50 research outputs found

    The State of Pore Fluid Pressure and 3-D Megathrust Earthquake Dynamics

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    We study the effects of pore fluid pressure (P-f) on the pre-earthquake, near-fault stress state, and 3-D earthquake rupture dynamics through six scenarios utilizing a structural model based on the 2004 M-w 9.1 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. As pre-earthquake P-f magnitude increases, effective normal stress and fault shear strength decrease. As a result, magnitude, slip, peak slip rate, stress drop, and rupture velocity of the scenario earthquakes decrease. Comparison of results with observations of the 2004 earthquake support that pre-earthquake P-f averages near 97% of lithostatic pressure, leading to pre-earthquake average shear and effective normal tractions of 4-5 and 22 MPa. The megathrust in these scenarios is weak, in terms of low mean shear traction at static failure and low dynamic friction coefficient during rupture. Apparent co-seismic principal stress rotations and absolute post-seismic stresses in these scenarios are consistent with the variety of observed aftershock focal mechanisms. In all scenarios, the mean apparent stress rotations are larger above than below the megathrust. Scenarios with larger P-f magnitudes exhibit lower mean apparent principal stress rotations. We further evaluate pre-earthquake P-f depth distribution. If P-f follows a sublithostatic gradient, pre-earthquake effective normal stress increases with depth. If P-f follows the lithostatic gradient exactly, then this normal stress is constant, shifting peak slip and peak slip rate updip. This renders constraints on near-trench strength and constitutive behavior crucial for mitigating hazard. These scenarios provide opportunity for future calibration with site-specific measurements to constrain dynamically plausible megathrust strength and P-f gradients

    Rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the February 6, 2023, Kahramanmara\c{s}, Turkey, MWM_W7.8 and MWM_W7.7 earthquake doublet

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    The 2023 Turkey Earthquake sequence involved unexpected ruptures across numerous fault segments, challenging data interpretation efforts. We present rapid, 3D dynamic rupture simulations to illuminate the complexities of the MWM_W7.8 and MWM_W7.7 earthquake doublet. Constrained by observations available within days of the sequence, our models deliver timely, mechanically consistent explanations for the unforeseen rupture paths, diverse rupture speeds, multiple slip episodes, locally strong shaking, and fault system interactions. We reconcile regional seismo-tectonics, rupture dynamics, and ground motions of a fault system represented by ten curved dipping segments and a heterogeneous stress field. Our simulations link both events matching geodetic and seismic observations. The MWM_W7.8 earthquake features delayed backward branching from a steeply intersecting splay fault, not requiring supershear speeds. The asymmetrical dynamics of the distinct, bilateral MWM_W7.7 event is explained by heterogeneous fault strength, prestress orientation, fracture energy, and static stress changes from the previous event. Our models explain the northward deviation of its western rupture and the minimal slip observed on the S\"urg\"u fault. Rapidly developed 3D dynamic rupture scenarios can elucidate unexpected observations shortly after major earthquakes, providing timely insights for data-driven analysis and hazard assessment toward a comprehensive, physically consistent understanding of the mechanics of multi-fault systems

    3D Linked Subduction, Dynamic Rupture, Tsunami, and Inundation Modeling: Dynamic Effects of Supershear and Tsunami Earthquakes, Hypocenter Location, and Shallow Fault Slip

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    Physics-based dynamic rupture models capture the variability of earthquake slip in space and time and can account for the structural complexity inherent to subduction zones. Here we link tsunami generation, propagation, and coastal inundation with 3D earthquake dynamic rupture (DR) models initialized using a 2D seismo-thermo-mechanical geodynamic (SC) model simulating both subduction dynamics and seismic cycles. We analyze a total of 15 subduction-initialized 3D dynamic rupture-tsunami scenarios in which the tsunami source arises from the time-dependent co-seismic seafloor displacements with flat bathymetry and inundation on a linearly sloping beach. We first vary the location of the hypocenter to generate 12 distinct unilateral and bilateral propagating earthquake scenarios. Large-scale fault topography leads to localized up- or downdip propagating supershear rupture depending on hypocentral depth. Albeit dynamic earthquakes differ (rupture speed, peak slip-rate, fault slip, bimaterial effects), the effects of hypocentral depth (25–40 km) on tsunami dynamics are negligible. Lateral hypocenter variations lead to small effects such as delayed wave arrival of up to 100 s and differences in tsunami amplitude of up to 0.4 m at the coast. We next analyse inundation on a coastline with complex topo-bathymetry which increases tsunami wave amplitudes up to ≈1.5 m compared to a linearly sloping beach. Motivated by structural heterogeneity in subduction zones, we analyse a scenario with increased Poisson's ratio of ν = 0.3 which results in close to double the amount of shallow fault slip, ≈1.5 m higher vertical seafloor displacement, and a difference of up to ≈1.5 m in coastal tsunami amplitudes. Lastly, we model a dynamic rupture “tsunami earthquake” with low rupture velocity and low peak slip rates but twice as high tsunami potential energy. We triple fracture energy which again doubles the amount of shallow fault slip, but also causes a 2 m higher vertical seafloor uplift and the highest coastal tsunami amplitude (≈7.5 m) and inundation area compared to all other scenarios. Our mechanically consistent analysis for a generic megathrust setting can provide building blocks toward using physics-based dynamic rupture modeling in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis

