3 research outputs found

    Reference management software (RMS) in an academic environment: a survey at a research university in Malaysia

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    Reference Management Software is used by researchers in academics to manage the bibliographic citations they encounter in their research. With these tools, scholars keep track of the scientific literature they read, and to facilitate the editing of the scientific papers they write. This study presents the results of a quantitative survey performed at a research university in Malaysia. The aims of the survey were to observe how much these softwares are used by the scientific community, to see which softwares are most known and used, and to find out the reasons and the approaches behind their usage. Manually questionnaire was distributed to the Master and PhD students at all faculties in Jun 2014. The data collected were analysed through a constant comparative analysis, and the following categories were drawn: a basic practical approach to the instrument, the heavy impact of the time factor, the force of habit in scholars, economic issues, the importance of training and literacy, and the role that the library can have in this stage. Describing the present situation, the study gives final directions to the libraries to better perform effective tasks about the matter. This study presented here is the first survey of the actual distribution and usage of Reference Management Software in a research university in Malaysia. This picture can give an important glance to Reference Management Software as one of the elements in the academic digital librarie

    BIM in the construction industry

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, el t茅rmino modelado de informaci贸n de construcci贸n (BIM) se ha mencionado en una amplia gama de esfuerzos de investigaci贸n de la construcci贸n. BIM es una nueva soluci贸n para la recesi贸n sin precedentes en la industria de la construcci贸n, es decir, p茅rdida de productividad, escasez de mano de obra, sobrecostos y competitividad severa. La tecnolog铆a BIM proporciona muchos beneficios: detecci贸n r谩pida de conflictos de dise帽o, regulaci贸n autom谩tica de dise帽o algoritmo de verificaci贸n, visualizaci贸n de realidad virtual/aumentada y entorno de trabajo de colaboraci贸n. BIM los expertos, as铆 como los profesionales de la industria, enfatizan la importancia de las aplicaciones BIM en el campo de construcci贸n. Dado el r谩pido desarrollo y adopci贸n de BIM en la arquitectura, ingenier铆a, y construcci贸n (AEC), est谩n surgiendo nuevas tendencias relevantes para la investigaci贸n de BIM, siendo sumamente 煤til no s贸lo para los acad茅micos sino tambi茅n para los profesionales.In recent decades, the term building information modeling (BIM) has been mentioned in a wide range of construction research endeavors. BIM is a new solution for unprecedented recession in the construction industry, i.e., productivity loss, labor shortage, cost overrun, and severe competitiveness. BIM technology provides many benefits: prompt design clash detection, automatic deign regulatory check algorithm, augmented/virtual reality visualization, and collaboration work environment. BIM experts as well as industry practitioners are stressing the importance of BIM applications in the field of construction. Given the rapid development and adoption of BIM in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, new trends relevant to the research of BIM are emerging, being exceedingly helpful not only for academics but also for practitioners

    Tagalog bestsellers and the history of the book in the Philippines.

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    The thesis is a study on the history of the book in the Philippines with a focus on literary publishing and Filipino literary bestsellers of the twentieth century. It begins with a survey on the publishing of books in the Philippines from 1593 when the first book was printed in the country to 2003 when the first nationwide study on reading attitudes and preferences was conducted. The survey pays special attention to literary forms and texts that have played a significant role in the development of Philippine culture and history. It is followed by an examination of literary publishing in the Philippines, in which the local bestselling literary forms of the twentieth century are identified. These types of literary texts are subsequently taken up in case studies that explore the publishing, manufacturing, distribution, reception, and survival of the bestselling books and their relation to the conditions and circumstances in Philippine culture, society, politics, and economics during their time. The case studies, which are centred on specific publishers who were particularly successful in producing the literary bestsellers, are on Tagalog metrical romances (in awit and corrido forms) published by Juan Martinez during the 1900s to the 1920s; on Tagalog novels published by Palimbagang Tagumpay (Victory Publishing) under the Aliwan (Entertainment) series from 1945 to 1947; on the comic books (komiks) series published by the group of companies owned by Ramon Roces from the late 1940s to the mid-1980s; and on Filipino romance novels published by Books for Pleasure and by Precious Pages Corporation from 1985 to 2000. This thesis seeks to introduce the History of the Book to Philippine scholarship, where the discipline is still a largely unexplored if not totally unheard of area of study