11 research outputs found

    Optimizing group-by and aggregation using GPU-CPU co-processing

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    While GPU query processing is a well-studied area, real adoption is limited in practice as typically GPU execution is only significantly faster than CPU execution if the data resides in GPU memory, which limits scalability to small data scenarios where performance tends to be less critical. Another problem is that not all query code (e.g. UDFs) will realistically be able to run on GPUs. We therefore investigate CPU-GPU co-processing, where both the CPU and GPU are involved in evaluating the query in scenarios where the data does not fit in the GPU memory.As we wish to deeply explore opportunities for optimizing execution speed, we narrow our focus further to a specific well-studied OLAP scenario, amenable to such co-processing, in the form of the TPC-H benchmark Query 1.For this query, and at large scale factors, we are able to improve performance significantly over the state-of-the-art for GPU implementations; we present competitive performance of a GPU versus a state-of-the-art multi-core CPU baseline a novelty for data exceeding GPU memory size; and finally, we show that co-processing does provide significant additional speedup over any of the processors individually.We achieve this performance improvement by utilizing parallelism-friendly compression to alleviate the PCIe transfer bottleneck, query-compilation-like fusion of the processing operations, and a simple yet effective scheduling mechanism. We hope that some of these features can inspire future work on GPU-focused and heterogeneous analytic DBMSes.</p

    SwiftSpatial: Spatial Joins on Modern Hardware

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    Spatial joins are among the most time-consuming queries in spatial data management systems. In this paper, we propose SwiftSpatial, a specialized accelerator architecture tailored for spatial joins. SwiftSpatial contains multiple high-performance join units with innovative hybrid parallelism, several efficient memory management units, and an integrated on-chip join scheduler. We prototype SwiftSpatial on an FPGA and incorporate the R-tree synchronous traversal algorithm as the control flow. Benchmarked against various CPU and GPU-based spatial data processing systems, SwiftSpatial demonstrates a latency reduction of up to 5.36x relative to the best-performing baseline, while requiring 6.16x less power. The remarkable performance and energy efficiency of SwiftSpatial lay a solid foundation for its future integration into spatial data management systems, both in data centers and at the edge

    Efficiently Processing Large Relational Joins on GPUs

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    With the growing interest in Machine Learning (ML), Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have become key elements of any computing infrastructure. Their widespread deployment in data centers and the cloud raises the question of how to use them beyond ML use cases, with growing interest in employing them in a database context. In this paper, we explore and analyze the implementation of relational joins on GPUs from an end-to-end perspective, meaning that we take result materialization into account. We conduct a comprehensive performance study of state-of-the-art GPU-based join algorithms over diverse synthetic workloads and TPC-H/TPC-DS benchmarks. Without being restricted to the conventional setting where each input relation has only one key and one non-key with all attributes being 4-bytes long, we investigate the effect of various factors (e.g., input sizes, number of non-key columns, skewness, data types, match ratios, and number of joins) on the end-to-end throughput. Furthermore, we propose a technique called "Gather-from-Transformed-Relations" (GFTR) to reduce the long-ignored yet high materialization cost in GPU-based joins. The experimental evaluation shows significant performance improvements from GFTR, with throughput gains of up to 2.3 times over previous work. The insights gained from the performance study not only advance the understanding of GPU-based joins but also introduce a structured approach to selecting the most efficient GPU join algorithm based on the input relation characteristics

    Novel Selectivity Estimation Strategy for Modern DBMS

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    Selectivity estimation is important in query optimization, however accurate estimation is difficult when predicates are complex. Instead of existing database synopses and statistics not helpful for such cases, we introduce a new approach to compute the exact selectivity by running an aggregate query during the optimization phase. Exact selectivity can be achieved without significant overhead for in-memory and GPU-accelerated databases by adding extra query execution calls. We implement a selection push-down extension based on the novel selectivity estimation strategy in the MapD database system. Our approach records constant and less than 30 millisecond overheads in any circumstances while running on GPU. The novel strategy successfully generates better query execution plans which result in performance improvement up to 4.8 times from TPC-H benchmark SF-50 queries and 7.3 times from star schema benchmark SF-80 queries

