6 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Students' Mastery of Iteration in the High School

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    Although a number of studies report about novices\u2019 diffi-culties with basic flow-control constructs, concerning both the under-standing of the underlying notional machine and the logical connectionswith the application domain, this issues have not yet been extensivelyexplored in the context of high-school education. As part of a projectwhose long-run goal is identifying methodological tools to improve thelearning of iteration, we analyzed how a sample of 164 high-school stu-dents\u2019 approached three small programming tasks involving basic loopingconstructs, as well as two questions on their subjective perception of dif-ficulty. If, on the one hand, most students seem to have developed aviable mental model of the basic workings of the underlying machine,on the other, dealing at a more abstract level with loop conditions andnested flow-control structures appears to be challenging. As to the impli-cations for teachers, the results of the analysis suggest that more effortsshould be addressed to develop a method for testing the conjecturesabout program behavior, as well as to the treatment of loop conditionsin connection with the problem statement

    Reduction of Plane Quartics and Cayley Octads

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    We give a conjectural characterisation of the stable reduction of plane quartics over local fields in terms of their Cayley octads. This results in p-adic criteria that efficiently give the stable reduction type amongst the 42 possible types, and whether the reduction is hyperelliptic or not. These criteria are in the vein of the machinery of "cluster pictures" for hyperelliptic curves. We also construct explicit families of quartic curves that realise all possible stable types, against which we test these criteria. We give numerical examples that illustrate how to use these criteria in practice.Comment: Comments are welcome, 683 pictures, improved introductio

    Task-related models for teaching and assessing iteration learning in high school

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    A number of studies report about students’ difficulties with basic flow-control constructs, and specifically with iteration. Although such issues are less explored in the context of pre-tertiary education, this seems to be especially the case for high-school programming learning, where the difficulties concern both the “mechanical” features of the notional machine as well as the logical aspects connected with the constructs, ranging from the implications of loop conditions to a more abstract grasp of the underlying algorithms. For these reasons, the aim of this work is to: i) identifying methodological tools to enhance a comprehensive understanding of the iteration constructs, ii) suggest strategies to teach iterations. We interviewed 20 experienced upper secondary teachers of introductory programming in different kinds of schools. The interviews were mainly aimed at ascertaining teachers’ beliefs about major sources of issues for basic programming concepts and their approach to the teaching and learning of iteration constructs. Once teachers’ perception of students’ difficulties have been identified, we have submitted, to a sample of 164 students, a survey which included both questions on their subjective perception of difficulty and simple tasks probing their understanding of iteration. Data collected from teachers and students confirm that iteration is a central programming concept and indicate that the treatment of conditions and nested constructs are major sources of students’ difficulties with iteration. The interviews allowed us to identify a list of problems that are typically presented by teachers to explain the iterations. Hence, a catalogue of significant program examples has been built to support students’ learning, tasks with characteristics different from those typically presented in class. Based on the outcome of previous steps, a survey to collect related information and good practices from a larger sample of teachers has been designed. Data collected have been analysed distinguishing an orientation towards more conceptual objectives, and one towards more practical objectives. Furthermore, regarding evaluation, a orientation focused on process-based assessment and another on product-based assessment. Finally, based on the outcome of previous students’ survey and drawing from the proposed examples catalogue, we have designed and submitted a new students’ survey, composed of a set of small tasks, or tasklets, to investigate in more depth on high-school students’ understanding of iteration in terms of code reading abilities. The chosen tasklets covered the different topics: technical program feature, correlation between tracing effort and abstraction, the role of flow-charts, students’ perception of self-confidence concerning high-level thinking skills.A number of studies report about students’ difficulties with basic flow-control constructs, and specifically with iteration. Although such issues are less explored in the context of pre-tertiary education, this seems to be especially the case for high-school programming learning, where the difficulties concern both the “mechanical” features of the notional machine as well as the logical aspects connected with the constructs, ranging from the implications of loop conditions to a more abstract grasp of the underlying algorithms. For these reasons, the aim of this work is to: i) identifying methodological tools to enhance a comprehensive understanding of the iteration constructs, ii) suggest strategies to teach iterations. We interviewed 20 experienced upper secondary teachers of introductory programming in different kinds of schools. The interviews were mainly aimed at ascertaining teachers’ beliefs about major sources of issues for basic programming concepts and their approach to the teaching and learning of iteration constructs. Once teachers’ perception of students’ difficulties have been identified, we have submitted, to a sample of 164 students, a survey which included both questions on their subjective perception of difficulty and simple tasks probing their understanding of iteration. Data collected from teachers and students confirm that iteration is a central programming concept and indicate that the treatment of conditions and nested constructs are major sources of students’ difficulties with iteration. The interviews allowed us to identify a list of problems that are typically presented by teachers to explain the iterations. Hence, a catalogue of significant program examples has been built to support students’ learning, tasks with characteristics different from those typically presented in class. Based on the outcome of previous steps, a survey to collect related information and good practices from a larger sample of teachers has been designed. Data collected have been analysed distinguishing an orientation towards more conceptual objectives, and one towards more practical objectives. Furthermore, regarding evaluation, a orientation focused on process-based assessment and another on product-based assessment. Finally, based on the outcome of previous students’ survey and drawing from the proposed examples catalogue, we have designed and submitted a new students’ survey, composed of a set of small tasks, or tasklets, to investigate in more depth on high-school students’ understanding of iteration in terms of code reading abilities. The chosen tasklets covered the different topics: technical program feature, correlation between tracing effort and abstraction, the role of flow-charts, students’ perception of self-confidence concerning high-level thinking skills

    Pictures as invariants

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    The development, speci cation, and use of a loop invariant are useful and underutilized tools in writing code to solve a problem or implement an algorithm. Invariants are especially useful in introductory courses (CS1 and CS2) but are usually avoided because of the mathematical notation associated with them and because most textbooks have brief, if any, coverage of them. Our intent in this paper is provide several motivating examples of the use of pictures as loop invariants and to provide pointers to literature that more fully explores and develops the ideas of using loop invariants in specifying and developing programs.