3,333 research outputs found


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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. The sign reads private road, 5 mph, as I make a quick left off the Ontario State Parkway and am welcomed by a sailboat mural marked Sandy Harbor Lane. My eyes run across the cluster of bird house mailboxes stalling on number 19--Riners. The pond on my left remains covered in a thick blanked of seaweed and cattails jut up through the water refusing to advance to dry ground. The smell of seaweed and the cool lake breeze attack me as I close my driver side door and advance to the back of the house. Awfully quiet, I think, the only sounds that touch my ears are the light waves and squawking seagulls awaiting their morning handout of week old bread

    The Ponytail

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    This open access book adopts a cultural sociology of materiality to explore the hallmark of the female athlete: the ponytail. Studying a wealth of news articles about ponytails in sports and society, Broch uncovers this hairstyle’s polyvocality and argues that it is a total social phenomenon. By separating his approach from the cultural studies tradition, Broch highlights how hair is imbued with codes, narratives, and myth that allow its wearers to understand, maneuver, and criticize social gender relations in deeply personal ways. Using multiple theories about hair, bodies, myths, and icons, he creates a multidimensional method to show how icons are imitated and used. As women navigate their practical lives, health issues, and gendered expectations, the ponytail materializes their dynamic maneuvering of cultural and social environments. Sporting a ponytail—itself an embodiment of movement—is filled with a performativity of social movements: a cultural kinetics that is never apolitical

    Fake Tales of San Francisco

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    Prose by Michelé Strachota

    Moulin Rouge laundromat

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    Dixey v. State Appellant\u27s Brief Dckt. 40323

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      Abstrak Kemampuan menulis adalah salah satu keterampilan yang harus diajarkan di sekolah. Namun, kurangnya ide-ide dan motivasi siswa sering membuat proses penulisan sulit. Untuk mendapatkan perhatian siswa, penggunaan media dan bahan ajar yang sesuai sangat penting. Untuk alasan ini, peneliti ingin melakukan penelitian dengan tiga rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah pertama adalah tentang bagaimana pelaksanaan video Mr Bean dalam mengajar menulis teks recount untuk siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar. Rumusan masalah kedua adalah bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penggunaan video Mr Bean dalam mengajar penulisan teks recount di SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar. Dan yang terakhir adalah bagaimana hasil menulis siswa terhadap penggunaan video Mr Bean untuk mengajar penulisan teks recount di SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, kuesioner dan tugas menulis siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan video Mr Bean menggunakan teknik three phase. Dalam setiap pertemuan, guru menjelaskan tentang struktur generik dan fitur bahasa dari teks recount. Setelah memutar video, guru selalu melakukan diskusi tentang cerita tersebut. Dengan melakukan diskusi, guru dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar menulis teks recount. Sementara itu, tanggapan terhadap penggunaan video Mr Bean sangat baik. Para siswa senang dan antusias. Mereka menyatakan bahwa penggunaan video dibutuhkan dan dapat membantu mereka untuk menulis teks recount dengan baik. Penggunaan video Mr Bean juga berpengaruh terhadap pemahaman siswa tentang isi, organisasi, kosakata, penggunaan bahasa dan mekanik. Video Mr Bean dapat digunakan untuk mengajar penulisan teks recount kepada siswa kelas delapan. Kata Kunci: menulis kemampuan, video, motivasi, teks recount Abstract Writing ability is one of the skills that have to be taught in school. However, lack of ideas and motivation of the students often make the writing process difficult. To get students’ attention, the suitable use of media and teaching material are important. For this reason, the researcher would like to conduct this study with three research questions. The first research question is how the implementation of Mr. Bean video in teaching writing recount text for the eighth graders in SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar? The second research question is how are the students’ responses toward the use of Mr. Bean video to teach writing of recount text in SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar? And the last is how are the students’ writing result toward the implementation of Mr. Bean video to teach writing of recount text in SMPN 3 Srengat, Blitar?. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The research instruments were observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire and students’ writing assignment. The result of the observation showed that the implementation of Mr. Bean video using three phase techniques. In every meeting, the teacher explained about generic structure and language feature of recount text. After playing the video, the teacher always conduct discussion about the story. By doing discussion, the teacher could increase the students’ motivation in learning to write recount text. Meanwhile, the responses toward the implementation of Mr. Bean video were very good. The students were happy and enthusiast. They stated that the use of video was needed and it could help them to write recount text better. The use of Mr. Bean video also influence to the students understanding about the content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. Mr. Bean video could be used to teach writing of recount text to the eighth graders. Keywords:writing ability, video, motivation, recount text.   &nbsp

    Kenny G, Danielle and the Curry Closet

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    The Perfect Puff

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