884 research outputs found

    Augmenting High-Level Petri Nets to Support GALS Distributed Embedded Systems Specification

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    Part 9: Embedded Systems and Petri NetsInternational audienceHigh-level Petri net classes are suited to specify concurrent processes with emphasis both in control and data processing, making them appropriate to specify distributed embedded systems (DES). Embedded systems components are usually synchronous, which means that DES can be seen as Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) systems. This paper proposes to include in high-level Petri nets a set of concepts already introduced for low-level Petri nets allowing the specification of GALS systems, namely time domains, test arcs and priorities. Additionally, this paper proposes external messages and three types of (high-level) asynchronous communication channels, to specify the interaction between distributed components based on message exchange. With these extensions, GALS-DES can be specified using high-level Petri nets. The resulting models include the specification of each component with well-defined boundaries and interface, and also the explicit specification of the asynchronous interaction between components. These models will be used not only to specify the system behavior, but also to be the input for model-checking tools (supporting its verification) and automatic code generation tools (supporting its implementation in software and hardware platforms), giving a contribution to the model-based development approach and hardware-software co-design of DES based on high-level Petri nets

    Petri net based development of globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous distributed embedded systems

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresA model-based development approach (MBDA) for Globally-Asynchronous Locally- Synchronous (GALS) Distributed Embedded Systems (DESs) is proposed. This approach relies on the GALS-DESs specification through (low- or high-level) Petri net classes, which ensure that the created models are GALS, locally deterministic, distributable, networkindependent, and platform-independent and support their simulation, verification, and implementation (using simulation, model-checking, and code generation tools). The use of network- and platform-independent models enable the use of heterogeneous communication networks to support the distributed components interaction and enable the use of heterogeneous platforms to support the components and the communication nodes implementation. To enable the proposed MBDA, Petri nets are extended with a set of the concepts, most notably time-domains and asynchronous-channels. Algorithms to support the verification of GALS-DES models and their decomposition into implementable sub-models are also proposed. A tool chain framework (IOPT-tools) was extended with this work proposals, supporting their validation and the GALS-DESs development.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - grant ref. SFRH/BD/62171/200

    Elastic bundles :modelling and architecting asynchronous circuits with granular rigidity

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    PhD ThesisIntegrated Circuit (IC) designs these days are predominantly System-on-Chips (SoCs). The complexity of designing a SoC has increased rapidly over the years due to growing process and environmental variations coupled with global clock distribution di culty. Moreover, traditional synchronous design is not apt to handle the heterogeneous timing nature of modern SoCs. As a countermeasure, the semiconductor industry witnessed a strong revival of asynchronous design principles. A new paradigm of digital circuits emerged, as a result, namely mixed synchronous-asynchronous circuits. With a wave of recent innovations in synchronous-asynchronous CAD integration, this paradigm is showing signs of commercial adoption in future SoCs mainly due to the scope for reuse of synchronous functional blocks and IP cores, and the co-existence of synchronous and asynchronous design styles in a common EDA framework. However, there is a lack of formal methods and tools to facilitate mixed synchronousasynchronous design. In this thesis, we propose a formal model based on Petri nets with step semantics to describe these circuits behaviourally. Implication of this model in the veri cation and synthesis of mixed synchronous-asynchronous circuits is studied. Till date, this paradigm has been mainly explored on the basis of Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems. Despite decades of research, GALS design has failed to gain traction commercially. To understand its drawbacks, a simulation framework characterising the physical and functional aspects of GALS SoCs is presented. A novel method for synthesising mixed synchronous-asynchronous circuits with varying levels of rigidity is proposed. Starting with a high-level data ow model of a system which is intrinsically asynchronous, the key idea is to introduce rigidity of chosen granularity levels in the model without changing functional behaviour. The system is then partitioned into functional blocks of synchronous and asynchronous elements before being transformed into an equivalent circuit which can be synthesised using standard EDA tools

    On the verification of interorganizational workflows

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    Developing Globally-Asynchronous Locally- Synchronous Systems through the IOPT-Flow Framework

