95 research outputs found

    New control strategies for neuroprosthetic systems

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    The availability of techniques to artificially excite paralyzed muscles opens enormous potential for restoring both upper and lower extremity movements with\ud neuroprostheses. Neuroprostheses must stimulate muscle, and control and regulate the artificial movements produced. Control methods to accomplish these tasks include feedforward (open-loop), feedback, and adaptive control. Feedforward control requires a great deal of information about the biomechanical behavior of the limb. For the upper extremity, an artificial motor program was developed to provide such movement program input to a neuroprosthesis. In lower extremity control, one group achieved their best results by attempting to meet naturally perceived gait objectives rather than to follow an exact joint angle trajectory. Adaptive feedforward control, as implemented in the cycleto-cycle controller, gave good compensation for the gradual decrease in performance observed with open-loop control. A neural network controller was able to control its system to customize stimulation parameters in order to generate a desired output trajectory in a given individual and to maintain tracking performance in the presence of muscle fatigue. The authors believe that practical FNS control systems must\ud exhibit many of these features of neurophysiological systems

    Feedback control of cycling in spinal cord injury using functional electrical stimulation

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    This thesis is concerned with the realisation of leg cycling by means of FES in SCI individuals with complete paraplegia. FES lower-limb cycling can be safely performed by paraplegics on static ergometers or recumbent tricycles. In this work, different FES cycling systems were developed for clinical and home use. Two design approaches have been followed. The first is based on the adaptation of commercially available recumbent tricycles. This results in devices which can be used as static trainers or for mobile cycling. The second design approach utilises a commercially available motorised ergometer which can be operated while sitting in a wheelchair. The developed FES cycling systems can be operated in isotonic (constant cycling resistance) or isokinetic mode (constant cadence) when used as static trainers. This represents a novelty compared to existing FES cycling systems. In order to realise isokinetic cycling, an electric motor is needed to assist or resist the cycling movement to maintain a constant cadence. Repetitive control technology is applied to the motor in this context to virtually eliminate disturbance caused by the FES activated musculature which are periodic with respect to the cadence. Furthermore, new methods for feedback control of the patient’s work rate have been introduced. A one year pilot study on FES cycling with paraplegic subjects has been carried out. Effective indoor cycling on a trainer setup could be achieved for long periods up to an hour, and mobile outdoor cycling was performed over useful distances. Power output of FES cycling was in the range of 15 to 20 W for two of the three subjects at the end of the pilot study. A muscle strengthening programme was carried out prior and concurrent to the FES cycling. Feedback control of FES assisted weight lifting exercises by quadriceps stimulation has been studied in this context

    Control systems for function restoration, exercise, fitness and health in spinal cord injury

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    We describe original research contributions to the engineering development of systems which aim to restore function and enable effective exercise for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Our work utilises functional electrical stimulation (FES) of paralysed muscle. Improving function and general health through participation in exercise is vital to the enhancement of quality of life, well-being and promotion of longevity. Crucial to the development of this research has been judicious use of advanced methods of feedback control engineering; this has been a key enabling factor in many of our original contributions. The consequences of a spinal cord injury can be severe. The primary effects may include; paralysis and loss of sensation in the legs, arms and trunk; disruption of bladder and bowel function; and disruption of the autonomic regulation of blood pressure, heart rate and lung function. If the abdominal and chest muscles are paralysed, breathing will be compromised, and patients with a high-level cervical injury may require mechanical ventilation. These primary effects of a spinal cord injury may, over time, lead to a range of debilitating secondary medical complications. These include reduced cardiovascular fitness, urinary tract infection and an associated risk of kidney disease, reduced bone mineral density, the possible development of pressure sores, and muscle spasticity. People with paralysed chest and abdominal muscles are at increased risk of respiratory infection. Consideration of these factors has led us to focus our research programme in this field on novel engineering solutions which have relevance to the secondary consequences of spinal cord injury, and which may help to alleviate some of their effects. In this thesis we describe our contributions in the following areas: 1. Control of Paraplegic Standing; This work concerns upright stance, and aims to provide; (i) automatic feedback control of balance during stance, with the arms free for functional tasks; (ii) methods and apparatus for dynamic standing therapy, which may help to enhance the individual's retained balance skills. This area of work has successfully demonstrated the automatic control of balance during quiet standing in paraplegic subjects. Further, we have established the feasibility of ankle stiffness control in paraplegic subjects using FES, and we have shown that this can be combined with volitional upper-body inputs to achieve stable, arm-free balance. 2. Lower-limb Cycling: Lower-limb cycling, achieved through electrical stimulation of paralysed leg-actuating muscles, is an effective exercise intervention. We have described refinements to the engineering design of an FES-cycling system, based upon the adaptation of commercially-available recumbent tricycles (of various designs), some of which are equipped with an auxiliary electric motor. We have contributed new methods of feedback control of key variables including cycle cadence and exercise workrate. These contributions have facilitated further detailed study of the effect of the exercise on cardiopulmonary fitness, bone integrity, spasticity, muscle condition, and factors relating to the likelihood of skin breakdown (i.e. the development of pressure sores). 3. Upper-limb Exercise in Tetraplegia; We have developed a new exercise modality for patients with a cervical-level injury and significant loss of arm function. The system allows effective arm ergometry by combining volitional motion with electrical stimulation of the paralysed upper-arm muscles. This work has developed new apparatus and exercise testing protocols, and has examined the effect of the exercise on cardiopulmonary fitness and muscle strength in experiments with tetraplegic subjects. 4. Modelling and Control of Stimulated Muscle; This fundamental area of research has investigated dynamic modelling and feedback control design approaches for electrically-stimulated muscle. This work has been applied in the three areas mentioned above. We identify promising areas for future research. These include extension of work on lower- limb cycling to patients with incomplete injuries, to those with cervical-level injuries, and to children with SCI. We wish to participate in a multi-centre clinical study of implanted nerve- root stimulation technology for restoration of bladder and bowel control, and for lower-limb exercise (including cycling). We have initiated a study of treadmill-based gait therapy for incomplete-lesion patients. The goals of this study are to develop test protocols for accurate characterisation of cardiopulmonary status, and to determine whether this form of cyclical lower-limb exercise has a positive impact on retained voluntary leg function. It is often the case that it is those people most severely affected by neurological impairment who stand to gain the most from these approaches (e.g. high-level tetraplegia, paediatric spinal cord injury, etc.). We must therefore continue to seek ways in which the work can be developed for the maximum benefit of these patients. In conclusion, this thesis has described original research contributions to the engineering development of systems which aim to restore important function and to enable effective exercise for people with spinal cord injury. An important facet of our work has been the application of feedback control methods; this has been an enabling factor in several areas of study. We have focused on areas which promise improved fitness and general health, and which may alleviate some of the secondary consequences of spinal cord injury. This work encompasses fundamental research, clinical studies, and the pursuit of technology transfer into clinical practice. Finally, we recognise the growing awareness of and interest in central nervous system plasticity, and in the broad field of central neural regeneration and repair. It is therefore timely to ask whether cyclical exercise interventions can lead to improvement of volitional function in patients with incomplete or discomplete lesions. Such improvements may, we speculate, result from the strengthening of muscles which retain at least partial volitional control, or from neural plasticity and re-organisation, or from regeneration effects (neurogenesis and functional connectivity). A key requirement in this line of investigation, and a major challenge, will be to develop or to utilise methods which can detect changes in a patient's volitional function and neurological status, and which can isolate the source of such changes. Should reliable methods become available, the way to the study of recovery of function through cyclical exercise would be opened. These considerations will remain, we propose, an indispensable complement to cell-based surgical interventions which may become available in the future

    Engineering development and control design of a system for paraplegic tricycling

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    The aim of this study was the design of a cycle device to be used by patients with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), using the technique of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). A complete literature review of former projects in the areas of Design Engineering, Control Engineering, Physiologic and Psychologic investigations in SCI FES cycling was done. All results achieved so far were summarized. Based on the review, a commercially available tricycle was modified for the demands of SCI people. A 10 Bit shaft encoder was used to feed back information from the tricycle and the cyclist. A software for the stimulation of the muscles in the lower limbs was developed. The Real Time Toolbox of Matlab was used for the data acquisition between the tricycle and the PC. A simple approach was invented to find a good first approximation of the individual stimulation pattern for the Gluteal, Hamstring, and Quadriceps muscle groups. Initial experiments were done. A velocity compensation routine, which was part of the software as well, allowed a healthy subject, stimulated via FES, to increase the pedal frequency to more than 100 rev per minute. A closed loop controller, based on system identification and analytical controller design, was implemented into the software as well. Experiments showed that the controller was able to fix the pedal frequency to a constant value on one hand, but also to solve dynamic tasks on the other hand. This is a significant original contribution, as this type of feedback controller has not previously been applied in FES cycling. The system described in the thesis is currently being used in a pilot study of FES cycling with three paraplegic subjects at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow

    Synthesis of optimal electrical stimulation patterns for functional motion restoration: applied to spinal cord-injured patients

