6,493 research outputs found

    Determinants of technology adoption in the retail trade industry - the case of SMEs in Spain

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    This paper analyzes the determinants of small and medium-sized enterprises’ technology adoption in the retail trade industry. From the theoretical perspective, two types of influential factors are differentiated in this respect: the personal characteristics of the manager/business owner and the business’s organizational characteristics. The empirical analysis is based on a survey of 268 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Spanish retail trade sector. A logistic regression specification is used as an econometric method. The results indicate that both the acquisition of new technical and electronic equipment and the obtaining of new software are affected by the two types of determinants previously pointed out. The manager/business owner’s entrepreneurial motivation and educational background have significant influences on technology adoption in this type of companies. Furthermore, being part of a business group, carrying out training activities for the employees and inter-firm cooperation also positively influence technology adoption in the retail trade industry

    Transformation of Labour Relations

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    One of the spill-over effects of globalization is the essential transformation of labour market structure. In the wake of service sector revolution, being backed by knowledge revolution, faster mobility and the growth of IT enabled services, the potential of tourism cannot be over looked. This paper attempts to disclose the changing notion of work in the current international scenario. The study focuses on tourism sector, both due to its growth potential and due to its employment significance. The paper explores the new development in labour relations in tourism industry in the Indian perspective.Globalization, Tourism, Labour market, Tourism labour market, labour relations, Service sector, Informalisation, flexible work force, numerical flexibility.

    Trinity Restoration Inc.: Southside Cultural Center Economic Impact Study

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    Economic development has shifted from location-oriented business models towards a more all-encompassing model that recognizes the advancement of human capital or intellectual property as continuously increasing in value. This microcosmic characteristic of development extends to aid in the growth of society as a whole. The Arts and Culture attract a demographic of inspired and motivated people to the area. It results in the development of the society surrounding art venues. The general population will always seek out entertainment, by installing a venue of artistic expression in South Providence that will motivate the community and propel development. This phenomena has been proven, as denoted through the historical evaluation of artistic venues across America that have generated economic growth in their respective communities

    Increasing the number of Buniputro entrepreneurs

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    Increasing the supply of entrepreneurs and expanding the pool of entrepreneurial talent has become a key ingredient in promoting economic development, because without the entrepreneur a developing region or country stands little chance in promoting its economic growth. This paper is concerned with developing a "delivery system" which will increase the supply of small scale Malay (Wananchi) entrepreneurs. It argues that developing small-scale entrepreneurs involves reducing the role strain the Malay encounters when he makes a business decision in an environment whose social and cultural structure places little value on making correct business decisions. The research is based upon a similar program which was designed to promote entrepreneurial talent in the Appalachian region of the United States. The success of that program and its recognition of the vital influences the Appalachian culture has an entrepreneurial decision making prompted the MARA Institute of Technology in Malaysia to underwrite a similar research effort. The research results indicate that Malay entrepreneurs can be promoted by adopting a similar "delivery system" to the one developed for the Appalachian region of the United States

    Innovative Tourism Clusters: Myth or Reality? Empirical Evidence from Benidorm

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    Paper submitted to TCVT3 Bozen/Bolzano, 10-12 April 2014, International workshop on Tourists as Consumers, Visitors, TravellersThis paper analyses the applicability of the cluster concept to tourist destinations, taking Benidorm as the reference for study: a destination on the Mediterranean coast of Spain which has attained a high degree of competitive success with the sun and sand product in which it has specialized. The main result obtained is that Benidorm's success is not derived from or favoured by the existence of a cluster in the destination, since important elements are present that prevent affirmation of its existence. This paper is the preliminary result of a research project that has been carried out within the framework of the project "Methodology, criteria and impementation of the cluster theory in consolidated tourism areas: innovation, competitiveness and territorial synergies" under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011 supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.This research has been carried out within the framework of the project “Methodology, criteria and implementation of the cluster theory in consolidated tourism areas: innovation, competitiveness and territorial synergies” under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011 supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation

    The political economy of regional development in post-World War II Saudi Arabia

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    A Business Model Of Marketing Capabilities And Marketing Performances -The Case Of Micro-Enterprises (MiEs) In Kedah

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    This need for a marketing capabilities model that is applicable to MiEs underlies the principal purpose of this research to identify what are the marketing capabilities applied in MIEs.Keperluan untuk model keupayaan pemasaran yang berkaitan dengan enterprais mikro (MiEs) merupakan sebab utama tujuan penyelidikan ini untuk mengenal pasti apakah keupayaan pemasaran yang diguna pakai oleh MiEs

    The Potential for Using Loyalty Rewards and Incentives Programs to Encourage Transit Ridership and Regional Transportation and Land Use Integration

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    Transit smart cards can be used as a tool for increasing transit ridership, increasing retail sales in transit-oriented developments (TODs) and eventually, increasing opportunities for retail development in TODs. Instead of providing separate loyalty rewards for each store, or chain of stores, such cards would provide loyalty rewards—in several possible forms, including free transit ride credits, cash rewards, retail purchase discounts, sweepstakes rewards—to all transit riders who patronize TOD retail businesses. Additional rewards could also be given to transit riders who live, work, and shop in TODs, and even to riders who take transit for specific shopping trips in TODs. In this way, smart cards and transit loyalty programs could become not only useful tools for increasing transit ridership, but also tools for targeted economic development of individual TODs, a means to increase economic opportunities and equity for low-income residents and shoppers in inner-city commercial zones, and in their most fully-realized expression, as tools for regional planners to concentrate retail, services and housing in priority development areas consistent with smart-growth planning principles. This literature review and case study research resulted in the identification of a number of practical lessons, and promising directions for future research: 1. There is a lack of research linking transit smart cards, transit ridership, and shopping behavior in TODs. 2. It is important to retain existing transit riders (reducing ridership “churn”), potentially through the use of loyalty rewards programs and incentives programs to keep these riders or win back those who have given it up. 3. There is both need and potential for rebranding transit’s public image. 4. There are risks of overreach when implementing a transit loyalty rewards and incentives program. 5. There is high potential of incentives and loyalty rewards programs in building transit ridership, TOD, and beyond