7 research outputs found

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    An algebraic time-advantage-based key establishment protocol

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    In this thesis we have built a key-establishment protocol which takes advantage of a resource : time. When two devices spends a pre-determined, mostly uninterrupted time interval with each other they would be able to establish a key. However it is not just the quantity of time but also the quality which matters. The information gained about the key with time by the legitimate party can is flexible and can be chosen by the user. We have analyzed our protocol thoroughly and discussed the circumstances an adversary can gain access to information about the key

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    Evaluación de introducción de Internet de objetos en espacios de aprendizaje

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    La necesidad de aprendizaje es innata en cada ser humano, cada día estamos inmersos en un proceso de aprendizaje ya sea formal o informal. Dentro del esfuerzo de la comunidad acad´emica, el usar herramientas de carácter tecnológico ha sido una actividad permanente. En este momento el avance progresivo de las tecnologías y redes móviles habilita nuevas herramientas para ser exploradas y experimentadas en escenarios de aprendizaje. Es así como el uso de dispositivos móviles añade nuevas dimensiones como la movilidad y personalización, la evolución de los componentes de E-Learning para el aprendizaje móvil y aprendizaje ubicuo, abre el espacio conceptual y técnico para el desarrollo de la Internet de objetos (IOT, de sus siglas en inglés de Internet of Things) en el aprendizaje. Esta tesis está inspirada en la necesidad de mejorar el aprendizaje y la necesidad de explorar y aplicar los actuales avances en materia de lo que se ha enmarcado como Internet de Objetos. El objetivo central de este trabajo, es la evaluación de actividades de aprendizaje utilizando Internet de Objetos, para ello se hace necesario el estudio, implementación y demostración de cómo las tecnologías y conceptos de Internet de Objetos, pueden modificar el entorno convencional de aprendizaje y crear nuevos entornos hasta ahora no contemplados. Es así como se proponen: el “modelo de introducción de Internet de Objetos”, el cual corresponde a una propuesta conceptual sobre la visión de Internet de Objetos a la que se quiere llegar y el “entorno de soporte de Internet de Objetos” consistente en una propuesta tecnológica, que involucra el desarrollo de una serie de aplicaciones y sistemas basados en la exploración y habilitación técnica de los escenarios planteados bajo el modelo conceptual. Como parte de la experimentación, se tiene la puesta en práctica del modelo teórico planteado, bajo la utilización de las herramientas desarrolladas en la propuesta tecnológica. Para ello, dentro de clases reales en tres Universidades, en tres ciudades diferentes en España y Colombia, se llevaron a cabo diversas experiencias introduciendo los escenarios y haciendo uso de las herramientas. Se desarrolló un patrón de evaluación de estas experiencias para tener en cuenta su diseño, resultados experimentales y mediciones de carácter estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Los resultados han evidenciado que aun bajo diferentes contextos culturales, los grupos de estudiantes muestran presencia de aprendizaje usando herramientas de Internet de Objetos y los resultados de los estudiantes son equivalentes o en algunos casos mejores que los de los demás grupos.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The need of learning is innate in human being, every day we are involved a learning process whether formal or informal. Within the academic community effort, the use of technological tools has been an ongoing activity. At this point the advances of mobile network technologies and new tools enable to explore and experiment in learning scenarios. Thus, use of mobile devices adds new dimensions such as mobility and personalization, the evolution of E-Learning components for mobile learning and ubiquitous learning, open the conceptual and technical development of the Internet of objects (IOT) in learning. This thesis is inspired by the need to improve learning and the need to explore and implement the current developments about the Internet of Objects. The main objective of this study is the evaluation of learning activities using the Internet of Objects; it is necessary for the study, implementation and demonstration of how IOT technologies and concepts can affect the traditional learning environment and create new environments so far not covered. In this way is how it´s propose: the “model for introducing IOT", which corresponds to a conceptual vision to reach and the "IOT environment” as a technology proposal that involves the development of a range of applications and systems based on the exploration and technical empowerment of the scenarios raised in the conceptual model. As part of the experiment, is the implementation of the theoretical model outlined under the use of the tools developed in the technology proposal. In real classes in three universities in three different cities in Spain and Colombia, were carried out the experiments by introducing various scenarios and experiences using the tools. It has been developed a standard evaluation of these experiences to take account of their design, experimental results and statistical measures of descriptive and inferential nature. The results showed that even under different cultural contexts, groups of students show the presence of learning using IOT tools and student outcomes are equivalent or in some cases better than the other groups

    Navigation and Geolocation Within Urban and Semi-Urban Environments Using Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

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    IEEE 802.15.4 defines networks and hardware capable of low power, low data rate transmissions. The use of these networks for the “Internet of Things”, machine to machine communications, energy metering, control and automation etc is increasing. In an urban environment, these networks may well soon become so popular and widespread in their usage that their discoverability and coverage density is sufficient for aiding geolocation – in the same way that IEEE 802.11 WiFi networks are used today. This research shows that although possible, there are some current inherent weaknesses in the use of IEEE 802.15.4 networks for location purposes particularly with respect to multilateration

    Modelo de privacidad digital en inteligencia ambiental basado en sistemas multiagente

