11 research outputs found

    Planning benefits realization in a collaborative university-industry R&D funded program

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    This paper presents a benefits management (BM) approach adopted during the planning of a collaborative university-industry R&D funded program, named IC-HMI Program, in order to pursue benefits realization. The BM approach embraced four main phases: 'Identify expected benefits' 'Plan benefits realization' 'Pursue benefits realization' and 'Transfer and ensure benefits realization' each one comprising key activities that should be performed with a clear set of outputs to be generated. Particular focus is given to the benefits identification, and to the development of a Benefit Breakdown Structure (BBS), assuming the key role of such a formatting technique to target project benefits. It is the first and critical step in the BM process. Based on a review of literature, and the three research methods adopted during the IC-HMI case study analysis: a set of 33 benefits were identified, which can be used by professionals and academics as a checklist for benefits identification of their own initiatives. Additionally, the BBS implemented in IC-HMI program to qualify and better understand each benefit and its intrinsic properties, can be used to facilitate planning and benefits realization.FCT - Fundació Catalana de Trasplantament(SFRH/BPD/111033/2015

    From program strategic planning to program initiation: lessons learned from a collaborative university-industry R&D case study

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    This paper aims to contribute to knowledge by presenting the lessons learned resultant from a large case study composed by three collaborative University-Industry RD funded programs between the University of Minho (UMinho) and Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal (Bosch). The three programs selected amount to a total investment of above €109 million, over the period between 2013 and 2021, involving more than one thousand University researchers and Industry collaborators. The lessons learned are limited to the time span from Program Strategic Planning, where new project ideas/innovation opportunities are identified and developed for the preparation of the 'Funding Application', to Program Initiation, where the program effectively initiates after the negotiation of the 'Funding Contract'. The collection, analysis and implementation of lessons learned allowed the development of a structured process to guide University-Industry partners on the path to transform some newly identified project ideas into the initiation of a large RD funded program. The proposed process is currently adopted by the governance structure of Bosch and UMinho partnership and other UMinho partnerships with Industry.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019, by the Research Grant: SFRH/BPD/111033/2015, and by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion nº 039334/2018

    Project management practices for collaborative university-industry R&D: a hybrid approach

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    This paper aims to help stakeholders involved in collaborative university-industry R&D initiatives by presenting a hybrid project management (PM) approach, with a set of key distinct PM practices for this particular context. Collaborative university-industry R&D initiatives are usually organized as programs with a set of related projects associated. Therefore, a hybrid PM approach was developed based on a case study research strategy. During the large case study analysis two research methods were applied: participant observation and document analysis. The hybrid management approach was developed based on the contingency theory, which identifies a set of 24 Must Have PM practices, and that are transversal to all projects in the program as the program governance must have to be assured. Additionally, it identifies three different sets of Nice to Have PM practices, which are optional and are dependent on the particular project context and PM approach adopted by each project team: waterfall or agile. Overall 32 Nice to Have PM practices were identified, being 15 of them agile, 3 waterfall and the 14 remaining transversal to both agile and waterfall approaches.This research is sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion nº 002814/2015 (iFACTORY 2015-2018) and by the FCT (SFRH/BPD/111033/2015)

    A conceptual social media tool for supporting collaborative university-industry R&D programs

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    This paper aims to help professionals and academics involved in collaborative university-industry RD programs and projects, by presenting a conceptual social media tool that can be used to improve communication and collaboration between internal stakeholders. The social media tool conceptualization was developed based on a case study research strategy. The case selected was a large publicly funded RD collaborative program that covers 30 RD projects carried out by a university and an industry partner. During the case study analysis three research methods were applied: participant observation, document analysis, and focus groups. The social media tool is conceptualized in seven functional building blocks: identity, relationships, sharing, presence conversations, reputation and groups. For each building block, its main objectives and requirements are detailed, within this particular context of collaborative university-industry RD programs and projects.This research is sponsored by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT (SFRH/BPD/111033/2015), and by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion nº 36265/2013 (Project HMIExcel - 2013-2015)