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    Throughout the years, synchronous circuits have increased in size and com-plexity, consequently, distributing a global clock signal has become a laborious task. Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) systems emerge as a possible solution; however, these new systems require new tools. The DS-Pnet language formalism and the IOPT-Flow framework aim to support and accelerate the development of cyber-physical systems. To do so it offers a tool chain that comprises a graphical editor, a simulator and code gener-ation tools capable of generating C, JavaScript and VHDL code. However, DS-Pnets and IOPT-Flow are not yet tuned to handle GALS systems, allowing for partial specification, but not a complete one. This dissertation proposes extensions to the DS-Pnet language and the IOPT-Flow framework in order to allow development of GALS systems. Addi-tionally, some asynchronous components were created, these form interfaces that allow synchronous blocks within a GALS system to communicate with each other

    GRL: A Specification Language for Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems

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    International audienceA GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) system consists of several synchronous subsystems that evolve concurrently and interact with each other asynchronously. Most formalisms and design tools support either the synchronous paradigm or the asynchronous paradigm but rarely combine both, which requires an intricate modeling of GALS systems. In this paper, we present a new language, called GRL (GALS Representation Language) designed to model GALS systems in an abstract and versatile manner for the purpose of formal verification. GRL has formal semantics combining the synchronous reactive model underlying dataflow languages and the asynchronous concurrent model underlying process algebras. We present the basic concepts and the main constructs of the language, together with an illustrative example

    TiLA: Twin-in-the-Loop Architecture for Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    Digital twin is a virtual replica of a real-world object that lives simultaneously with its physical counterpart. Since its first introduction in 2003 by Grieves, digital twin has gained momentum in a wide range of applications such as industrial manufacturing, automotive and artificial intelligence. However, many digital-twin-related approaches, found in industries as well as literature, mainly focus on modelling individual physical things with high-fidelity methods with limited scalability. In this paper, we introduce a digital-twin architecture called TiLA (Twin-in-the-Loop Architecture). TiLA employs heterogeneous models and online data to create a digital twin, which follows a Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) model of computation. It facilitates the creation of a scalable digital twin with different levels of modelling abstraction as well as giving GALS formalism for execution strategy. Furthermore, TiLA provides facilities to develop applications around the twin as well as an interface to synchronise the twin with the physical system through an industrial communication protocol. A digital twin for a manufacturing line has been developed as a case study using TiLA. It demonstrates the use of digital twin models together with online data for monitoring and analysing failures in the physical system

    Automated Verification of Asynchronous Communicating Systems with TLA+

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    Verifying the compatibility of communicating peers is a crucial issue in critical distributed systems. Unlike the synchronous world, the asynchronous world covers a wide range of message ordering paradigms (e.g. FIFO or causal) that are instrumental to the compatibility of peer compositions. We propose a framework that takes into account the variety of asynchronous communication models and compatibility properties. The notions of peer, communication model, system and compatibility criteria are formalized in TLA+ to benefit from its verification tools. We present an implemented toolchain that generates TLA+ specifications from the behavioral descriptions of peers and checks compatibility of the composition with respect to given communication models and compatibility criteria

    Practical advances in asynchronous design and in asynchronous/synchronous interfaces

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    Journal ArticleAsynchronous systems are being viewed as an increasingly viable alternative to purely synchronous systems. This paper gives an overview of the current state of the art in practical asynchronous circuit and system design in four areas: controllers, datapaths, processors, and the design of asynchronous/synchronous interfaces

    Petri net model decomposition - a model based approach supporting distributed execution

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica, Especialidade de Sistemas Digitais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaModel-based systems development has contributed to reducing the enormous difference between the continuous increase of systems complexity and the improvement of methods and methodologies available to support systems development. The choice of the modeling formalism is an important factor for success-fully increasing productivity. Petri nets proved to be a suitable candidate for being chosen as a system specification language due to their natural support of modeling processes with concurrency, synchronization and resource sharing, as well as the mechanisms of composition and decomposition. Also having a formal representation reinforces the choice, given that the use of verification tools is fundamental for complex systems development. This work proposes a method for partitioning Petri net models into concurrent sub-models, supporting their distributed implementation. The IOPT class (Input-Output Place Transition) is used as a reference class. It is extended by directed synchronous communication channels, enabling the com- munication between the generated sub-models. Three rules are proposed to perform the partition, and restrictions of the proposed partition method are identified. It is possible to directly compose models which result from the partitioning operation, through an operation of model addition. This allows the re-use of previously obtained models, as well as the easy modification of the intended system functionalities. The algorithms associated with the implementation of the partition operation are presented, as well as its rules and other procedures. The proposed methods are validated through several case studies emphasizing control components of automation systems