6 research outputs found

    Poisson factorization for peer-based anomaly detection

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    Anomaly detection systems are a promising tool to identify compromised user credentials and malicious insiders in enterprise networks. Most existing approaches for modelling user behaviour rely on either independent observations for each user or on pre-defined user peer groups. A method is proposed based on recommender system algorithms to learn overlapping user peer groups and to use this learned structure to detect anomalous activity. Results analysing the authentication and process-running activities of thousands of users show that the proposed method can detect compromised user accounts during a red team exercise

    Spectral embedding of weighted graphs

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    This paper concerns the statistical analysis of a weighted graph through spectral embedding. Under a latent position model in which the expected adjacency matrix has low rank, we prove uniform consistency and a central limit theorem for the embedded nodes, treated as latent position estimates. In the special case of a weighted stochastic block model, this result implies that the embedding follows a Gaussian mixture model with each component representing a community. We exploit this to formally evaluate different weight representations of the graph using Chernoff information. For example, in a network anomaly detection problem where we observe a p-value on each edge, we recommend against directly embedding the matrix of p-values, and instead using threshold or log p-values, depending on network sparsity and signal strength.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    A source separation approach to temporal graph modelling for computer networks

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    Detecting malicious activity within an enterprise computer network can be framed as a temporal link prediction task: given a sequence of graphs representing communications between hosts over time, the goal is to predict which edges should--or should not--occur in the future. However, standard temporal link prediction algorithms are ill-suited for computer network monitoring as they do not take account of the peculiar short-term dynamics of computer network activity, which exhibits sharp seasonal variations. In order to build a better model, we propose a source separation-inspired description of computer network activity: at each time step, the observed graph is a mixture of subgraphs representing various sources of activity, and short-term dynamics result from changes in the mixing coefficients. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the validity of our approach

    Automated Design of Network Security Metrics

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    Many abstract security measurements are based on characteristics of a graph that represents the network. These are typically simple and quick to compute but are often of little practical use in making real-world predictions. Practical network security is often measured using simulation or real-world exercises. These approaches better represent realistic outcomes but can be costly and time-consuming. This work aims to combine the strengths of these two approaches, developing efficient heuristics that accurately predict attack success. Hyper-heuristic machine learning techniques, trained on network attack simulation training data, are used to produce novel graph-based security metrics. These low-cost metrics serve as an approximation for simulation when measuring network security in real time. The approach is tested and verified using a simulation based on activity from an actual large enterprise network. The results demonstrate the potential of using hyper-heuristic techniques to rapidly evolve and react to emerging cybersecurity threats

    Bayesian Models Applied to Cyber Security Anomaly Detection Problems

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    Cyber security is an important concern for all individuals, organisations and governments globally. Cyber attacks have become more sophisticated, frequent and dangerous than ever, and traditional anomaly detection methods have been proved to be less effective when dealing with these new classes of cyber threats. In order to address this, both classical and Bayesian models offer a valid and innovative alternative to the traditional signature-based methods, motivating the increasing interest in statistical research that it has been observed in recent years. In this review we provide a description of some typical cyber security challenges, typical types of data and statistical methods, paying special attention to Bayesian approaches for these problems