    Organizational enablers to the governance of collaborative university-industry R&D Programs

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    Governance has a significant impact on the success of programs and projects. However, governance of collaborative university-industry projects and programs in literature, is a rather scarce topic. Based on an ethnographic study of a large university-industry collaboration, this paper proposes a conceptual framework of Organizational Enablers (OEs) to improve the governance of collaborative university-industry RD programs. An exploratory research was carried out, aiming to learn from the experience of program and project managers and other program stakeholders of the case under study. Qualitative data was collected using participant observation and document analysis. The framework highlights nine OEs: 'Established governance policies and values', 'Formal Governance support structures', 'Flexible organization structures', 'Standardization of program and project management practices', 'Different management approaches to fit the project needs', 'Clearly defined roles and responsibilities', 'Different means of communication and interaction', 'Top management Support' and 'Projects strategic alignment within the industry and university roadmaps'.INCT-EN - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Excitotoxicidade e Neuroproteção(UIDB/50014/2020)

    Value of project management in university–industry R&D collaborations

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    Purpose: University–industry projects provide special challenges in understanding and expressing the values required of project management (PM) in delivering stakeholder benefits. This paper presents a framework for understanding, identifying and managing the values of PM in major university–industry R&D projects. Design/methodology/approach: The value framework identifies for each of the key stakeholders, the key PM values that may require to be managed and are largely derived from research literature. Empirical research then explores, prioritises and selects key PM values that need to be managed for a specific project. A large case study is used involving one university and one industry collaborating on a multi-million Euro initiative over six years. Empirical research was conducted by researchers who observed at close quarters, the challenges and successes of managing the competing values of key stakeholders. Findings: The value framework takes a stakeholders' perspective by identifying the respective PM values for each of six stakeholders: university–industry consortium, university, industry, R&D external entities, funding entity and society. Research limitations/implications: The research was performed using only one case study which limits the generalisability of its findings; however, the findings are presented as a decision support aid for project consortia in developing values for their own collaboration. Practical implications: Guidance and decision support are provided to multi-stakeholder research consortia when selecting values that need to be managed for achieving tangible and intangible project benefits. Originality/value: The paper demonstrates a proposed framework for designing and managing the value of PM in large multi-stakeholder university–industry R&D projects.INCT-EN - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Excitotoxicidade e Neuroproteção(SFRH/BPD/111033/2015

    Managing of R&D projects: problems and guidance

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    This paper focuses on the management of research and development projects, which have been growing rapidly in recent years. A literature review identifies the main common factors affecting project management. A framework for management action is also proposed, taking into account the special nature of this type of project. Finally, a series of tools and solutions are identified and described with the intention of avoiding the problems previously identified

    Measuring the performance of university- industry R&D collaborations: an empirical research

