5 research outputs found

    Policy-Based Sanitizable Signatures

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    Sanitizable signatures are a variant of signatures which allow a single, and signer-defined, sanitizer to modify signed messages in a controlled way without invalidating the respective signature. They turned out to be a versatile primitive, proven by different variants and extensions, e.g., allowing multiple sanitizers or adding new sanitizers one-by-one. However, existing constructions are very restricted regarding their flexibility in specifying potential sanitizers. We propose a different and more powerful approach: Instead of using sanitizers\u27 public keys directly, we assign attributes to them. Sanitizing is then based on policies, i.e., access structures defined over attributes. A sanitizer can sanitize, if, and only if, it holds a secret key to attributes satisfying the policy associated to a signature, while offering full-scale accountability

    Unlinkable Policy-based Sanitizable Signatures

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    In CT-RSA 2020, P3S was proposed as the first policy-based sanitizable signature scheme which allows the signer to designate future message sanitizers by defining an access policy relative to their attributes rather than their keys. However, since P3S utilizes a policy-based chameleon hash (PCH), it does not achieve unlinkability which is a required notion in privacy-preserving applications. Moreover, P3S requires running a procedure to share the secret trapdoor information for PCH with each new sanitizer before sanitizing a new message. We further observe that in order to maintain the transparency in P3S’s multiple-sanitizers setting, the signature size should grow linearly with the number of sanitizers. In this work, we propose an unlinkable policy-based sanitizable signature scheme (UP3S) where we employ a rerandomizable digital signature scheme and a traceable attribute-based signature scheme as its building blocks. Compared to P3S, UP3S achieves unlinkability, does not require new secrets to be shared with future sanitizers prior to sanitizing each message, and has a fixed signature size for a given sanitization policy. We define and formally prove the security notions of the generic scheme, propose an instantiation of UP3S utilizing the Pointcheval-Sanders rerandomizable signature scheme and DTABS traceable attribute-based signature scheme, and analyze its efficiency. Finally, we compare UP3S with P3S in terms of the features of the procedures, scalability, and security models

    Traceable Policy-Based Signatures with Delegation

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    In PKC 2014, a policy-based signature (PBS) scheme was proposed by Bellare and Fuchsbauer in which a signer can only sign messages conforming to some policy specified by an issuing authority. PBS construction supports the delegation of signing policy keys with possible restrictions to the original policy. Although the PBS scheme is meant to restrict the signing privileges of the scheme’s users, singers could easily share their signing keys with others without being held accountable since PBS does not have a tracing capability, and a signing policy key defines a policy that should be satisfied by the message only. In this work, we build on PBS and propose a traceable policy-based signature scheme (TPBS) where we employ a rerandomizable signature scheme, a digital signature scheme, and a zero-knowledge proof system as its building blocks. TPBS introduces the notion of anonymized identity keys that are used with the policy keys for signing. Thus it achieves traceability without compromising the delegatability feature of the PBS scheme. Additionally, TPBS ensures non-frameability under the assumption of a corrupted tracing authority. We define and formally prove the security notions of the generic TPBS scheme. Finally, we propose an instantiation of TPBS utilizing the Pointcheval Sanders rerandomizable signature scheme, Abe et al.’s structure-preserving signature scheme, and Groth-Sahai NIZK system, and analyze its efficiency

    Bringing Order to Chaos: The Case of Collision-Resistant Chameleon-Hashes

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    Chameleon-hash functions, introduced by Krawczyk and Rabin at NDSS 2000, are trapdoor collision-resistant hash-functions parametrized by a public key. If the corresponding secret key is known, arbitrary collisions for the hash function can be efficiently found. Chameleon-hash functions have prominent applications in the design of cryptographic primitives, such as lifting non-adaptively secure signatures to adaptively secure ones. Recently, this primitive also received a lot of attention as a building block in more complex cryptographic applications ranging from editable blockchains to advanced signature and encryption schemes. We observe that in latter applications various different notions of collision-resistance are used, and it is not always clear if the respective notion does really cover what seems intuitively required by the application. Therefore, we revisit existing collision-resistance notions in the literature, study their relations, and - using the example of the recent redactable blockchain proposals - discuss which practical impact different notions of collision-resistance might have. Moreover, we provide a stronger, and arguably more desirable, notion of collision-resistance than what is known from the literature. Finally, we present a surprisingly simple and efficient black-box construction of chameleon-hash functions achieving this strong notion

    Practical Group-Signatures with Privacy-Friendly Openings

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    Group signatures allow creating signatures on behalf of a group, while remaining anonymous. To prevent misuse, there exists a designated entity, named the opener, which can revoke anonymity by generating a proof which links a signature to its creator. Still, many intermediate cases have been discussed in the literature, where not the full power of the opener is required, or the users themselves require the power to claim (or deny) authorship of a signature and (un-)link signatures in a controlled way. However, these concepts were only considered in isolation. We unify these approaches, supporting all these possibilities simultaneously, providing fine-granular openings, even by members. Namely, a member can prove itself whether it has created a given signature (or not), and can create a proof which makes two created signatures linkable (or unlinkable resp.) in a controlled way. Likewise, the opener can show that a signature was not created by a specific member and can prove whether two signatures stem from the same signer (or not) without revealing anything else. Combined, these possibilities can make full openings irrelevant in many use-cases. This has the additional benefit that the requirements on the reachability of the opener are lessened. Moreover, even in the case of an involved opener, our framework is less privacy-invasive, as the opener no longer requires access to the signed message. Our provably secure black-box CCA-anonymous construction with dynamic joins requires only standard building blocks. We prove its practicality by providing a performance evaluation of a concrete instantiation, and show that our non-optimized implementation is competitive compared to other, less feature-rich, notions