2,688 research outputs found

    Onset of turbulence in superfluid 3He-B and its dependence on vortex injection in applied flow

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    Vortex dynamics in 3He-B is divided by the temperature dependent damping into a high-temperature regime, where the number of vortices is conserved, and a low-temperature regime, where rapid vortex multiplication takes place in a turbulent burst. We investigate experimentally the hydrodynamic transition between these two regimes by injecting seed vortex loops into vortex-free rotating flow. The onset temperature of turbulence is dominated by the roughly exponential temperature dependence of vortex friction, but its exact value is found to depend on the injection method.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics - LT24, in Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Physic

    On self-sustaining processes in Rayleigh-stable rotating plane Couette flows and subcritical transition to turbulence in accretion disks

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    Subcritical transition to turbulence in Keplerian accretion disks is still a controversial issue and some theoretical progress is required in order to determine whether or not this scenario provides a plausible explanation for the origin of angular momentum transport in non-magnetized accretion disks. Motivated by the recent discoveries of exact nonlinear steady self-sustaining solutions in linearly stable non-rotating shear flows, we attempt to compute similar solutions in Rayleigh-stable rotating plane Couette flows and to identify transition mechanisms in such flows by combining nonlinear continuation methods and asymptotic theory. We obtain exact nonlinear solutions for Rayleigh-stable cyclonic regimes but show that it is not possible to compute solutions for Rayleigh-stable anticyclonic regimes, including Keplerian flow, using similar techniques. We also present asymptotic descriptions of these various problems at large Reynolds numbers that provide some insight into the differences between the non-rotating and Rayleigh-stable anticyclonic regimes and derive some necessary conditions for mechanisms analogous to the non-rotating self-sustaining process to be present in flows on the Rayleigh line. Our results demonstrate that subcritical transition mechanisms cannot be identified in wall-bounded Rayleigh-stable anticyclonic shear flows by transposing directly the phenomenology of subcritical transition in cyclonic and non-rotating wall-bounded shear flows. Asymptotic developments, however, leave open the possibility that nonlinear self-sustaining solutions may exist in unbounded or periodic flows on the Rayleigh line. These could serve as a starting point to discover solutions in Rayleigh-stable flows, but the nonlinear stability of Keplerian accretion disks remains to be determined.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A critical layer model for turbulent pipe flow

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    A model-based description of the scaling and radial location of turbulent fluctuations in turbulent pipe flow is presented and used to illuminate the scaling behaviour of the very large scale motions. The model is derived by treating the nonlinearity in the perturbation equation (involving the Reynolds stress) as an unknown forcing, yielding a linear relationship between the velocity field response and this nonlinearity. We do not assume small perturbations. We examine propagating modes, permitting comparison of our results to experimental data, and identify the steady component of the velocity field that varies only in the wall-normal direction as the turbulent mean profile. The "optimal" forcing shape, that gives the largest velocity response, is assumed to lead to modes that will be dominant and hence observed in turbulent pipe flow. An investigation of the most amplified velocity response at a given wavenumber-frequency combination reveals critical layer-like behaviour reminiscent of the neutrally stable solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation in linearly unstable flow. Two distinct regions in the flow where the influence of viscosity becomes important can be identified, namely a wall layer that scales with R+1/2R^{+1/2} and a critical layer, where the propagation velocity is equal to the local mean velocity, that scales with R+2/3R^{+2/3} in pipe flow. This framework appears to be consistent with several scaling results in wall turbulence and reveals a mechanism by which the effects of viscosity can extend well beyond the immediate vicinity of the wall.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and currently under revie

    How does flow in a pipe become turbulent?

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    The transition to turbulence in pipe flow does not follow the scenario familiar from Rayleigh-Benard or Taylor-Couette flow since the laminar profile is stable against infinitesimal perturbations for all Reynolds numbers. Moreover, even when the flow speed is high enough and the perturbation sufficiently strong such that turbulent flow is established, it can return to the laminar state without any indication of the imminent decay. In this parameter range, the lifetimes of perturbations show a sensitive dependence on initial conditions and an exponential distribution. The turbulence seems to be supported by three-dimensional travelling waves which appear transiently in the flow field. The boundary between laminar and turbulent dynamics is formed by the stable manifold of an invariant chaotic state. We will also discuss the relation between observations in short, periodically continued domains, and the dynamics in fully extended puffs.Comment: for the proceedings of statphys 2

    Turbulence transition and the edge of chaos in pipe flow

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    The linear stability of pipe flow implies that only perturbations of sufficient strength will trigger the transition to turbulence. In order to determine this threshold in perturbation amplitude we study the \emph{edge of chaos} which separates perturbations that decay towards the laminar profile and perturbations that trigger turbulence. Using the lifetime as an indicator and methods developed in (Skufca et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 96}, 174101 (2006)) we show that superimposed on an overall 1/1/\Re-scaling predicted and studied previously there are small, non-monotonic variations reflecting folds in the edge of chaos. By tracing the motion in the edge we find that it is formed by the stable manifold of a unique flow field that is dominated by a pair of downstream vortices, asymmetrically placed towards the wall. The flow field that generates the edge of chaos shows intrinsic chaotic dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure