7 research outputs found

    Iterative Prototyping of Urban CoBuilder: Tracking Methods and User Interface of an Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for Co‐Designing

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    This research presents results from a study developing a smartphone app, UrbanCoBuilder, in which citizens can collaboratively create designs for urban environments usingaugmented reality technology and game mechanics. Eight prototypes were developed to refineselected design criteria, including tracking strategies, design elements, user experience and theinterface with game mechanics. The prototypes were developed through an iterative design processwith assessments and incremental improvements. The tracking was especially challenging andusing multiple bitonal markers combined with the smartphone’s gyroscope sensor to average theuser position was identified as the most suitable strategy. Still, portability and stability linked totracking need to be improved. Design elements, here building blocks with urban functions textures,were realistic enough to be recognizable and easy to understand for the users. Future studies willfocus on usability tests with larger user groups

    Facade Proposals for Urban Augmented Reality

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    International audienceWe introduce a novel object proposals method specific to building facades. We define new image cues that measure typical facadecharacteristics such as semantic, symmetry and repetitions. They are combined to generate a few facade candidates in urban environments fast. We show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art object proposals techniques for this task on the 1000 images of the Zurich Building Database. We demonstrate the interest of this procedure for augmented reality through facade recognition and camera pose initialization. In a very time-efficient pipeline we classify the candidates and match them to a facade references database using CNN-based descriptors. We prove that this approach is more robust to severe changes of viewpoint and occlusions than standard object recognition methods

    Robust building identification from street views using deep convolutional neural networks

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    Street view imagery (SVI) is a rich source of information for architectural and urban analysis using computer vision techniques, but its integration with other building-level data sources requires an additional step of visual building identification. This step is particularly challenging in architecturally homogeneous, dense residential streets featuring narrow buildings, due to a combination of SVI geolocation errors and occlusions that significantly increase the risk of confusing a building with its neighboring buildings. This paper introduces a robust deep learning-based method to identify buildings across multiple street views taken at different angles and times, using global optimization to correct the position and orientation of street view panoramas relative to their surrounding building footprints. Evaluating the method on a dataset of 2000 street views shows that its identification accuracy (88%) outperforms previous deep learning-based methods (79%), while methods solely relying on geometric parameters correctly show the intended building less than 50% of the time. These results indicate that previous identification methods lack robustness to panorama pose errors when buildings are narrow, densely packed, and subject to occlusions, while collecting multiple views per building can be leveraged to increase the robustness of visual identification by ensuring that building views are consistent

    Staging urban emergence through collective creativity: Devising an outdoor mobile augmented reality tool

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    The unpredictability of global geopolitical conflicts, economic trends, and impacts of climate change, coupled with an increasing urban population, necessitates a more profound commitment to resilience thinking in urban planning and design. In contrast to top-down planning and designing for sustainability, allowing for emergence to take place seems to contribute to a capacity to better deal with this complex unpredictability, by allowing incremental changes through bottom-up, self-organized adaptation made by diverse actors in the proximity of various social, economical and functional entities in the urban context.The present thesis looks into the processes of creating urban emergence from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The theoretical section of the thesis first looks into the relationship between the processes and the qualities of a compact city. The Japanese city of Tokyo is used as an example of a resilient compact city that continuously emerges through incremental micro-adaptations by individual actors guided by urban rules that ‘let it happen’ without much central control or top-down design of the individual outcomes. The thesis then connects such rule-based emergent processes and the qualities of a compact city to complex adaptive system’s (CAS) theory, emphasizing the value of incremental and individual multiple-stakeholder input. The latter part of the thesis focuses on how to create a platform that can combine the bottom-up, emergent, rule-based planning approaches, and collective creativity based on individual participation and input from the public. This section is dedicated to developing a tool for a collaborative urban design using outdoor mobile augmented reality (MAR) by research-through-design method.The thesis thus has three parts addressing the topics: 1. urban planning processes and resulting urban qualities concerning compact city – i.e., density and diversity; 2. the processes of urban emergence, which generates complexity that renders urban resilience from the urban planning theory perspective; 3. developing a tool for non-expert citizens and other stakeholders to design and visualize an urban neighborhood by simulating the rule-based urban emergence using outdoor MAR. The results include a proposal for a complementary hybrid planning approaches that might approximate the CAS in urban systems with qualities that contribute to urban resiliency. Thereafter, the results describe specifications and design criteria for a tool as a public collaborative design platform using outdoor MAR to promote public participation: Urban CoBuilder. The processes of developing and prototyping such a tool to test various urban concepts concerning identified adaptive urban planning approaches are also presented with an assessment of the MAR tool based on focus group user tests. Future studies need to better include the potential of crowdsourcing public creativity through mass participation using the collaborative design tool and actual integration of these participatory design results in urban policies

    Positioning, tracking and mapping for outdoor augmentation

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    10.1109/ISMAR.2010.56435679th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2010: Science and Technology, ISMAR 2010 - Proceedings175-18