29,602 research outputs found

    Development of a hard X-ray polarimeter for astrophysics

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    We have been developing a Compton scatter polarimeter for measuring the linear polarization of hard X-rays (100-300 keV) from astrophysical sources. A laboratory prototype polarimeter has been used to successfully demonstrate the reliability of our Monte Carlo simulation code and to demonstrate our ability to generate a polarized photon source in the lab. Our design concept places a self-containedpolarimeter module on the front-end of a a 5-inch position sensitive PMT (PSPMT). We are currently working on the fabrication of a science model based on this PSPMT concept. Although the emphasis of our development effort is towards measuring hard X-rays from solar flares, our design has the advantage that it is sensitive over a rather large field-of-view (\u3e1 steradian), a feature that makes it especially attractive for γ-ray burst studies

    Development of a Hard X-Ray Polarimeter for Astrophysics

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    We have been developing a Compton scatter polarimeter for measuring the linear polarization of hard X-rays (100-300 keV) from astrophysical sources. A laboratory prototype polarimeter has been used to successfully demonstrate the reliability of our Monte Carlo simulation code and to demonstrate our ability to generate a polarized photon source in the lab. Our design concept places a self-containedpolarimeter module on the front-end of a a 5-inch position sensitive PMT (PSPMT). We are currently working on the fabrication of a science model based on this PSPMT concept. Although the emphasis of our development effort is towards measuring hard X-rays from solar flares, our design has the advantage that it is sensitive over a rather large field-of-view (\u3e1 steradian), a feature that makes it especially attractive for γ-ray burst studie

    Recent laboratory tests of a hard x-ray solar flare polarimeter

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    We report on the development of a Compton scatter polarimeter for measuring the linear polarization of hard X-rays (50 - 300 keV) from solar flares. Such measurements would be useful for studying the directivity (or beaming) of the electrons that are accelerated in solar flares. We initially used a simple prototype polarimeter to successfully demonstrate the reliability of our Monte Carlo simulation code and to demonstrate our ability to generate a polarized photon source in the lab. We have recently fabricated a science model based on a modular design concept that places a self-contained polarimeter module on the front-end of a 5-inch position- sensitive PMT (PSPMT). The PSPMT is used to determine the Compton interaction location within an annular array of small plastic scintillator elements. Some of the photons that scatter within the plastic scintillator array are subsequently absorbed by a small centrally-located array of CsI(Tl) crystals that is read out by an independent multi-anode PMT. The independence of the two PMT readout schemes provides appropriate timing information for event triggering. We are currently testing this new polarimeter design in the laboratory to evaluate the performance characteristics of this design. Here we present the initial results from these laboratory tests. The modular nature of this design lends itself toward its accommodation on a balloon or spacecraft platform. A small array of such modules can provide a minimum detectable polarization (MDP) of less than 1% in the integrated 50 - 300 keV energy range for X-class solar flares

    Hard x-ray polarimeter for gamma-ray bursts and solar flares

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    We report on the development of a dedicated polarimeter design that is capable of studying the linear polarization of hard X-rays (50-300 keV) from gamma-ray bursts and solar flares. This compact design, based on the use of a large area position-sensitive PMT (PSPMT), is referred to as GRAPE (Gamma-RAy Polarimeter Experiment). The PSPMT is used to determine the Compton interaction location within an array of small plastic scintillator elements. Some of the photons that scatter within the plastic scintillator array are subsequently absorbed by a small centrally-located array of CsI(Tl) crystals that is read out by an independent multi-anode PMT. One feature of GRAPE that is especially attractive for studies of gamma-ray bursts is the significant off-axis response (at angles \u3e 60 degrees). The modular nature of this design lends itself toward its accomodation on a balloon or spacecraft platform. For an array of GRAPE modules, sensitivity levels below a few percent can be achieved for both gamma-ray bursts and solar flares. Here we report on the latest results from the testing of a laboratory science model

    Polarization and spatial information recovery by modal dispersal and phase conjugation: properties and applications

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    We describe recent theoretical and experimental studies of polarization and spatial information recovery by modal dispersal and phase conjugation. We discuss the fidelity of this phase-conjugation process as a function of input-beam launching conditions. We also describe several new applications of the scheme which involve correction of nonreciprocal polarization distortions, correction of lossy amplitude distortions, phase-conjugate multimode fiber-optic interferometers and gyros, temporal data channeling between beams, and all-optical beam thresholding

    Interstellar Scintillation of the Polarized Flux Density in Quasar, PKS 0405-385

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    The remarkable rapid variations in radio flux density and polarization of the quasar PKS 0405-385 observed in 1996 are subject to a correlation analysis, from which characteristic time scales and amplitudes are derived. The variations are interpreted as interstellar scintillations. The cm wavelength observations are in the weak scintillation regime for which models for the various auto- and cross-correlations of the Stokes parameters are derived and fitted to the observations. These are well modelled by interstellar scintillation (ISS) of a 30 by 22 micro-as source, with about 180 degree rotation of the polarization angle along its long dimension. This success in explaining the remarkable intra-day variations (IDV)in polarization confirms that ISS gives rise to the IDV in this quasar. However, the fit requires the scintillations to be occurring much closer to the Earth than expected according to the standard model for the ionized interstellar medium (IISM). Scattering at distances in the range 3-30 parsec are required to explain the observations. The associated source model has a peak brightness temperature near 2.0 10^{13}K, which is about twenty-five times smaller than previously derived for this source. This reduces the implied Doppler factor in the relativistic jet, presumed responsible to 10-20, high but just compatible with cm wavelength VLBI estimates for the Doppler factors in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs).Comment: 43 pages 15 figures, accepted for ApJ Dec 200