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engineering Project ManagementCooperation in Research & Development is, nowadays, a topic on the agenda of policy makers and a means to stimulate innovation, with diverse funding being used to promote cooperation between companies and between companies and public institutions. A clear example of one of these public institutions is university, which is stated to have joined a system that is also composed by industry and government. The collaborations between university and industry are, possibly, the most important strategic instrument used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial investments in Research & Development. Given this, the collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry have been increasing, which assigns even more importance to the need for measuring the performance of these collaborations. Considering this need, the present dissertation focused on developing the initial version of an existing method, which uses a weighted scoring approach, to measure the performance of the collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry. For this purpose, it was used the Design Science Research methodology, through which it occurred the development and creation of the method as an artifact. The developed method is composed by thirty-one performance indicators and was applied in the Innovative Car HMI program, which results from a partnership between the University of Minho and Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal. The performance measurement of this program, at the time of the method’s application, resulted in a score of 4,4 (scale 1–5). Additionally, a questionnaire to evaluate the developed method was administered to different university members with experience in collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry. From the thirty-one performance indicators that compose the method, twenty-nine were evaluated as having a level of relevance above 3 (scale 1–5) and, from these, nineteen were evaluated as having a high level of relevance (equal to or above 4).A cooperação em Investigação e Desenvolvimento é, hoje em dia, um tópico na agenda dos decisores políticos e um meio de estimular a inovação, sendo que diversos financiamentos são empregues a promover a cooperação entre empresas e entre empresas e instituições públicas. Um claro exemplo de uma destas instituições públicas é a universidade, sobre a qual se diz que se tem juntado a um sistema que é também formado pela indústria e pelo governo. As colaborações entre universidade e indústria são, possivelmente, o instrumento estratégico mais importante para aumentar a eficácia e eficiência dos investimentos industriais em Investigação e Desenvolvimento. Dado isto, as colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria têm vindo a aumentar, o que atribui ainda maior importância à necessidade de medir o desempenho destas colaborações. Considerando esta necessidade, a presente dissertação focou-se em desenvolver a versão inicial de um método já existente, que usa uma abordagem de pontuação ponderada, para medir o desempenho das colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria. Para tal, foi usada a metodologia Design Science Research, por meio da qual ocorreu a criação e avaliação do método enquanto um artefacto. O método desenvolvido é composto por trinta e um indicadores de desempenho e foi aplicado no programa Innovative Car HMI, que resulta de uma parceria entre a Universidade do Minho e a Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal. A medição do desempenho deste programa, à data da aplicação do método, teve um resultado de 4,4 (escala 1–5). Adicionalmente, um questionário para avaliar o método desenvolvido foi realizado a diferentes membros da universidade com experiência em colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria. Dos trinta e um indicadores de desempenho, vinte e nove foram avaliados como tendo um nível de relevância acima de 3 (escala 1–5) e, destes, dezanove foram avaliados com um nível de relevância alto (igual ou superior a 4)

    Gestão de riscos em programas e projetos de I&D em colaboração Universidade-Indústria: uma perspetiva de stakeholders

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial (área de especialização em Avaliação e Gestão de Projetos e da Inovação)Em Programas e Projetos de I&D em colaboração universidade-indústria, as áreas de Gestão de Riscos e de Gestão de Stakeholders têm assumido uma importância preponderante para o sucesso dos Programas e Projetos, tendo em conta a natureza inovadora dos mesmos. Com o objetivo de reduzir o impacto do risco associado a este tipo de colaborações em I&D e consequentemente aumentar o sucesso dos Programas e Projetos, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de Gestão de Riscos direcionada para este tipo de Programas colaborativos, na perspetiva das principais partes interessadas, detalhando para três stakeholders chave (Gestor de Programas, Gestor de Projetos e Program and Project Management Office, isto é, Escritório de Gestão de Programas e Projetos) as respetivas atividades de Gestão de Riscos. Para suportar as atividades de Gestão de Riscos e a sua institucionalização, procedeu-se ainda à criação de um catálogo genérico de riscos e respostas típicas neste tipo de Programas e Projetos, à proposta de um Plano Integrado de Gestão de Riscos, à produção de um template de Gestão de Riscos para orientar as equipas de Projeto e à definição de estratégias de institucionalização das atividades de Gestão de Riscos e suas ferramentas. A investigação teve por base a realização de um estudo de caso sobre uma parceria colaborativa de I&D de larga escala em contexto universidade-indústria, nomeadamente entre UMinho e Bosch. Os métodos de investigação aplicados ao estudo de caso foram a análise documental, a realização de um questionário misto e focus groups. Os principais resultados deste trabalho de investigação centram-se na identificação dos principais riscos de gestão e respetivas respostas típicas, no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de Gestão de Riscos para o contexto específico de Programas de I&D em colaboração universidadeindústria e na identificação de algumas das estratégias para institucionalização destas ferramentas.In collaborative university-industry R&D programs and projects, the areas of Risk Management and Stakeholder Management have assumed a preponderant importance for the success of programs and projects, due to their innovative nature. In order to reduce the impact of risk associated with this type of R&D collaborations and consequently increase the success of programs and projects, a Risk Management methodology has been developed for this type of collaborative programs, from the perspective of the main stakeholders, detailing for three key stakeholders (Program Manager, Project Manager and Program and Project Management Office) the respective Risk Management activities. In order to support the Risk Management activities and their institutionalization, a generic catalogue of risks and typical responses in this type of programs and projects was also created, an Integrated Risk Management Plan was proposed, a Risk Management template was produced to guide the project teams and strategies for institutionalizing Risk Management activities and their tools were defined. The research was based on a case study of a large-scale collaborative R&D partnership in a university-industry context, namely between UMinho and Bosch. The research methods applied to the case study were documentary analysis, the realization of a mixed questionnaire and focus groups. The main results of this research work focus on the identification of the main management risks and their typical responses, the development of a Risk Management methodology for the specific context of university-industry collaborative R&D Programs, and the identification of some of the strategies for institutionalization of these tools