    Linked 3-D modelling of megathrust earthquake-tsunami events: from subduction to tsunami run up

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    How does megathrust earthquake rupture govern tsunami behaviour? Recent modelling advances permit evaluation of the influence of 3-D earthquake dynamics on tsunami genesis, propagation, and coastal inundation. Here, we present and explore a virtual laboratory in which the tsunami source arises from 3-D coseismic seafloor displacements generated by a dynamic earthquake rupture model. This is achieved by linking open-source earthquake and tsunami computational models that follow discontinuous Galerkin schemes and are facilitated by highly optimized parallel algorithms and software. We present three scenarios demonstrating the flexibility and capabilities of linked modelling. In the first two scenarios, we use a dynamic earthquake source including time-dependent spontaneous failure along a 3-D planar fault surrounded by homogeneous rock and depth-dependent, near-lithostatic stresses. We investigate how slip to the trench influences tsunami behaviour by simulating one blind and one surface-breaching rupture. The blind rupture scenario exhibits distinct earthquake characteristics (lower slip, shorter rupture duration, lower stress drop, lower rupture speed), but the tsunami is similar to that from the surface-breaching rupture in run-up and length of impacted coastline. The higher tsunami-generating efficiency of the blind rupture may explain how there are differences in earthquake characteristics between the scenarios, but similarities in tsunami inundation patterns. However, the lower seafloor displacements in the blind rupture result in a smaller displaced volume of water leading to a narrower inundation corridor inland from the coast and a 15 per cent smaller inundation area overall. In the third scenario, the 3-D earthquake model is initialized using a seismo-thermo-mechanical geodynamic model simulating both subduction dynamics and seismic cycles. This ensures that the curved fault geometry, heterogeneous stresses and strength and material structure are consistent with each other and with millions of years of modelled deformation in the subduction channel. These conditions lead to a realistic rupture in terms of velocity and stress drop that is blind, but efficiently generates a tsunami. In all scenarios, comparison with the tsunamis sourced by the time-dependent seafloor displacements, using only the time-independent displacements alters tsunami temporal behaviour, resulting in later tsunami arrival at the coast, but faster coastal inundation. In the scenarios with the surface-breaching and subduction-initialized earthquakes, using the time-independent displacements also overpredicts run-up. In the future, the here presented scenarios may be useful for comparison of alternative dynamic earthquake-tsunami modelling approaches or linking choices, and can be readily developed into more complex applications to study how earthquake source dynamics influence tsunami genesis, propagation and inundation

    Verification of an ADER-DG method for complex dynamic rupture problems

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    We present results of thorough benchmarking of an arbitrary high-order derivative discontinuous Galerkin (ADER-DG) method on unstructured meshes for advanced earthquake dynamic rupture problems. We verify the method by comparison to well-established numerical methods in a series of verification exercises, including dipping and branching fault geometries, heterogeneous initial conditions, bimaterial interfaces and several rate-and-state friction laws. We show that the combination of meshing flexibility and high-order accuracy of the ADER-DG method makes it a competitive tool to study earthquake dynamics in geometrically complicated setups

    Flexible Modellerweiterung und Optimierung von Erdbebensimulationen

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    Simulations of realistic earthquake scenarios require scalable software and extensive supercomputing resources. With increasing fidelity in simulations, advanced rheological and source models need to be incorporated. I introduce a domain-specific language in order to handle the model flexibility in combination with the high efficiency requirements. The contributions in this thesis enabled the to date largest and longest dynamic rupture simulation of the 2004 Sumatra earthquake.Realistische Erdbebensimulationen benötigen skalierbare Software und beträchtliche Rechenressourcen. Mit zunehmender Genauigkeit der Simulationen müssen fortschrittliche rheologische und Quellmodelle integriert werden. Ich führe eine domänenspezifische Sprache ein, um die Modelflexibilität in Kombination mit den hohen Effizienzanforderungen zu beherrschen. Die Beiträge in dieser Arbeit haben die bisher größte und längste dynamische Bruchsimulation des Sumatra-Erdbebens von 2004 ermöglicht