95,594 research outputs found

    Prosodic Analysis of Wh-indeterminate Questions in L2 Korean

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    Wh-indeterminate questions, particularly wh-questions and yes-no questions, in Korean are ambiguous due to the limited morpho-syntactic markers in the sentence. The absence of these markers leaves two questions syntactically identical, leading to lexical ambiguity. The disambiguation of these two questions relies primarily on prosodic cues. Drawing from previous studies in the L1 Korean context, this study examines the intonation patterns of English learners of Korean in producing and perceiving wh-questions and yes-no questions and explores if there is any sign of L1 influence from English. Five English learners of Korean, who received formal instruction in Korean at a U.S. university, completed a production and perception test that consisted of 10 dialogues featuring ambiguous wh-indeterminate questions. Their speech was analyzed for prosodic features, such as pitch range, boundary tone, and accentual phrasing. The findings revealed that there was a significant variability in prosodic elements, with language proficiency markedly affecting pitch range. However, no consistent relationship was found among learners regarding accentual phrasing. The results of the study suggest that there is a complex interplay between proficiency and target-like prosody in second language acquisition

    An investigation of speaker independent phrase break models in End-to-End TTS systems

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    This paper presents our work on phrase break prediction in the context of end-to-end TTS systems, motivated by the following questions: (i) Is there any utility in incorporating an explicit phrasing model in an end-to-end TTS system?, and (ii) How do you evaluate the effectiveness of a phrasing model in an end-to-end TTS system? In particular, the utility and effectiveness of phrase break prediction models are evaluated in in the context of childrens story synthesis, using listener comprehension. We show by means of perceptual listening evaluations that there is a clear preference for stories synthesized after predicting the location of phrase breaks using a trained phrasing model, over stories directly synthesized without predicting the location of phrase breaks.Comment: Submitted for review to IEEE Acces

    Clinical assessment of skin phototypes: watch your words!

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    Fitzpatrick skin phototype classification is widely used to assess risk factors for skin cancers. This skin type evaluation is easy to use in clinical practice but is not always applied as initially described, nor practiced in a standardised way. This can have implications on the results of relevant dermato-epidemiological studies. To demonstrate, in a large multinational setting, that the phrasing of questions on sun sensitivity can have a strong impact on the perception and reporting of skin phototype, as well as the importance of a standardised procedure for phototype assessment. Using data collected from 48,258 screenees of the Euromelanoma campaign in six European countries from 2009 to 2011, we analysed the impact of change in the question phrasing on phototype classification in each country. Changing the wording of a question to assess the phototype of a person also significantly influenced the classification of phototypes in different countries (p<0.001 for each country). The difference essentially corresponded to a shift towards a less sun-sensitive skin type when a shorter question that did not include skin colour description was used. The only exception was Portugal where phototype was not patient-assessed and classification shifted towards a more sun-sensitive phototype. Results were statistically significant and highly consistent, irrespective of gender. The phrasing of questions on skin type is important and substantially influences reporting. A standardized procedure to classify phototypes should be used in order to obtain comparable data between studies


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    This article offers an analysis of west African bell patterns, positioning them as an entry to musical analysis of west African drumming. How can bell patterns be used as a tool by researchers to establish meter? What information do they provide about the “feel†of the music? And finally, how do these patterns interact with the underlying meter and feel, and what does this reveal about phrasing in west African music? To answer these questions, this article examines the case of the dawuro iron bell in Asante Kete drumming from Ghana. A close analysis of the Kete dawuro bell pattern reveals that the Kete pattern may be represented in an “African 12/8†or ternary-quadruple meter, emphasizes the importance of the half-time 2-feel embodying the Asante maxim of “not hurryingâ€, and demonstrates the highly motile and “goal-oriented†phrasing exemplified in Kete’s timeline patterns. To the broader west African and diasporic scholarly communities, this article presents a model for inferring meter, feel, and phrasing through close analysis of west African bell patterns

    Estimating parties’ policy positions through voting advice applications: Some methodological considerations

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    The past few years have seen the advent and proliferation of Voting Advice (or Aid) Applications (VAAs), which offer voting advice on the basis of calculating the ideological congruence between citizens and political actors. Although VAA data have often been used to test many empirical questions regarding voting behaviour and political participation, we know little about the approaches used by VAAs to estimate the positions of political parties. This article presents the most common aspects of the VAA approach and examines some methodological issues regarding the phrasing of statements, the format of response scales, the reliability of coding statements into response scales and the reliability and validity of scaling items into dimensions. The article argues that VAAs have a lot of potential but there is also much space for methodological improvements, and therefore concludes with some recommendations for designing VAAs

    Occupy Wall Street: The movement in its third anniversary

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    Peer-reviewedThe emergence of networked social movements in 2011 has opened a new door in the social movements' literature. By adopting a technopolitical and situated approach, in this paper, we explore the case of the Occupy Wall Street movement three years after its formation in September 2011. Through an online survey and a nonprobabilistic sampling procedure, we pay special attention to the perceptions and opinions of the movement's participants. We distinguish seven thematic sections: the relationship with the movement, previous political participation and motivations, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the emotions experienced, the evolution of the movement, its influence on institutional politics, and its impacts on several aspects of social life. The results show that the respondents (N=522) are overall adherent to the movement and that the majority participated at some point. Most think that the movement still exists in one way or another, and perceive its impact on several areas, institutions, behaviours, and ideas. We conclude by describing OWS as a case that adequately fits the concept of a networked social movement. Finally, we suggest further developments in the understanding of these movements by further applying the online survey designed for this study and complementing analyses via other research methods.La aparición de los movimientos sociales en red en 2011 ha abierto una nueva puerta en la literatura de los movimientos sociales. Al adoptar un enfoque tecnopolítico y situado, en este documento, exploramos el caso del movimiento Occupy Wall Street tres años después de su creación en septiembre de 2011. A través de una encuesta en línea y un procedimiento de muestreo no probabilístico, prestamos especial atención a las percepciones y opiniones de los participantes del movimiento. Distinguimos siete secciones temáticas: la relación con el movimiento, la participación y motivaciones políticas previas, el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), las emociones experimentadas, la evolución del movimiento, su influencia en la política institucional y sus impactos en varios aspectos de la vida social. Los resultados muestran que los encuestados (N = 522) se adhieren en general al movimiento y que la mayoría participó en algún momento. La mayoría piensa que el movimiento todavía existe de una forma u otra, y perciben su impacto en varias áreas, instituciones, comportamientos e ideas. Concluimos describiendo OWS como un caso que encaja adecuadamente con el concepto de un movimiento social en red. Finalmente, sugerimos desarrollos adicionales en la comprensión de estos movimientos mediante la aplicación de la encuesta en línea diseñada para este estudio y complementando los análisis a través de otros métodos de investigación.L'aparició dels moviments socials en xarxa en 2011 ha obert una nova porta en la literatura dels moviments socials. En adoptar un enfocament tecnopolítico i situat, en aquest document, explorem el cas del moviment Occupy Wall Street tres anys després de la seva creació al setembre de 2011. A través d'una enquesta en línia i un procediment de mostreig no probabilístic, prestem especial atenció a les percepcions i opinions dels participants del moviment. Distingim set seccions temàtiques: la relació amb el moviment, la participació i motivacions polítiques prèvies, l'ús de les tecnologies d'informació i comunicació (TIC), les emocions experimentades, l'evolució del moviment, la seva influència en la política institucional i els seus impactes en diversos aspectes de la vida social. Els resultats mostren que els enquestats (N = 522) s'adhereixen en general al moviment i que la majoria va participar en algun moment. La majoria pensa que el moviment encara existeix d'una forma o una altra, i perceben el seu impacte a diverses àrees, institucions, comportaments i idees. Concloem descrivint OWS com un cas que encaixa adequadament amb el concepte d'un moviment social en xarxa. Finalment, suggerim desenvolupaments addicionals en la comprensió d'aquests moviments mitjançant l'aplicació de l'enquesta en línia dissenyada per a aquest estudi i complementant les anàlisis a través d'altres mètodes de recerca

    Single prosodic phrase sentences

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    A series of production and perception experiments investigating the prosody and well-formedness of special sentences, called Wide Focus Partial Fronting (WFPF), which consist of only one prosodic phrase and a unique initial accented argument, are reported on here. The results help us to decide between different models of German prosody. The absence of pitch height difference on the accent of the sentence speaks in favor of a relative model of prosody, in which accents are scaled relative to each other, and against models in which pitch accents are scaled in an absolute way. The results also speak for a model in which syntax, but not information structure, influences the prosodic phrasing. Finally, perception experiments show that the prosodic structure of sentences with a marked word order needs to be presented for grammaticality judgments. Presentation of written material only is not enough, and falsifies the results

    Die instellingswoorde vir die Nagmaal. ’n Vergelykende studie van die vier berigte in die sinoptiese Evangelies en 1 Korintiërs 11

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    The instituting words for Communion. This article concentrates on the very wording and phrasing regarding the four reports in the New Testament on the institution of the Lord's Supper. Using a synopsis as the basis for discussion, a closer investigation is made of Jesus ’wording and phrasing of the symbolical meaning of the (breaking of) bread and the (giving of) the cup. It is pointed out that the early witnesses confront us with a twofold tradition: that of Matthew-Mark and that of Paul-Luke - both traditions having without questioning been acknowledged as the inspired Word of God. Certain points of agreement and certain points of difference are shown to be of importance for the exegesis but also for dogmatic and for liturgical practices. In this regard several points and questions are posited, for example with regard to the cup-words: it is obvious that throughout the four reports the cup and not the wine is mentioned. Similarly the fruit of the vine, rather than wine is referred to by Jesus. This raises the questions whether this feature is not to be regarded as a covenantal motif and what the implications of the reference to the new covenant are. This last matter proved to be the central issue concerning the institutional words of Jesus