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    We investigated the synthesis of electrical stimulation patterns for functional movement restoration in human paralyzed limbs. We considered the knee joint system, co-activated by the stimulated quadriceps and hamstring muscles. This synthesis is based on optimized functional electrical stimulation (FES) patterns to minimize muscular energy consumption and movement efficiency criteria. This two-part work includes a multi-scale physiological muscle model, based on Huxley’s formulation. In the simulation, three synthesis strategies were investigated and compared in terms of muscular energy consumption and co-contraction levels. In the experimental validation, the synthesized FES patterns were carried out on the quadriceps-knee joint system of four complete spinal cord injured subjects. Surface stimulation was applied to all subjects, except for one FES-implanted subject who received neural stimulation. In each experimental validation, the model was adapted to the subject through a parameter identification procedure. Simulation results were successful and showed high co-contraction levels when reference trajectories were tracked. Experimental validation results were encouraging, as the desired and measured trajectories showed good agreement, with an 8.4 % rms error in a subject without substantial time-varying behavior. We updated the maximal isometric force in the model to account for time-varying behavior, which improved the average rms errors from 31.4 to 13.9 % for all subjects

    CIR-Myo News: Abstracts of the 2015 Spring Padua Muscle Days

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    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) leg cycling exercise in paraplegia: a pilot study for the definition and assessment of exercise testing protocols and efficacy of exercise

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    A custom FES-cycling ergometer equipped with an electric motor and an integrated feedback system for accurate control of exercise workrate and cadence has been employed in this study. This experimental setup allowed the imposition of arbitrary workrate profiles with high precision and provided the potential for highly-sensitive exercise testing. One aim of the work described in this thesis was to propose and evaluate novel protocols for incremental exercise test (IET) and step exercise test (SET). Valid protocols would allow reliable estimation of the key markers of cardiopulmonary fitness in SCI subjects performing FES-cycling. Measures which can be used to evaluate the effect on cycling performance of changes in stimulation parameters, and which might therefore be used to optimise them, were also investigated. Thus, a second aim of this work was to determine whether oxygen uptake and a new measure of stimulation cost (i.e. the total rate of stimulation charge applied to the stimulated muscle groups during cycling) are sensitive enough to allow discrimination between the efficacy of different activation patterns during constant-power cycling. A discussion on the concept of metabolic efficiency in AB and SCI subjects is presented in this thesis. Efficiency of FES-cycling is much lower than that of voluntary cycling. Therefore, a third aim of this work was to define new efficiency measurements that are more appropriate for the SCI population. Two volunteer subjects took part in this study and the data obtained from the tests they performed are presented as case studies. The main outcome shows feasibility of the two exercise testing protocols. Moreover, the first report of a ventilatory threshold in SCI subjects during FES-cycling has been provided here. Oxygen uptake and stimulation cost measurements both allow discrimination between the efficacy of different muscle activation patterns. However, stimulation cost is more easily determined in real time, and responds more rapidly and with greatly improved signal-to-noise properties than oxygen uptake

    Customized modeling and simulations for control of motor neuroprostheses for walking

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    2013 Spring Padua Muscle Days | Padua and Terme Euganee, March 15-17

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    Robust Model Predictive Control of An Input Delayed Functional Electrical Stimulation

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    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an external application of low-level currents to elicit muscle contractions that can potentially restore limb function in persons with spinal cord injury. However, FES often leads to the rapid onset of muscle fatigue, which limits performance of FES-based devices due to reduction in force generation capability. Fatigue is caused by unnatural muscle recruitment and synchronous and repetitive recruitment of muscle fibers. In this situation, overstimulation of the muscle fibers further aggravates the muscle fatigue. Therefore, a motivation exists to use optimal controls that minimize muscle stimulation while providing a desired performance. Model predictive controller (MPC) is one such optimal control method. However, the traditional MPC is dependent on exact model knowledge of the musculoskeletal dynamics and cannot handle modeling uncertainties. Motivated to address modeling uncertainties, robust MPC approach is used to control FES. Moreover, two new robust MPC techniques are studied to address electromechanical delay (EMD) during FES, which often causes performance issues and stability problems. This thesis compares two types of robust MPCs: a Lyapunov-based MPC and a tube- based MPC for controlling knee extension elicited through FES. Lyapunov-based MPC incorporated a contractive constraint that bounds the Lyapunov function of the MPC with a Lyapunov function that was used to derive an EMD compensation control law. The Lyapunov-based MPC was simulated to validate its performance. In the tube-based MPC, the EMD compensation controller was chosen to be the tube that eliminated output of the nominal MPC and the output of the real system. Regulation experiments were performed for the tube-based MPC on a leg extension machine and the controller showed robust performance despite modeling uncertainties
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