977 research outputs found

    Holistic Guidance for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    In real-world video surveillance applications, person re-identification (ReID) suffers from the effects of occlusions and detection errors. Despite recent advances, occlusions continue to corrupt the features extracted by state-of-art CNN backbones, and thereby deteriorate the accuracy of ReID systems. To address this issue, methods in the literature use an additional costly process such as pose estimation, where pose maps provide supervision to exclude occluded regions. In contrast, we introduce a novel Holistic Guidance (HG) method that relies only on person identity labels, and on the distribution of pairwise matching distances of datasets to alleviate the problem of occlusion, without requiring additional supervision. Hence, our proposed student-teacher framework is trained to address the occlusion problem by matching the distributions of between- and within-class distances (DCDs) of occluded samples with that of holistic (non-occluded) samples, thereby using the latter as a soft labeled reference to learn well separated DCDs. This approach is supported by our empirical study where the distribution of between- and within-class distances between images have more overlap in occluded than holistic datasets. In particular, features extracted from both datasets are jointly learned using the student model to produce an attention map that allows separating visible regions from occluded ones. In addition to this, a joint generative-discriminative backbone is trained with a denoising autoencoder, allowing the system to self-recover from occlusions. Extensive experiments on several challenging public datasets indicate that the proposed approach can outperform state-of-the-art methods on both occluded and holistic datasetsComment: 10 page

    Body Part-Based Representation Learning for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    Occluded person re-identification (ReID) is a person retrieval task which aims at matching occluded person images with holistic ones. For addressing occluded ReID, part-based methods have been shown beneficial as they offer fine-grained information and are well suited to represent partially visible human bodies. However, training a part-based model is a challenging task for two reasons. Firstly, individual body part appearance is not as discriminative as global appearance (two distinct IDs might have the same local appearance), this means standard ReID training objectives using identity labels are not adapted to local feature learning. Secondly, ReID datasets are not provided with human topographical annotations. In this work, we propose BPBreID, a body part-based ReID model for solving the above issues. We first design two modules for predicting body part attention maps and producing body part-based features of the ReID target. We then propose GiLt, a novel training scheme for learning part-based representations that is robust to occlusions and non-discriminative local appearance. Extensive experiments on popular holistic and occluded datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 0.7% mAP and 5.6% rank-1 accuracy on the challenging Occluded-Duke dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/VlSomers/bpbreid

    DROP: Decouple Re-Identification and Human Parsing with Task-specific Features for Occluded Person Re-identification

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    The paper introduces the Decouple Re-identificatiOn and human Parsing (DROP) method for occluded person re-identification (ReID). Unlike mainstream approaches using global features for simultaneous multi-task learning of ReID and human parsing, or relying on semantic information for attention guidance, DROP argues that the inferior performance of the former is due to distinct granularity requirements for ReID and human parsing features. ReID focuses on instance part-level differences between pedestrian parts, while human parsing centers on semantic spatial context, reflecting the internal structure of the human body. To address this, DROP decouples features for ReID and human parsing, proposing detail-preserving upsampling to combine varying resolution feature maps. Parsing-specific features for human parsing are decoupled, and human position information is exclusively added to the human parsing branch. In the ReID branch, a part-aware compactness loss is introduced to enhance instance-level part differences. Experimental results highlight the efficacy of DROP, especially achieving a Rank-1 accuracy of 76.8% on Occluded-Duke, surpassing two mainstream methods. The codebase is accessible at https://github.com/shuguang-52/DROP

    Dynamic Prototype Mask for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    Although person re-identification has achieved an impressive improvement in recent years, the common occlusion case caused by different obstacles is still an unsettled issue in real application scenarios. Existing methods mainly address this issue by employing body clues provided by an extra network to distinguish the visible part. Nevertheless, the inevitable domain gap between the assistant model and the ReID datasets has highly increased the difficulty to obtain an effective and efficient model. To escape from the extra pre-trained networks and achieve an automatic alignment in an end-to-end trainable network, we propose a novel Dynamic Prototype Mask (DPM) based on two self-evident prior knowledge. Specifically, we first devise a Hierarchical Mask Generator which utilizes the hierarchical semantic to select the visible pattern space between the high-quality holistic prototype and the feature representation of the occluded input image. Under this condition, the occluded representation could be well aligned in a selected subspace spontaneously. Then, to enrich the feature representation of the high-quality holistic prototype and provide a more complete feature space, we introduce a Head Enrich Module to encourage different heads to aggregate different patterns representation in the whole image. Extensive experimental evaluations conducted on occluded and holistic person re-identification benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of the DPM over the state-of-the-art methods. The code is released at https://github.com/stone96123/DPM.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 202

    Dynamic Feature Pruning and Consolidation for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    Occluded person re-identification (ReID) is a challenging problem due to contamination from occluders, and existing approaches address the issue with prior knowledge cues, eg human body key points, semantic segmentations and etc, which easily fails in the presents of heavy occlusion and other humans as occluders. In this paper, we propose a feature pruning and consolidation (FPC) framework to circumvent explicit human structure parse, which mainly consists of a sparse encoder, a global and local feature ranking module, and a feature consolidation decoder. Specifically, the sparse encoder drops less important image tokens (mostly related to background noise and occluders) solely according to correlation within the class token attention instead of relying on prior human shape information. Subsequently, the ranking stage relies on the preserved tokens produced by the sparse encoder to identify k-nearest neighbors from a pre-trained gallery memory by measuring the image and patch-level combined similarity. Finally, we use the feature consolidation module to compensate pruned features using identified neighbors for recovering essential information while disregarding disturbance from noise and occlusion. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework on occluded, partial and holistic Re-ID datasets. In particular, our method outperforms state-of-the-art results by at least 8.6% mAP and 6.0% Rank-1 accuracy on the challenging Occluded-Duke dataset.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure