5 research outputs found

    Exploiting No-Regret Algorithms in System Design

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    We investigate a repeated two-player zero-sum game setting where the column player is also a designer of the system, and has full control on the design of the payoff matrix. In addition, the row player uses a no-regret algorithm to efficiently learn how to adapt their strategy to the column player's behaviour over time in order to achieve good total payoff. The goal of the column player is to guide her opponent to pick a mixed strategy which is favourable for the system designer. Therefore, she needs to: (i) design an appropriate payoff matrix AA whose unique minimax solution contains the desired mixed strategy of the row player; and (ii) strategically interact with the row player during a sequence of plays in order to guide her opponent to converge to that desired behaviour. To design such a payoff matrix, we propose a novel solution that provably has a unique minimax solution with the desired behaviour. We also investigate a relaxation of this problem where uniqueness is not required, but all the minimax solutions have the same mixed strategy for the row player. Finally, we propose a new game playing algorithm for the system designer and prove that it can guide the row player, who may play a \emph{stable} no-regret algorithm, to converge to a minimax solution

    Dual-Mandate Patrols: Multi-Armed Bandits for Green Security

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    Conservation efforts in green security domains to protect wildlife and forests are constrained by the limited availability of defenders (i.e., patrollers), who must patrol vast areas to protect from attackers (e.g., poachers or illegal loggers). Defenders must choose how much time to spend in each region of the protected area, balancing exploration of infrequently visited regions and exploitation of known hotspots. We formulate the problem as a stochastic multi-armed bandit, where each action represents a patrol strategy, enabling us to guarantee the rate of convergence of the patrolling policy. However, a naive bandit approach would compromise short-term performance for long-term optimality, resulting in animals poached and forests destroyed. To speed up performance, we leverage smoothness in the reward function and decomposability of actions. We show a synergy between Lipschitz-continuity and decomposition as each aids the convergence of the other. In doing so, we bridge the gap between combinatorial and Lipschitz bandits, presenting a no-regret approach that tightens existing guarantees while optimizing for short-term performance. We demonstrate that our algorithm, LIZARD, improves performance on real-world poaching data from Cambodia.Comment: Published at AAAI 2021. 9 pages (paper and references), 3 page appendix. 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Playing repeated security games with no prior knowledge

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    This paper investigates repeated security games with unknown (to the defender) game payoffs and attacker behaviors. As existing work assumes prior knowledge about either the game payoffs or the attackers behaviors, they are not suitable for tackling our problem. Given this, we propose the first efficient defender strategy, based on an adversarial online learning framework, that can provably achieve good performance guarantees without any prior knowledge. In particular, we prove that our algorithm can achieve low performance loss against the best fixed strategy on hindsight (i.e., having full knowledge of the attackers moves). In addition, we prove that our algorithm can achieve an efficient competitive ratio against the optimal adaptive defender strategy. We also show that for zero-sum security games, our algorithm achieves efficient results in approximating a number of solution concepts, such as algorithmic equilibria and the minimax value. Finally, our extensive numerical results demonstrate that, without having any prior information, our algorithm still achieves good performance, compared to state-of-the-art algorithms from the literature on security games, such as SUQR, which require significant amount of prior knowledge