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    El gran desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación utilizadas en los dominios de aplicación de la Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI), ocurrido en la última década, nos sitúa inmersos en los llamados entornos inteligentes, rodeados de una extensa variedad de dispositivos y tecnologías con capacidad de adquirir, almacenar y transmitir nuestra información personal. La complejidad y volumen de los sistemas involucrados en las aplicaciones desarrolladas en Inteligencia Ambiental hacen que seamos incapaces de conocer y controlar toda la información que estos sistemas son capaces de adquirir y transmitir, tanto si esta información ha sido proporcionada por nosotros directamente, como si ha sido adquirida de forma indirecta por otros sistemas sin nuestro conocimiento; lo que pone en riesgo la protección de nuestro derecho a la privacidad. Considerando que, el principal objetivo de la Inteligencia Ambiental es el de ofrecernos diferentes tipos de servicios personalizados en cualquier lugar y en todo momento, facilitándonos así la realización de nuestras actividades cotidianas, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre las aplicaciones desarrolladas en AmI, que ha revelado la necesidad de incluir las cuestiones de tipo social y ético en el diseño del AmI, destacando entre ellas la privacidad por ser uno de los derechos fundamentales de las personas, como así queda reflejado en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (Artículo 12). Por ello, para el verdadero desarrollo y aceptación de la Inteligencia Ambiental deberá considerarse no solo los aspectos tecnológicos, sino que, resulta fundamental tener en cuenta las implicaciones sociales y éticas. Esta es la idea del concepto “Design by Privacy” que se ha utilizado en la investigación realizada. En base a este concepto, se han establecido las políticas de privacidad del usuario según los dominios de aplicación del AmI. Partiendo de la base de que sean las propias técnicas utilizadas en AmI las que ayuden a proteger nuestra información personal, se han utilizado los agentes de los modelos de confianza como herramienta para determinar los derechos de privacidad que deben cumplir los agentes en sus comunicaciones, y que ha servido para decidir con quién compartimos nuestras opiniones privadas, minimizando de esta forma los riesgos de la privacidad de nuestra información al interaccionar con los servicios ofrecidos por las aplicaciones del AmI. Así pues, el motivo de investigación de esta tesis es el de presentar un Modelo de Privacidad Digital basado en Sistemas Multiagente, que nos ayudará a decidir en quién confiar a la hora de compartir nuestras opiniones privadas. Este modelo ha sido implementado para su validación en el entorno de experimentación del ART testbed (Agent Reputation and Trust), en el que el dominio de aplicación del AmI es el relacionado con la tasación de cuadros o pinturas de arte. Una vez implementada la manera de decidir con quién compartimos nuestra información privada, y con el fin de controlar el cumplimiento de los derechos de privacidad que se han establecido en las comunicaciones entre los agentes, se han formalizado las posibles infracciones sobre los derechos de privacidad utilizando la Institución Electrónica “Islander” como herramienta de especificación de las normas y sanciones correspondientes que deben cumplir los agentes en sus comunicaciones.The great development of Information and Communication Technologies used in the domains of application of Ambient Intelligence, which has taken place in the last decade, places us immersed in intelligent environments surrounded by a wide variety of devices and Technologies with the ability to acquire, store and transmit our personal information. The complexity and volume of the systems involved in the applications developed in Environmental Intelligence mean that we are unable to know and control all the information that these systems are able to acquire and transmit, whether this information has been provided by us directly, or whether it has Been acquired indirectly by other systems without our knowledge; Which puts at risk the protection of our right to privacy. Considering that the main objective of Environmental Intelligence is to offer different types of personalized services in any place and at all times, facilitating us to carry out our daily activities, a study has been carried out on the applications developed in AmI, which has revealed the need to take into account social and ethical issues in the design of the AmI, highlighting among them the privacy as one of the fundamental rights of the people, as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 12). For that reason, for the true development and acceptance of Ambient Intelligence, not only the technological aspects must be taken into account, but it is fundamental to consider the social and ethical implications. This is the idea of the concept "Design by Privacy" that has been used on the research carried out. Based on this concept, user privacy policies have been established and should be taken into account in the AmI application domains. Based on the idea that the techniques used in AmI are those that help protect our personal information, the agents with a trust model have been used as a tool to determine the privacy rights that agents must comply with in their communications, and that has served to decide with whom we share our private opinions, thus minimizing the risks of privacy of our information when interacting with the services offered by AmI applications. Therefore, the aim of the research of this thesis is to present a Digital Privacy Model based on Multi-Agent Systems, which will help us to decide who to trust when sharing our private opinions. This model has been implemented for validation in the experimental environment of the ART testbed (Agent Reputation and Trust), in which the domain of the AmI application, is the one related with the evaluation of art pictures. Once the way to decide with whom we share our private information has been implemented, and in order to control the compliance with the privacy rights established in the communications between the agents, possible violations of privacy rights have been formalized using the Electronic Institution "Islander" as a tool for specifying the standards and corresponding sanctions that agents must comply with in their communications.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Jesús García Herrero.- Secretario: Clara Benac Earle.- Vocal: Ana María Bernardos Barboll