409 research outputs found

    Optimal Rates of Convergence for Noisy Sparse Phase Retrieval via Thresholded Wirtinger Flow

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    This paper considers the noisy sparse phase retrieval problem: recovering a sparse signal x∈Rpx \in \mathbb{R}^p from noisy quadratic measurements yj=(aj′x)2+ϵjy_j = (a_j' x )^2 + \epsilon_j, j=1,…,mj=1, \ldots, m, with independent sub-exponential noise ϵj\epsilon_j. The goals are to understand the effect of the sparsity of xx on the estimation precision and to construct a computationally feasible estimator to achieve the optimal rates. Inspired by the Wirtinger Flow [12] proposed for noiseless and non-sparse phase retrieval, a novel thresholded gradient descent algorithm is proposed and it is shown to adaptively achieve the minimax optimal rates of convergence over a wide range of sparsity levels when the aja_j's are independent standard Gaussian random vectors, provided that the sample size is sufficiently large compared to the sparsity of xx.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    DOLPHIn - Dictionary Learning for Phase Retrieval

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    We propose a new algorithm to learn a dictionary for reconstructing and sparsely encoding signals from measurements without phase. Specifically, we consider the task of estimating a two-dimensional image from squared-magnitude measurements of a complex-valued linear transformation of the original image. Several recent phase retrieval algorithms exploit underlying sparsity of the unknown signal in order to improve recovery performance. In this work, we consider such a sparse signal prior in the context of phase retrieval, when the sparsifying dictionary is not known in advance. Our algorithm jointly reconstructs the unknown signal - possibly corrupted by noise - and learns a dictionary such that each patch of the estimated image can be sparsely represented. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our approach can obtain significantly better reconstructions for phase retrieval problems with noise than methods that cannot exploit such "hidden" sparsity. Moreover, on the theoretical side, we provide a convergence result for our method
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