2,720 research outputs found

    Deep learning for video game playing

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    In this article, we review recent Deep Learning advances in the context of how they have been applied to play different types of video games such as first-person shooters, arcade games, and real-time strategy games. We analyze the unique requirements that different game genres pose to a deep learning system and highlight important open challenges in the context of applying these machine learning methods to video games, such as general game playing, dealing with extremely large decision spaces and sparse rewards

    AI for Classic Video Games using Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning is a technique to teach machines tasks based on trial and error experiences in the way humans learn. In this paper, some preliminary research is done to understand how reinforcement learning and deep learning techniques can be combined to train an agent to play Archon, a classic video game. We compare two methods to estimate a Q function, the function used to compute the best action to take at each point in the game. In the first approach, we used a Q table to store the states and weights of the corresponding actions. In our experiments, this method converged very slowly. Our second approach was similar to that of [1]: We used a convolutional neural network (CNN) to determine a Q function. This deep neural network model successfully learnt to control the Archon player using keyboard event that it generated. We observed that the second approaches Q function converged faster than the first. For the latter method, the neural net was trained only using prediodic screenshots taken while it was playing. Experiments were conducted on a machine that did not have a GPU, so our training was slower as compared to [1]

    Deep Q-learning from Demonstrations

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved several high profile successes in difficult decision-making problems. However, these algorithms typically require a huge amount of data before they reach reasonable performance. In fact, their performance during learning can be extremely poor. This may be acceptable for a simulator, but it severely limits the applicability of deep RL to many real-world tasks, where the agent must learn in the real environment. In this paper we study a setting where the agent may access data from previous control of the system. We present an algorithm, Deep Q-learning from Demonstrations (DQfD), that leverages small sets of demonstration data to massively accelerate the learning process even from relatively small amounts of demonstration data and is able to automatically assess the necessary ratio of demonstration data while learning thanks to a prioritized replay mechanism. DQfD works by combining temporal difference updates with supervised classification of the demonstrator's actions. We show that DQfD has better initial performance than Prioritized Dueling Double Deep Q-Networks (PDD DQN) as it starts with better scores on the first million steps on 41 of 42 games and on average it takes PDD DQN 83 million steps to catch up to DQfD's performance. DQfD learns to out-perform the best demonstration given in 14 of 42 games. In addition, DQfD leverages human demonstrations to achieve state-of-the-art results for 11 games. Finally, we show that DQfD performs better than three related algorithms for incorporating demonstration data into DQN.Comment: Published at AAAI 2018. Previously on arxiv as "Learning from Demonstrations for Real World Reinforcement Learning

    Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We present the first deep learning model to successfully learn control policies directly from high-dimensional sensory input using reinforcement learning. The model is a convolutional neural network, trained with a variant of Q-learning, whose input is raw pixels and whose output is a value function estimating future rewards. We apply our method to seven Atari 2600 games from the Arcade Learning Environment, with no adjustment of the architecture or learning algorithm. We find that it outperforms all previous approaches on six of the games and surpasses a human expert on three of them.Comment: NIPS Deep Learning Workshop 201