    Contributos para a governação de programas de I&D financiados em colaboração universidade-indústria

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão de Projetos de EngenhariaO elevado ritmo de inovação, aliado à rápida mudança tecnológica, fazem com que seja cada vez mais complicado para as empresas controlarem todos os campos de especialização importantes. O que leva à procura de meios alternativos, como as colaborações universidade-indústria, que são cada vez mais, uma escolha das empresas, para partilhar riscos específicos de I&D, explorar ativos complementares e agrupar recursos. A Governação tem um impacto significativo no sucesso destas colaborações. Contudo, a literatura sobre este assunto específico, a Governação de projetos e programas em colaboração universidade-indústria, é um tópico bastante escasso. Posto isto, e dada a relevância do tema, esta dissertação foca-se na Governação de um programa de I&D realizado em colaboração universidade-indústria. Assim através de observação e análise documental descreve-se o Modelo de Governação do estudo de caso, propõe-se melhorias a este, descreve-se a evolução da Governação ao longo do ciclo de vida do programa e, por fim, propõe-se uma framework conceptual para a Governação de programas de I&D financiados em colaboração universidade-indústria. Este último passo, corrresponde ao principal contributo deste estudo, de onde surgem um conjunto de Facilitadores Organizacionais (FO) que foram identificados para a Governação de programas de I&D em colaboração universidade-indústria. Estes FO são: a ‘Existência de políticas de Governação e valores bem definidos’, a ‘Introdução de estruturas de apoio à Governação’, a ‘Flexibilidade da estrutura de Governação’, a ‘Standardização das práticas de gestão de projetos e programas’, a ‘Existência de diferentes abordagens de gestão para ajustar às necessidades dos projetos’, a ‘Existência de funções e responsabilidades de Governação bem definidas e claras’, a ‘Existência de diferentes meios de comunicação e formas de interação’ e o ‘Alinhamento estratégico dos projetos com o roadmap da indústria e da universidade’.The pace of innovation coupled with technology is important for companies to control all major fields of expertise. This leads to the search for alternative means such as academic collaborations which are more and more a choice for companies to share R&D risks, to explore complementary assets and to pool resources. Governance has a significant impact on the success of these collaborations. However, literature on the specific subject, Governance of projects and programs in university-industry collaboration, is a rather scarce topic. Given this and given the relevance of the theme, this dissertation focuses on the Governance of an R&D program conducted in a university-industry collaboration. The Governance Model of a case study is described through observation and documentary analysis, improvements are proposed and the evolution of the model is described throughout the life cycle of the program. Lastly, a conceptual framework for the governance of R&D programs financed in university-industry collaboration is proposed. This last step is the main contribution of this study from which a group of Organizational Enablers (OE) were identified to improve the Governance of R&D programs in university-industry collaborations. These OEs are: 'Existence of Governance policies and well-defined values', 'Introduction of Governance support structures', 'Governance structure flexibility', 'Standardization of project and program management practices' the 'Existence of different management approaches to fit the needs of projects',' Existence of clear Governance functions and responsibilities', 'Existence of different means of communication and forms of interaction' and 'Strategic alignment of projects with industry and university roadmap’