5 research outputs found

    Personalized Food Printing for Portrait Images

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    The recent development of 3D printing techniques enables novel applications in customized food fabrication. Based on a tailor-made 3D food printer, we present a novel personalized food printing framework driven by portrait images. Unlike common 3D printers equipped with materials such as ABS, Nylon and SLA, our printer utilizes edible materials such as maltose, chocolate syrup, jam to print customized patterns. Our framework automatically converts an arbitrary input image into an optimized printable path to facilitate food printing, while preserving the prominent features of the image. This is achieved based on two key stages. First, we apply image abstraction techniques to extract salient image features. Robust face detection and sketch synthesis are optionally involved to enhance face features for portrait images. Second, we present a novel path optimization algorithm to generate printing path for efficient and feature-preserving food printing. We demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of our framework using a variety of images and also a comparison with non-optimized results

    A fast iris recognition system through optimum feature extraction

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    With an increasing demand for stringent security systems, automated identification of individuals based on biometric methods has been a major focus of research and development over the last decade. Biometric recognition analyses unique physiological traits or behavioral characteristics, such as an iris, face, retina, voice, fingerprint, hand geometry, keystrokes or gait. The iris has a complex and unique structure that remains stable over a person’s lifetime, features that have led to its increasing interest in its use for biometric recognition. In this study, we proposed a technique incorporating Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) for the extraction of the optimum features of an iris and reducing the runtime needed for iris template classification. The idea of using DWT behind PCA is to reduce the resolution of the iris template. DWT converts an iris image into four frequency sub-bands. One frequency sub-band instead of four has been used for further feature extraction by using PCA. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the efficient performance of the proposed technique

    Vigilancia tecnológica y parámetros de calidad más importantes según estándares internacionales para Piña MD2, Aguacate Hass y Mora de castilla

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    Ilustraciones (principalmente a color), diagramas, fotografías, mapasEste documento presenta los resultados correspondientes a la actividad 1, con base en los cuales se establecen los parámetros de calidad más importantes de acuerdo con los estándares internacionales para piña md2, mora de Castilla y aguacate Hass. Los resultados correspondientes a cada producto se presentan separados (partes i, ii y iii). A su vez, cada sección se dividió en dos capítulos: el primero contiene las cuatro vigilancias tecnológicas (competitiva, comercial, científico-tecnológica y estratégica) y el segundo presenta la revisión de los estándares internacionales de importación para los países con mercados de interés para las exportaciones.1° ed

    Personalized Food Printing for Portrait Images

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    The recent development of 3D printing techniques enables novel applications in customized food fabrication. Based on a tailor-made 3D food printer, we present a novel personalized food printing framework driven by portrait images. Unlike common 3D printers equipped with materials such as ABS, Nylon and SLA, our printer utilizes edible materials such as maltose, chocolate syrup, jam to print customized patterns. Our framework automatically converts an arbitrary input image into an optimized printable path to facilitate food printing, while preserving the prominent features of the image. This is achieved based on two key stages. First, we apply image abstraction techniques to extract salient image features. Robust face detection and sketch synthesis are optionally involved to enhance face features for portrait images. Second, we present a novel path optimization algorithm to generate printing path for efficient and feature-preserving food printing. We demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of our framework using a variety of images and also a comparison with non-optimized results