25,727 research outputs found

    Learning architectures and negotiation of meaning in European trade unions

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    As networked learning becomes familiar at all levels and in all sectors of education, cross-fertilisation of innovative methods can usefully inform the lifelong learning agenda. Development of the pedagogical architectures and social processes, which afford learning, is a major challenge for educators as they strive to address the varied needs of a wide range of learners. One area in which this challenge is taken very seriously is that of trade unions, where recent large-scale projects have aimed to address many of these issues at a European level. This paper describes one such project, which targeted not only online courses, but also the wider political potential of virtual communities of practice. By analysing findings in relation to Wengers learning architecture, the paper investigates further the relationships between communities of practice and communities of learners in the trade union context. The findings suggest that a focus on these relationships rather than on the technologies that support them should inform future developments

    The long and winding road ...

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    The long and winding road is a metaphor for a journey, often used to describe life journeys and the challenges encountered. The metaphor was used for the title of my keynote to refer both to the journey towards the current position of virtual exchange in education policy \u2013 but also the long road ahead. This paper aims to explore the emergence of virtual exchange in educational policy and how it has been adopted by non-profit organisations, educational institutions, and policy makers to address geo- and socio-political tensions. Though still a relatively new field, in recent years there have been some important developments in terms of policy statements and public investments in virtual exchange. The paper starts by looking at the current state-of-the-art in terms of virtual exchange in education policy and initiatives in Europe. Then, using an approach based on \u2018episode studies\u2019 from the policy literature, the paper explores the main virtual exchange schemes and initiatives that have drawn the attention of European policy makers. The paper closes by looking at some of the lessons we have learnt from research on the practice of virtual exchange, and how this can inform us as we face the long road ahead of us. The focus of this paper is on the European context not because I assume it to be the most important or influential, but rather because it is the one I know best, since it is the context in which I have been workin

    The evolution of networks and interaction in the co-creation of value : a case study of the development of a city museum

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    Vargo and Lusch (2004) proposed that marketing is moving to a new dominant logic where service is exchanged for service. Central to their proposal were eight foundational premises (Vargo and Lusch, 2004), subsequently extended to ten (Vargo and Lusch, 2008a). Key amongst them are: service is deemed to be the fundamental basis of exchange (FP1); operant resources are the fundamental source of competitive advantage (FP4); the customer is always a co-creator of value (FP6); the enterprise can only offer value propositions, it cannot deliver value (FP7); value creation occurs in networks through actors who are resource integrators (FP9); and value itself is ‘idiosyncratic, experiential, contextual and meaning-laden’ (FP10) (Vargo and Lusch, 2008a, p.375). Much discussion on S-D logic has focused on developing this theoretical context (see for example: Lusch and Vargo, 2006, 2009; Vargo and Lusch, 2008b, 2008c; Gummesson, Lusch, Vargo, 2010; Brodie et al., 2011). Alongside this, the debate has developed through studies which explore how the tenets of S-D logic operate in practical contexts such as financial services (Auh et al., 2007), art experiences (White, Hede and Rentschler, 2009), opera (Lund, 2010), the travel industry (Fyrberg and Juriado, 2009), electronic services (Blazevic and Lievens, 2008) and the Harry Potter phenomenon (Brown and Patterson, 2009) amongst others. Central to much of this work is the effort to understand how value is cocreated within varying contexts. Of particular interest to the current research is the work of Fryberg and Juriado (2009) who highlight the importance of networks in the co-creation of value, paying particular attention to the importance of interaction between network actors. Further, defining value and value propositions has received increasing attention (Gronroos, 2008; Kowalkowski, 2011). Through a case study of the Cardiff Story, a new museum for the people of Cardiff, this paper builds on previous work on S-D logic by exploring how networks and interaction evolve over time and the role they play in the evolving nature of value co-creation. The unique site of the work, the development from inception of a city museum, allows us to explore S-D logic in the public sector while taking into consideration the specific nature of arts and heritage in that context. The paper begins by reviewing pertinent S-D logic constructs to provide context for the current work. The methods section details the research position adopted before providing a justification for the single case study nature of this work. Context for the Cardiff Story is provided before the data collection methods are outlined. Findings are subsequently discussed before a conclusion is offered and areas for future research outlined

    The STIN in the Tale: A Socio-technical Interaction Perspective on Networked Learning

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    In this paper, we go beyond what have been described as 'mechanistic' accounts of e-learning to explore the complexity of relationships between people and technology as encountered in cases of networked learning. We introduce from the social informatics literature the concept of sociotechnical interaction networks which focus on the interplay between participants, technology, learning artefacts and practices. We apply this concept to case material drawn from transnational trade union education to identify and to analyse three aspects of networked learning: the local sociotechnical networks of learners; the construction of an overarching, global sociotechnical network for learning; and the evolution of such networks over time. Finally we identify issues for further research highlighted by these models

    European Union - New Impulses for the Decade Ahead = Europäische Union - Neue Impulse fßr die kommende Dekade. ZEI Discussion Paper C185, 2008

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    [From the Introduction]. I would like to discuss three issues today which are directly related to the important work of ZEI and to the opportunity which European integration is providing for the further development of academic life across the EU: • the opportunity of re-thinking the relationship between the different levels of governance in Europe; • the opportunity to contribute to the dialogue among cultures, which is especially dear to us in this European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; • the opportunity of a new form of encounter between Europe and other parts of the world
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