7 research outputs found

    DAEN: Deep Autoencoder Networks for Hyperspectral Unmixing

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    Context dependent spectral unmixing.

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    A hyperspectral unmixing algorithm that finds multiple sets of endmembers is proposed. The algorithm, called Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (CDSU), is a local approach that adapts the unmixing to different regions of the spectral space. It is based on a novel function that combines context identification and unmixing. This joint objective function models contexts as compact clusters and uses the linear mixing model as the basis for unmixing. Several variations of the CDSU, that provide additional desirable features, are also proposed. First, the Context Dependent Spectral unmixing using the Mahalanobis Distance (CDSUM) offers the advantage of identifying non-spherical clusters in the high dimensional spectral space. Second, the Cluster and Proportion Constrained Multi-Model Unmixing (CC-MMU and PC-MMU) algorithms use partial supervision information, in the form of cluster or proportion constraints, to guide the search process and narrow the space of possible solutions. The supervision information could be provided by an expert, generated by analyzing the consensus of multiple unmixing algorithms, or extracted from co-located data from a different sensor. Third, the Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (RCDSU) introduces possibilistic memberships into the objective function to reduce the effect of noise and outliers in the data. Finally, the Unsupervised Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing (U-RCDSU) algorithm learns the optimal number of contexts in an unsupervised way. The performance of each algorithm is evaluated using synthetic and real data. We show that the proposed methods can identify meaningful and coherent contexts, and appropriate endmembers within each context. The second main contribution of this thesis is consensus unmixing. This approach exploits the diversity and similarity of the large number of existing unmixing algorithms to identify an accurate and consistent set of endmembers in the data. We run multiple unmixing algorithms using different parameters, and combine the resulting unmixing ensemble using consensus analysis. The extracted endmembers will be the ones that have a consensus among the multiple runs. The third main contribution consists of developing subpixel target detectors that rely on the proposed CDSU algorithms to adapt target detection algorithms to different contexts. A local detection statistic is computed for each context and then all scores are combined to yield a final detection score. The context dependent unmixing provides a better background description and limits target leakage, which are two essential properties for target detection algorithms

    Hyperspectral benthic mapping from underwater robotic platforms

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    We live on a planet of vast oceans; 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water. They are integral to supporting life, providing 99% of the inhabitable space on Earth. Our oceans and the habitats within them are under threat due to a variety of factors. To understand the impacts and possible solutions, the monitoring of marine habitats is critically important. Optical imaging as a method for monitoring can provide a vast array of information however imaging through water is complex. To compensate for the selective attenuation of light in water, this thesis presents a novel light propagation model and illustrates how it can improve optical imaging performance. An in-situ hyperspectral system is designed which comprised of two upward looking spectrometers at different positions in the water column. The downwelling light in the water column is continuously sampled by the system which allows for the generation of a dynamic water model. In addition to the two upward looking spectrometers the in-situ system contains an imaging module which can be used for imaging of the seafloor. It consists of a hyperspectral sensor and a trichromatic stereo camera. New calibration methods are presented for the spatial and spectral co-registration of the two optical sensors. The water model is used to create image data which is invariant to the changing optical properties of the water and changing environmental conditions. In this thesis the in-situ optical system is mounted onboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Data from the imaging module is also used to classify seafloor materials. The classified seafloor patches are integrated into a high resolution 3D benthic map of the surveyed site. Given the limited imaging resolution of the hyperspectral sensor used in this work, a new method is also presented that uses information from the co-registered colour images to inform a new spectral unmixing method to resolve subpixel materials