69,326 research outputs found

    Policy to Avoid a Privacy Disaster

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    This paper argues that in the current data-rich environment, organizations need formal policies for privacy as a way to avoid “privacy disasters”. Privacy disasters can occur when a company uses consumer data in a way that is legal, but violates public norms for acceptable use. The paper uses a case study to illustrate the elements that often characterize privacy disasters, and describes the principles and processes that can serve as the basis of a privacy policy capable of helping organizations avoid these negative events. The paper also highlights the implications of big data for privacy policy

    Conflict Prevention through Post Conflict Housing Reconstruction: Good Practices and Lessons Learned

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    The concept of ‘DRR’ within natural and technological disasters context conform to the concept of ‘conflict prevention and peace building’ within conflicts or wars context. Similar to DRR measures within disaster context, it is important to study conflict prevention measures within conflicts or wars. This paper presents such measures within post conflict housing reconstruction. Literature identifies a number of implications of post conflict housing reconstruction contributes on development and peace building including economic development and poverty alleviation, gender equity and empowerment, integrating displaced communities, restoring security, trust and faith in future and legitimacy. An empirical study conducted in post conflict Sri Lanka identified the good practices and lessons learned in preventing conflicts and building peace within post conflict housing reconstruction. Study involved 37 in-depth interviews with policy makers, practitioners, beneficiaries and academics. The approach to reconstruction of housing in the original places over relocation and traditional construction over pre-fabricated housing enhanced beneficiary satisfaction and occupancy. Low income and vulnerable people were prioritised in accessing housing assistance while beneficiaries’ livelihoods were enhanced though livelihood support packages and construction craftsmen training. These as well as the involvement of local labour and material developed the local economy. Furthermore, local construction materials and local labour involvement in housing reconstruction enhanced the community linkages. Participatory approach to construction promoted a sense of ownership towards housing while reducing the cost of construction. Nevertheless, low income families faced with difficulties in completing the construction, which hindered privacy and security. Also, female head households faced difficulties in contributing unskilled labour and constructing a habitable house with the grant provided. Therefore, suggestions were made to tailor the financial grant based on the special requirements of vulnerable families such as female head households

    Cities and Drones: What Cities Need to Know about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    NLC's municipal guide, Cities and Drones, is designed to serve as a primer on drones for local officials, providing insight into the recently released federal rules relating to drone operation, as well as offering suggestions for how local governments can craft their own drone ordinances to encourage innovation while also protecting their cities.Drones have the potential to revolutionize many industries and city services, particularly as their technology advances. There are many applications for drones within the public sector at the local and state level. Drones can be used for law enforcement and firefighting, as rural ambulances, and for inspections, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. Any commercial arena that involves outdoor photography or visual inspection will likely be experimenting with drones in the near future, as will retailers who want to speed up package delivery.However, drones also present challenges. There are some safety issues, for instance, when operators fly their drones over people or near planes. City residents often have privacy concerns when any small device hovering nearby could potentially be taking photos or video. The FAA's final rule on drones left some opportunity for city governments to legislate on this issue. Rather than ban them outright, city officials should consider how this new technology might serve residents or enhance city services