49,489 research outputs found

    PointCleanNet: Learning to Denoise and Remove Outliers from Dense Point Clouds

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    Point clouds obtained with 3D scanners or by image-based reconstruction techniques are often corrupted with significant amount of noise and outliers. Traditional methods for point cloud denoising largely rely on local surface fitting (e.g., jets or MLS surfaces), local or non-local averaging, or on statistical assumptions about the underlying noise model. In contrast, we develop a simple data-driven method for removing outliers and reducing noise in unordered point clouds. We base our approach on a deep learning architecture adapted from PCPNet, which was recently proposed for estimating local 3D shape properties in point clouds. Our method first classifies and discards outlier samples, and then estimates correction vectors that project noisy points onto the original clean surfaces. The approach is efficient and robust to varying amounts of noise and outliers, while being able to handle large densely-sampled point clouds. In our extensive evaluation, both on synthesic and real data, we show an increased robustness to strong noise levels compared to various state-of-the-art methods, enabling accurate surface reconstruction from extremely noisy real data obtained by range scans. Finally, the simplicity and universality of our approach makes it very easy to integrate in any existing geometry processing pipeline

    High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference

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    We propose a data-driven method for recovering miss-ing parts of 3D shapes. Our method is based on a new deep learning architecture consisting of two sub-networks: a global structure inference network and a local geometry refinement network. The global structure inference network incorporates a long short-term memorized context fusion module (LSTM-CF) that infers the global structure of the shape based on multi-view depth information provided as part of the input. It also includes a 3D fully convolutional (3DFCN) module that further enriches the global structure representation according to volumetric information in the input. Under the guidance of the global structure network, the local geometry refinement network takes as input lo-cal 3D patches around missing regions, and progressively produces a high-resolution, complete surface through a volumetric encoder-decoder architecture. Our method jointly trains the global structure inference and local geometry refinement networks in an end-to-end manner. We perform qualitative and quantitative evaluations on six object categories, demonstrating that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art work on shape completion.Comment: 8 pages paper, 11 pages supplementary material, ICCV spotlight pape

    A Bayesian Approach to Manifold Topology Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of statistical reconstruction of piecewise linear manifold topology. Given a noisy, probably undersampled point cloud from a one- or two-manifold, the algorithm reconstructs an approximated most likely mesh in a Bayesian sense from which the sample might have been taken. We incorporate statistical priors on the object geometry to improve the reconstruction quality if additional knowledge about the class of original shapes is available. The priors can be formulated analytically or learned from example geometry with known manifold tessellation. The statistical objective function is approximated by a linear programming / integer programming problem, for which a globally optimal solution is found. We apply the algorithm to a set of 2D and 3D reconstruction examples, demon-strating that a statistics-based manifold reconstruction is feasible, and still yields plausible results in situations where sampling conditions are violated

    Learning quadrangulated patches for 3D shape parameterization and completion

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    We propose a novel 3D shape parameterization by surface patches, that are oriented by 3D mesh quadrangulation of the shape. By encoding 3D surface detail on local patches, we learn a patch dictionary that identifies principal surface features of the shape. Unlike previous methods, we are able to encode surface patches of variable size as determined by the user. We propose novel methods for dictionary learning and patch reconstruction based on the query of a noisy input patch with holes. We evaluate the patch dictionary towards various applications in 3D shape inpainting, denoising and compression. Our method is able to predict missing vertices and inpaint moderately sized holes. We demonstrate a complete pipeline for reconstructing the 3D mesh from the patch encoding. We validate our shape parameterization and reconstruction methods on both synthetic shapes and real world scans. We show that our patch dictionary performs successful shape completion of complicated surface textures.Comment: To be presented at International Conference on 3D Vision 2017, 201
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