8 research outputs found

    A Pragmatic Look at Deep Imitation Learning

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    The introduction of the generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) algorithm has spurred the development of scalable imitation learning approaches using deep neural networks. Many of the algorithms that followed used a similar procedure, combining on-policy actor-critic algorithms with inverse reinforcement learning. More recently there have been an even larger breadth of approaches, most of which use off-policy algorithms. However, with the breadth of algorithms, everything from datasets to base reinforcement learning algorithms to evaluation settings can vary, making it difficult to fairly compare them. In this work we re-implement 6 different IL algorithms, updating 3 of them to be off-policy, base them on a common off-policy algorithm (SAC), and evaluate them on a widely-used expert trajectory dataset (D4RL) for the most common benchmark (MuJoCo). After giving all algorithms the same hyperparameter optimisation budget, we compare their results for a range of expert trajectories. In summary, GAIL, with all of its improvements, consistently performs well across a range of sample sizes, AdRIL is a simple contender that performs well with one important hyperparameter to tune, and behavioural cloning remains a strong baseline when data is more plentiful.Comment: Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 202

    Contrastive Example-Based Control

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    While many real-world problems that might benefit from reinforcement learning, these problems rarely fit into the MDP mold: interacting with the environment is often expensive and specifying reward functions is challenging. Motivated by these challenges, prior work has developed data-driven approaches that learn entirely from samples from the transition dynamics and examples of high-return states. These methods typically learn a reward function from high-return states, use that reward function to label the transitions, and then apply an offline RL algorithm to these transitions. While these methods can achieve good results on many tasks, they can be complex, often requiring regularization and temporal difference updates. In this paper, we propose a method for offline, example-based control that learns an implicit model of multi-step transitions, rather than a reward function. We show that this implicit model can represent the Q-values for the example-based control problem. Across a range of state-based and image-based offline control tasks, our method outperforms baselines that use learned reward functions; additional experiments demonstrate improved robustness and scaling with dataset size.Comment: This is an updated version of a manuscript that originally appeared at L4DC 2023. The project website is here https://sites.google.com/view/laeo-r

    BC-IRL: Learning Generalizable Reward Functions from Demonstrations

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    How well do reward functions learned with inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) generalize? We illustrate that state-of-the-art IRL algorithms, which maximize a maximum-entropy objective, learn rewards that overfit to the demonstrations. Such rewards struggle to provide meaningful rewards for states not covered by the demonstrations, a major detriment when using the reward to learn policies in new situations. We introduce BC-IRL a new inverse reinforcement learning method that learns reward functions that generalize better when compared to maximum-entropy IRL approaches. In contrast to the MaxEnt framework, which learns to maximize rewards around demonstrations, BC-IRL updates reward parameters such that the policy trained with the new reward matches the expert demonstrations better. We show that BC-IRL learns rewards that generalize better on an illustrative simple task and two continuous robotic control tasks, achieving over twice the success rate of baselines in challenging generalization settings

    A Simple Solution for Offline Imitation from Observations and Examples with Possibly Incomplete Trajectories

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    Offline imitation from observations aims to solve MDPs where only task-specific expert states and task-agnostic non-expert state-action pairs are available. Offline imitation is useful in real-world scenarios where arbitrary interactions are costly and expert actions are unavailable. The state-of-the-art "DIstribution Correction Estimation" (DICE) methods minimize divergence of state occupancy between expert and learner policies and retrieve a policy with weighted behavior cloning; however, their results are unstable when learning from incomplete trajectories, due to a non-robust optimization in the dual domain. To address the issue, in this paper, we propose Trajectory-Aware Imitation Learning from Observations (TAILO). TAILO uses a discounted sum along the future trajectory as the weight for weighted behavior cloning. The terms for the sum are scaled by the output of a discriminator, which aims to identify expert states. Despite simplicity, TAILO works well if there exist trajectories or segments of expert behavior in the task-agnostic data, a common assumption in prior work. In experiments across multiple testbeds, we find TAILO to be more robust and effective, particularly with incomplete trajectories.Comment: 35 pages; Accepted as a poster for NeurIPS202

    Lipschitzness Is All You Need To Tame Off-policy Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

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    Despite the recent success of reinforcement learning in various domains, these approaches remain, for the most part, deterringly sensitive to hyper-parameters and are often riddled with essential engineering feats allowing their success. We consider the case of off-policy generative adversarial imitation learning, and perform an in-depth review, qualitative and quantitative, of the method. We show that forcing the learned reward function to be local Lipschitz-continuous is a sine qua non condition for the method to perform well. We then study the effects of this necessary condition and provide several theoretical results involving the local Lipschitzness of the state-value function. We complement these guarantees with empirical evidence attesting to the strong positive effect that the consistent satisfaction of the Lipschitzness constraint on the reward has on imitation performance. Finally, we tackle a generic pessimistic reward preconditioning add-on spawning a large class of reward shaping methods, which makes the base method it is plugged into provably more robust, as shown in several additional theoretical guarantees. We then discuss these through a fine-grained lens and share our insights. Crucially, the guarantees derived and reported in this work are valid for any reward satisfying the Lipschitzness condition, nothing is specific to imitation. As such, these may be of independent interest