6,370 research outputs found

    A clever elimination strategy for efficient minimal solvers

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    We present a new insight into the systematic generation of minimal solvers in computer vision, which leads to smaller and faster solvers. Many minimal problem formulations are coupled sets of linear and polynomial equations where image measurements enter the linear equations only. We show that it is useful to solve such systems by first eliminating all the unknowns that do not appear in the linear equations and then extending solutions to the rest of unknowns. This can be generalized to fully non-linear systems by linearization via lifting. We demonstrate that this approach leads to more efficient solvers in three problems of partially calibrated relative camera pose computation with unknown focal length and/or radial distortion. Our approach also generates new interesting constraints on the fundamental matrices of partially calibrated cameras, which were not known before.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    A sparse resultant based method for efficient minimal solvers

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    Many computer vision applications require robust and efficient estimation of camera geometry. The robust estimation is usually based on solving camera geometry problems from a minimal number of input data measurements, i.e. solving minimal problems in a RANSAC framework. Minimal problems often result in complex systems of polynomial equations. Many state-of-the-art efficient polynomial solvers to these problems are based on Gr\"obner bases and the action-matrix method that has been automatized and highly optimized in recent years. In this paper we study an alternative algebraic method for solving systems of polynomial equations, i.e., the sparse resultant-based method and propose a novel approach to convert the resultant constraint to an eigenvalue problem. This technique can significantly improve the efficiency and stability of existing resultant-based solvers. We applied our new resultant-based method to a large variety of computer vision problems and show that for most of the considered problems, the new method leads to solvers that are the same size as the the best available Gr\"obner basis solvers and of similar accuracy. For some problems the new sparse-resultant based method leads to even smaller and more stable solvers than the state-of-the-art Gr\"obner basis solvers. Our new method can be fully automatized and incorporated into existing tools for automatic generation of efficient polynomial solvers and as such it represents a competitive alternative to popular Gr\"obner basis methods for minimal problems in computer vision

    MLPnP - A Real-Time Maximum Likelihood Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem

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    In this paper, a statistically optimal solution to the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem is presented. Many solutions to the PnP problem are geometrically optimal, but do not consider the uncertainties of the observations. In addition, it would be desirable to have an internal estimation of the accuracy of the estimated rotation and translation parameters of the camera pose. Thus, we propose a novel maximum likelihood solution to the PnP problem, that incorporates image observation uncertainties and remains real-time capable at the same time. Further, the presented method is general, as is works with 3D direction vectors instead of 2D image points and is thus able to cope with arbitrary central camera models. This is achieved by projecting (and thus reducing) the covariance matrices of the observations to the corresponding vector tangent space.Comment: Submitted to the ISPRS congress (2016) in Prague. Oral Presentation. Published in ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., III-3, 131-13

    Beyond Gr\"obner Bases: Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers

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    Many computer vision applications require robust estimation of the underlying geometry, in terms of camera motion and 3D structure of the scene. These robust methods often rely on running minimal solvers in a RANSAC framework. In this paper we show how we can make polynomial solvers based on the action matrix method faster, by careful selection of the monomial bases. These monomial bases have traditionally been based on a Gr\"obner basis for the polynomial ideal. Here we describe how we can enumerate all such bases in an efficient way. We also show that going beyond Gr\"obner bases leads to more efficient solvers in many cases. We present a novel basis sampling scheme that we evaluate on a number of problems
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