9 research outputs found

    A Unified View on Solving Objective Mismatch in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Model-based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL) aims to make agents more sample-efficient, adaptive, and explainable by learning an explicit model of the environment. While the capabilities of MBRL agents have significantly improved in recent years, how to best learn the model is still an unresolved question. The majority of MBRL algorithms aim at training the model to make accurate predictions about the environment and subsequently using the model to determine the most rewarding actions. However, recent research has shown that model predictive accuracy is often not correlated with action quality, tracing the root cause to the \emph{objective mismatch} between accurate dynamics model learning and policy optimization of rewards. A number of interrelated solution categories to the objective mismatch problem have emerged as MBRL continues to mature as a research area. In this work, we provide an in-depth survey of these solution categories and propose a taxonomy to foster future research

    Decision-Aware Actor-Critic with Function Approximation and Theoretical Guarantees

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    Actor-critic (AC) methods are widely used in reinforcement learning (RL) and benefit from the flexibility of using any policy gradient method as the actor and value-based method as the critic. The critic is usually trained by minimizing the TD error, an objective that is potentially decorrelated with the true goal of achieving a high reward with the actor. We address this mismatch by designing a joint objective for training the actor and critic in a decision-aware fashion. We use the proposed objective to design a generic, AC algorithm that can easily handle any function approximation. We explicitly characterize the conditions under which the resulting algorithm guarantees monotonic policy improvement, regardless of the choice of the policy and critic parameterization. Instantiating the generic algorithm results in an actor that involves maximizing a sequence of surrogate functions (similar to TRPO, PPO) and a critic that involves minimizing a closely connected objective. Using simple bandit examples, we provably establish the benefit of the proposed critic objective over the standard squared error. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the benefit of our decision-aware actor-critic framework on simple RL problems.Comment: 44 page

    Leveraging Value-awareness for Online and Offline Model-based Reinforcement Learning

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    Model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) lies at the intersection of planning and learning for sequential decision making. Value-awareness in model learning has recently emerged as a means to imbue task or reward information into the objective of model learn- ing, in order for the model to leverage specificity of a task. While finding success in theory as being superior to maximum likelihood estimation in the context of (online) model-based RL, value-awareness has remained impractical for most non-trivial tasks. This thesis aims to bridge the gap in theory and practice by applying the principle of value-awareness to two settings – the online RL setting and offline RL setting. First, within online RL, this thesis revisits value-aware model learning from the perspective of minimizing performance difference, obtaining a novel value-aware model learning objec- tive as a direct upper bound of it. Then, this thesis investigates and remedies the issue of stale value estimates that has so far been holding back the practicality of value-aware model learning. Using the proposed remedy, performance improvements are presented over maximum-likelihood based baselines and existing value-aware objectives, in several continuous control tasks, while also enabling existing value-aware objectives to become performant. In the offline RL context, this thesis takes a step back from model learning and ap- plies value-awareness towards better data augmentation. Such data augmentation, when applied to model-based offline RL algorithms, allows for leveraging unseen states with low epistemic uncertainty that have previously not been reachable within the assumptions and limitations of model-based offline RL. Value-aware state augmentations are found to enable better performance on offline RL benchmarks compared to existing baselines and non-value-aware alternatives.Ph.D

    Policy-aware Model Learning for Policy Gradient Methods

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    This thesis studies the problem of learning a model in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL). We consider model classes that do not contain a perfect model of the underlying environment, and suggest that model learning should be closely related to how the model will be used. We examine how the planning module of an MBRL algorithm uses the model, and propose that the model learning module should incorporate the way the planner is going to use the model. This is in contrast to conventional model learning approaches that learn a predictive model of the environment without explicitly considering the interaction of the model and the planner. We focus on policy gradient planning algorithms and derive new loss functions for model learning which we call Policy-Aware Model Learning (PAML). We theoretically analyze a generic model-based policy gradient algorithm and empirically evaluate our proposed method on some benchmark problems.M.A.S