17 research outputs found

    Popular matchings in the marriage and roommates problems

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    Popular matchings have recently been a subject of study in the context of the so-called House Allocation Problem, where the objective is to match applicants to houses over which the applicants have preferences. A matching M is called popular if there is no other matching M′ with the property that more applicants prefer their allocation in M′ to their allocation in M. In this paper we study popular matchings in the context of the Roommates Problem, including its special (bipartite) case, the Marriage Problem. We investigate the relationship between popularity and stability, and describe efficient algorithms to test a matching for popularity in these settings. We also show that, when ties are permitted in the preferences, it is NP-hard to determine whether a popular matching exists in both the Roommates and Marriage cases

    Popular Matchings in Complete Graphs

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    Our input is a complete graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) on nn vertices where each vertex has a strict ranking of all other vertices in GG. Our goal is to construct a matching in GG that is popular. A matching MM is popular if MM does not lose a head-to-head election against any matching M′M', where each vertex casts a vote for the matching in {M,M′}\{M,M'\} where it gets assigned a better partner. The popular matching problem is to decide whether a popular matching exists or not. The popular matching problem in GG is easy to solve for odd nn. Surprisingly, the problem becomes NP-hard for even nn, as we show here.Comment: Appeared at FSTTCS 201

    Popular matchings with two-sided preferences and one-sided ties

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    We are given a bipartite graph G=(A∪B,E)G = (A \cup B, E) where each vertex has a preference list ranking its neighbors: in particular, every a∈Aa \in A ranks its neighbors in a strict order of preference, whereas the preference lists of b∈Bb \in B may contain ties. A matching MM is popular if there is no matching M′M' such that the number of vertices that prefer M′M' to MM exceeds the number of vertices that prefer MM to~M′M'. We show that the problem of deciding whether GG admits a popular matching or not is NP-hard. This is the case even when every b∈Bb \in B either has a strict preference list or puts all its neighbors into a single tie. In contrast, we show that the problem becomes polynomially solvable in the case when each b∈Bb \in B puts all its neighbors into a single tie. That is, all neighbors of bb are tied in bb's list and bb desires to be matched to any of them. Our main result is an O(n2)O(n^2) algorithm (where n=∣A∪B∣n = |A \cup B|) for the popular matching problem in this model. Note that this model is quite different from the model where vertices in BB have no preferences and do not care whether they are matched or not.Comment: A shortened version of this paper has appeared at ICALP 201

    A new solution concept for the roommate problem

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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to propose a new solution concept for the roommate problem with strict preferences. We introduce maximum irreversible matchings and consider almost stable matchings (Abraham et al., 2006) and maximum stable matchings (Tan 1990, 1991b). These solution concepts are all core consistent. We find that almost stable matchings are incompatible with the other two concepts. Hence, to solve the roommate problem we propose matchings that lie at the intersection of the maximum irreversible matchings and maximum stable matchings, which we call Q -stable matchings. We construct an efficient algorithm for computing one element of this set for any roommate problem. We also show that the outcome of our algorithm always belongs to an absorbing set (Inarra et al., 2013)

    Computational complexity of kk-stable matchings

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    We study deviations by a group of agents in the three main types of matching markets: the house allocation, the marriage, and the roommates models. For a given instance, we call a matching kk-stable if no other matching exists that is more beneficial to at least kk out of the nn agents. The concept generalizes the recently studied majority stability. We prove that whereas the verification of kk-stability for a given matching is polynomial-time solvable in all three models, the complexity of deciding whether a kk-stable matching exists depends on kn\frac{k}{n} and is characteristic to each model.Comment: SAGT 202