    Hardware-conscious Query Processing in GPU-accelerated Analytical Engines

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    In order to improve their power efficiency and computational capacity, modern servers are adopting hardware accelerators, especially GPUs. Modern analytical DMBS engines have been highly optimized for multi-core multi-CPU query execution, but lack the necessary abstractions to support concurrent hardware-conscious query execution over multiple heterogeneous devices and, thus, are unable to take full advantage of the available accelerators. In this work, we present a Heterogeneity-conscious Analytical query Processing Engine (HAPE), a hardware-conscious analytical engines that targets efficient concurrent multi-CPU multi-GPU query execution. HAPE decomposes heterogeneous query execution into i) efficient single-device and ii) concurrent multi-device query execution. It uses hardware-conscious algorithms designed for single-device execution and combines them into efficient intra-device hardware-conscious execution modules, via code generation. HAPE combines these modules to achieve concurrent multi-device execution by handling data and control transfers. We validate our design by building a prototype and evaluate its performance on a co-processing radix-join and TPC-H queries. We show that it achieves up to 10x and 3.5x speed-up on the join against CPU and GPU alternatives and 1.6x-8x against state-of-the-art CPU- and GPU-based commercial DBMS on the queries

    HetExchange: Encapsulating heterogeneous CPU-GPU parallelism in JIT compiled engines

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    Modern server hardware is increasingly heterogeneous as hardware accelerators, such as GPUs, are used together with multicore CPUs to meet the computational demands of modern data analytics workloads. Unfortunately, query parallelization techniques used by analytical database engines are designed for homogeneous multicore servers, where query plans are parallelized across CPUs to process data stored in cache coherent shared memory. Thus, these techniques are unable to fully exploit available heterogeneous hardware, where one needs to exploit task-parallelism of CPUs and data-parallelism of GPUs for processing data stored in a deep, non-cache-coherent memory hierarchy with widely varying access latencies and bandwidth. In this paper, we introduce HetExchange–a parallel query execution framework that encapsulates the heterogeneous parallelism of modern multi-CPU–multi-GPU servers and enables the parallelization of (pre-)existing sequential relational operators. In contrast to the interpreted nature of traditional Exchange, HetExchange is designed to be used in conjunction with JIT compiled engines in order to allow a tight integration with the proposed operators and generation of efficient code for heterogeneous hardware. We validate the applicability and efficiency of our design by building a prototype that can operate over both CPUs and GPUs, and enables its operators to be parallelism- and data-location-agnostic. In doing so, we show that efficiently exploiting CPU–GPU parallelism can provide 2.8x and 6.4x improvement in performance compared to state-of-the-art CPU-based and GPU-based DBMS

    MxTasks: a novel processing model to support data processing on modern hardware

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    The hardware landscape has changed rapidly in recent years. Modern hardware in today's servers is characterized by many CPU cores, multiple sockets, and vast amounts of main memory structured in NUMA hierarchies. In order to benefit from these highly parallel systems, the software has to adapt and actively engage with newly available features. However, the processing models forming the foundation for many performance-oriented applications have remained essentially unchanged. Threads, which serve as the central processing abstractions, can be considered a "black box" that hardly allows any transparency between the application and the system underneath. On the one hand, applications are aware of the knowledge that could assist the system in optimizing the execution, such as accessed data objects and access patterns. On the other hand, the limited opportunities for information exchange cause operating systems to make assumptions about the applications' intentions to optimize their execution, e.g., for local data access. Applications, on the contrary, implement optimizations tailored to specific situations, such as sophisticated synchronization mechanisms and hardware-conscious data structures. This work presents MxTasking, a task-based runtime environment that assists the design of data structures and applications for contemporary hardware. MxTasking rethinks the interfaces between performance-oriented applications and the execution substrate, streamlining the information exchange between both layers. By breaking patterns of processing models designed with past generations of hardware in mind, MxTasking creates novel opportunities to manage resources in a hardware- and application-conscious way. Accordingly, we question the granularity of "conventional" threads and show that fine-granular MxTasks are a viable abstraction unit for characterizing and optimizing the execution in a general way. Using various demonstrators in the context of database management systems, we illustrate the practical benefits and explore how challenges like memory access latencies and error-prone synchronization of concurrency can be addressed straightforwardly and effectively