13 research outputs found

    Involving Common Media to Export Product Recommendation Using Existing Data

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    There is an increasingly blurred line between e-commersce and social networking. Many e-commerce platforms support the social authentication process through which users can sign in using their social network identity, for example, on Facebook or Twitter. In addition, users can also post new items on microblogs with links to the website of the product for e-commerce. The purpose of this paper is to recommend goods for e-commerce web pages to users on social networking sites under "cold-start," an issue that was scarcely investigated before, in an innovative approach to the cold-start product advice. One of the main challenges for the advice is how to use the information derived from social networking platforms. We suggest using connected users through social networking websites and e-commerce websites as a bridge to map the functionality of social networking users to another feature for product suggestion and for social networking. In particular, we suggest learning the user and product characteristics of data obtained from e-commerce sites using recurring neural networks (known as the user embedding and the goods embedding), and then implement a revamped system of gradients boosting trees to turn user social networking features into user embedding

    Improving Recommendation Quality by Merging Collaborative Filtering and Social Relationships

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    Matrix Factorization techniques have been successfully applied to raise the quality of suggestions generated\ud by Collaborative Filtering Systems (CFSs). Traditional CFSs\ud based on Matrix Factorization operate on the ratings provided\ud by users and have been recently extended to incorporate\ud demographic aspects such as age and gender. In this paper we\ud propose to merge CF techniques based on Matrix Factorization\ud and information regarding social friendships in order to\ud provide users with more accurate suggestions and rankings\ud on items of their interest. The proposed approach has been\ud evaluated on a real-life online social network; the experimental\ud results show an improvement against existing CF approaches.\ud A detailed comparison with related literature is also presen

    Opinion Poll: Big Data Implementation of Unstructured Data Analytics of Social Network Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis SVM

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    Recent systems developed are dependent on user feedbacks or opinions. These feedbacks or opinions are generated in volumes everyday which are difficult to filter and analyse. We propose Sentiment based analysis is the major key in categorizing the user\u27s Feedback. In thispaper, we study the processing of all the reviews posted in an online shopping application and classify them using SVM. We use big data to analyze the vast amounts of data generated. User reviews are the input to the Big Data HDFS System. Data are stored in the Data Nodes. Index is maintained in the Name Node. Reviews are analyzed using Sentiment Analysis and Positive Negative Tweets are classified. Also products are recommended based on the previous purchases and group notification is sent to all the customers in a group

    A Novel Cross-Site Product Recommendation Method in Cold Start Circumstances

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    In the last 20 years, more than 250 research articles were published about research paper recommender systems. In the recent years, the farthest point between internet business applications such as e-commerce websites and social networking applications has interpersonal communication and it has turned out to be progressively obscured. Numerous e-commerce web and mobile applications allowing social logging mechanism where their clients can signing in their websites using their personal social network identities such as twitter or Facebook accounts etc. users can likewise post their recently purchased items on social networking websites with the appropriate links to the e-commerce product web pages. In this paper, we propose a new solution to recommend products from e-commerce websites to users at social networking sites. a noteworthy issue is how to leverage knowledge from social networking websites when there is no purchase history for a customer, especially in cold start situations.in particular, we proposed the solution for cold start recommendation by linking the users to social networking sites and e-commerce websites i.e. customers who have social network identities and have purchased on e-commerce websites as a bridge to map user?s social networking features into another feature representation which can be easier for a product recommendation. Here we propose to learn by using recurrent neural networks both user?s and product?s feature representations called user embedding and product embedding from the data collected from e-commerce website and then apply a modified gradient boosting trees method to transform user?s social networking features into user embedding. Once found, then develop a feature-based matrix factorization approach which can leverage the learned user embedding for the cold-start product recommendation. Experimental results show that our approach effectively works and gives the best-recommended results in cold start situations

    OSN Model For Business Growth Using Ecommerce Product Recommendation

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    Now A Days Online Shopping Has Achieved A Tremendous Popularity Within Very Less Amount Of Time. Recently Few Ecommerce Websites Has Been Developed Their Functionalities To A Extent Such That They Recommend The Product For Their Users Referring To The Connectivity Of The Users To The Social Media And Provide Direct Login From Such Social Media Such As Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp. Recommend The Users That Are Totally New To The Website Client Novel Solution For Cross-Site Cold-Start Product Recommendation That Aims For Recommending Products From E-Commerce Websites. In Specific Propose Learning Both Users And Products Feature Representations From Data Collected From E-Commerce Websites Using Recurrent Top-K To Transform User’s Social Networking Features Into User Embeddings. The Survey Paper Develops A Top-K Approach Which Can Manipulate The Learnt User Implanting For Cold-Start Product Recommendation

    Interconnecting Customer Data in E-Commerce and Social Network for Product Recommendations

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    We propose a novel answer for cross-webpage cold start item suggestion, which intends to prescribe items from online business sites to clients at informal communication destinations in "chilly begin" circumstances, an issue which has once in a while been investigated previously. A noteworthy test is the way to use information separated from long range interpersonal communication destinations for cross-site cool begin item proposal. We propose to utilize the connected clients crosswise over person to person communication locales and web based business sites (clients who have interpersonal interaction accounts and have made buys on web based business sites) as a scaffold to outline's long range informal communication highlights to another component portrayal for item suggestion

    Micro-blogging attributes to Latent Feature Representation for Product Recommendations

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    We suggest to use the linked users through social networking sites and e-commerce websites as a link to map users’ social networking structures to added feature demonstration for product recommendation. In detailed, we suggest wisdom both users’ and products’ feature illustrations (called user embeddings and product embeddings, individually) from data collected from e-commerce websites using repeated neural networks and then apply a improved gradient boosting trees technique to change users’ social networking structures into user embeddings. We then improve a feature-based matrix factorization method which can leverage the learnt user embeddings for cold-start product recommendation

    A Modified Gradient Boosting Trees Methods To Transform Social Networking Features Into Embeddings

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    We propose a novel answer for cross-webpage cool start item suggestion, which expects to prescribe items from online business sites to clients at long range informal communication destinations in "frosty begin" circumstances, an issue which has once in a while been investigated some time recently. A noteworthy test is the manner by which to use information separated from long range interpersonal communication destinations for cross-site icy begin item suggestion. We propose to utilize the connected clients crosswise over interpersonal interaction destinations and online business sites (clients who have long range interpersonal communication accounts and have made buys on internet business sites) as an extension to guide clients' informal communication elements to another element portrayal for item suggestion. In particular, we propose learning both clients' and items' element portrayals (called client embeddings and item embeddings, individually) from information gathered from online business sites utilizing repetitive neural systems and afterward apply a changed angle boosting trees technique to change clients' person to person communication highlights into client embeddings. We then build up a component based lattice factorization approach which can use the learnt client embeddings for frosty begin item suggestion