredients to be of independent interest for other privacy-preserving applications such as secure e-voting. Despite allowing 64-bit precision for transaction amounts, our new balance proof, and thus our protocol, does not require a range proof on a wide range (such as 32- or 64-bit ranges), which has been a major obstacle against efficient lattice-based solutions. Further, we provide new formal definitions for RingCT-like protocols, where the real-world blockchain setting is captured more closely. The definitions are applicable in a generic setting, and thus are believed to contribute to the development of future confidential transaction protocols in general (not only in the lattice setting)

    Towards Practical Lattice-Based One-Time Linkable Ring Signatures

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    Ring signatures, as introduced by Rivest, Shamir, and Tauman (Asiacrypt ’01), allow to generate a signature for a message on be half of an ad-hoc set of parties. To sign a message, only the public keys must be known and these can be generated independently. It is furthermore not possible to identify the actual signer based on the signature. Ring signatures have recently gained attention due to their applicability in the construction of practical anonymous cryptocurrencies, where they are used to secure transactions while hiding the identity of the actual spender. To be applicable in that setting, ring signatures must allow to determine when a party signed multiple transactions, which is done using a property called linkability. This work presents a linkable ring signature scheme constructed from a lattice-based collision-resistant hash function. We follow the idea of existing schemes which are secure based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem, but adapt and optimize ours to the lattice setting. In comparison to other designs for (lattice-based) linkable ring signatures, our approach avoids the standard solution for achieving linkability, which involves proofs about correct evaluation of a pseudorandom function using heavy zero-knowledge machinery

    (Linkable) Ring Signature from Hash-Then-One-Way Signature

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    In this paper, we revisit the generic construction of ring signatures from hash-then-one-way type (Type−H\mathsf{Type-H}) signatures proposed by Abe et al. (AOS) in 2004 and made the following contributions. First, we give a proof for the generic construction, in a strengthened security model. Previously, this was only done for concrete instantiations, in a weaker model. Second, we extend AOS\u27s framework to generically construct one-time linkable ring signatures from Type−H\mathsf{Type-H} signatures and one-time signatures. Lastly, we instantiate the generic construction with an NTRU-based Type−H\mathsf{Type-H} signature: Falcon~and obtain a post-quantum linkable ring signature scheme. Our analysis shows that the resulting linkable signature is more efficient than any existing lattice based solutions for small to moderate number of users

    Efficient Set Membership Proofs using MPC-in-the-Head

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    Set membership proofs are an invaluable part of privacy preserving systems. These proofs allow a prover to demonstrate knowledge of a witness ww corresponding to a secret element xx of a public set, such that they jointly satisfy a given NP relation, {\em i.e.} R(w,x)=1\mathcal{R}(w,x)=1 and xx is a member of a public set {x1,…,xℓ}\{x_1, \ldots, x_\ell\}. This allows the identity of the prover to remain hidden, eg. ring signatures and confidential transactions in cryptocurrencies. In this work, we develop a new technique for efficiently adding logarithmic-sized set membership proofs to any MPC-in-the-head based zero-knowledge protocol (Ishai et al. [STOC\u2707]). We integrate our technique into an open source implementation of the state-of-the-art, post quantum secure zero-knowledge protocol of Katz et al. [CCS\u2718]. We find that using our techniques to construct ring signatures results in signatures (based only on symmetric key primitives) that are between 5 and 10 times smaller than state-of-the-art techniques based on the same assumptions. We also show that our techniques can be used to efficiently construct post-quantum secure RingCT from only symmetric key primitives

    Ring Signature from Bonsai Tree: How to Preserve the Long-Term Anonymity

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    Signer-anonymity is the central feature of ring signatures, which enable a user to sign messages on behalf of an arbitrary set of users, called the ring, without revealing exactly which member of the ring actually generated the signature. Strong and long-term signer-anonymity is a reassuring guarantee for users who are hesitant to leak a secret, especially if the consequences of identification are dire in certain scenarios such as whistleblowing. The notion of \textit{unconditional anonymity}, which protects signer-anonymity even against an infinitely powerful adversary, is considered for ring signatures that aim to achieve long-term signer-anonymity. However, the existing lattice-based works that consider the unconditional anonymity notion did not strictly capture the security requirements imposed in practice, this leads to a realistic attack on signer-anonymity. In this paper, we present a realistic attack on the unconditional anonymity of ring signatures, and formalize the unconditional anonymity model to strictly capture it. We then propose a lattice-based ring signature construction with unconditional anonymity by leveraging bonsai tree mechanism. Finally, we prove the security in the standard model and demonstrate the unconditional anonymity through both theoretical proof and practical experiments

    Raptor: A Practical Lattice-Based (Linkable) Ring Signature

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    We present Raptor, the first practical lattice-based (linkable) ring signature scheme with implementation. Raptor is as fast as classical solutions; while the size of the signature is roughly 1.31.3 KB per user. Prior to our work, all existing lattice-based solutions are analogues of their discrete-log or pairing-based counterparts. We develop a generic construction of (linkable) ring signatures based on the well-known generic construction from Rivest et al., which is not fully compatible with lattices. We show that our generic construction is provably secure in random oracle model. We also give instantiations from both standard lattice, as a proof of concept, and NTRU lattice, as an efficient instantiation. We showed that the latter construction, called Raptor, is almost as efficient as the classical RST ring signatures and thus may be of practical interest

    Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature in the Standard Model

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    Ring signatures enable a user to sign messages on behalf of an arbitrary set of users, called the ring. The anonymity property guarantees that the signature does not reveal which member of the ring signed the message. The notion of linkable ring signatures (LRS) is an extension of the concept of ring signatures such that there is a public way of determining whether two signatures have been produced by the same signer. Lattice-based LRS is an important and active research line since lattice-based cryptography has attracted more attention due to its distinctive features, especially the quantum-resistant. However, all the existing lattice-based LRS relied on random oracle heuristics, i.e., no lattice-based LRS in the standard model has been introduced so far. In this paper, we present a lattice-based LRS scheme in the standard model. Toward our goal, we present a lattice basis extending algorithm which is the key ingredient in our construction, that may be of indepen- dent interes

    Threshold Ring Signature Scheme from Cryptographic Group Actions

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