4 research outputs found

    Workshop proceedings of the 1st workshop on quality in modeling

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    Quality assessment and assurance constitute an important part of software engineering. The issues of software quality management are widely researched and approached from multiple perspectives and viewpoints. The introduction of a new paradigm in software development – namely Model Driven Development (MDD) and its variations (e.g., MDA [Model Driven Architecture], MDE [Model Driven Engineering], MBD [Model Based Development], MIC [Model Integrated Computing]) – raises new challenges in software quality management, and as such should be given a special attention. In particular, the issues of early quality assessment, based on models at a high abstraction level, and building (or customizing the existing) prediction models for software quality based on model metrics are of central importance for the software engineering community. The workshop is continuation of a series of workshops on consistency that have taken place during the subsequent annual UML conferences and recently MDA-FA. The idea behind this workshop is to extend the scope of interests and address a wide spectrum of problems related to MDD. It is also in line with the overall initiative of the shift from UML to MoDELS. The goal of this workshop is to gather researchers and practitioners interested in the emerging issues of quality in the context of MDD. The workshop is intended to provide a premier forum for discussions related to software quality and MDD. And the aims of the workshop are: - Presenting ongoing research related to quality in modeling in the context of MDD, - Defining and organizing issues related to quality in the MDD. The format of the workshop consists of two parts: presentation and discussion. The presentation part is aimed at reporting research results related to quality aspects in modeling. Seven papers were selected for the presentation out of 16 submissions; the selected papers are included in these proceedings. The discussion part is intended to be a forum for exchange of ideas related to understanding of quality and approaching it in a systematic way

    Workshop proceedings of the 1st workshop on quality in modeling

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    Quality assessment and assurance constitute an important part of software engineering. The issues of software quality management are widely researched and approached from multiple perspectives and viewpoints. The introduction of a new paradigm in software development – namely Model Driven Development (MDD) and its variations (e.g., MDA [Model Driven Architecture], MDE [Model Driven Engineering], MBD [Model Based Development], MIC [Model Integrated Computing]) – raises new challenges in software quality management, and as such should be given a special attention. In particular, the issues of early quality assessment, based on models at a high abstraction level, and building (or customizing the existing) prediction models for software quality based on model metrics are of central importance for the software engineering community. The workshop is continuation of a series of workshops on consistency that have taken place during the subsequent annual UML conferences and recently MDA-FA. The idea behind this workshop is to extend the scope of interests and address a wide spectrum of problems related to MDD. It is also in line with the overall initiative of the shift from UML to MoDELS. The goal of this workshop is to gather researchers and practitioners interested in the emerging issues of quality in the context of MDD. The workshop is intended to provide a premier forum for discussions related to software quality and MDD. And the aims of the workshop are: - Presenting ongoing research related to quality in modeling in the context of MDD, - Defining and organizing issues related to quality in the MDD. The format of the workshop consists of two parts: presentation and discussion. The presentation part is aimed at reporting research results related to quality aspects in modeling. Seven papers were selected for the presentation out of 16 submissions; the selected papers are included in these proceedings. The discussion part is intended to be a forum for exchange of ideas related to understanding of quality and approaching it in a systematic way

    Framework para integração de sistemas com ERP microsoft dynamics

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoAs organizações dependem cada vez mais dos sistemas e tecnologias de informação para suportar os seus processos de negócio. As aplicações informáticas são o mais diversificadas tentando disponibilizar o maior número de funcionalidades. Contudo, por mais completas que tentem ser as aplicações, existem processos que não estando cobertos por uma única aplicação requerem comunicação entre elas. Esta comunicação pode ser efectuada por Frameworks , que disponibilizam modelos e regras claras, para de forma facilitada assegurar a melhor integração possível entre as aplicações. Usando a Framework, as aplicações no processo de integração não necessitam de se preocupar com detalhes técnicos, apenas têm de respeitar alguns modelos e regras. O desafio na construção de uma Framework passa pelo uso dos modelos e tecnologias com o maior grau de abstracção, flexibilidade e portabilidade para possibilitar um maior número de integrações possível. Neste trabalho de investigação iremos testar algumas soluções no contexto de integração de aplicações externas com o ERP Microsoft Dynamics, chegando a conclusões sobre a sua utilidade.Organizations depend more and more on information systems and technologies to support their business processes. Software applications are more and more diversified trying to be the most complete possible by making available the largest number of functionalities. However, no matter how complete the applications are trying to be, processes that are not being covered by a single application require communication among applications. This communication may set up by Frameworks that provide models and clear rules to ease and ensure the best integration possible among applications. Using a Framework, the applications in the integration process don't need to be aware of specific technical details having just to respect certain models and rules. The challenge in building a Framework is to make the best out of the models and technologies to provide abstraction, flexibility and portability in the largest number of integration situations. This research work will be testing some solutions in the context of the integration of external systems with ERP Microsoft Dynamics coming up with conclusions on their usefulness