1 research outputs found

    Phosphorylated protamines. II. Circular dichroism of complexes with DNA, dependency on ionic strength.

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    The influence of protamine phosphorylation upon the conformation of nucleoprotamine complexes was studied at different ionic strengths using circular dichroism. The sharp onset of CD spectral changes upon decreasing the NaC1 concentrationwas correlated with the beginning of complex formation and can be used to determine apparent binding affinities in terms of a critical ionic strength. It is show that phosphorylation strongly reduces the binding strength of protamines towards DNA. Directly mixed and reconstituted complexes reveal differences in their CD spectra, which decrease with increasing ionic strength. Spectra of complexes between threefold phosphorylated clupeine Z and DNA obtained by reconstitution or direct mixing at higher ionic strength resemble the phi-type spectra of DNA and are unique for the phosphorylated species. The implications of protamine phosphorylation for chromatin or DNA condensation havebeen discussed