1,084 research outputs found

    Associative nature of event participation dynamics: a network theory approach

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    The affiliation with various social groups can be a critical factor when it comes to quality of life of each individual, making such groups an essential element of every society. The group dynamics, longevity and effectiveness strongly depend on group's ability to attract new members and keep them engaged in group activities. It was shown that high heterogeneity of scientist's engagement in conference activities of the specific scientific community depends on the balance between the numbers of previous attendances and non-attendances and is directly related to scientist's association with that community. Here we show that the same holds for leisure groups of the Meetup website and further quantify individual members' association with the group. We examine how structure of personal social networks is evolving with the event attendance. Our results show that member's increasing engagement in the group activities is primarily associated with the strengthening of already existing ties and increase in the bonding social capital. We also show that Meetup social networks mostly grow trough big events, while small events contribute to the groups cohesiveness.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figs + Supporting information 7 pages, 8 fig

    CC-PSM: A Preference-Aware Selection Model for Cloud Service Based on Consumer Community

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    In order to give full consideration to the consumer’s personal preference in cloud service selection strategies and improve the credibility of service prediction, a preference-aware cloud service selection model based on consumer community (CC-PSM) is presented in this work. The objective of CC-PSM is to select a service meeting a target consumer’s demands and preference. Firstly, the correlation between cloud consumers from a bipartite network for service selection is mined to compute the preference similarity between them. Secondly, an improved hierarchical clustering algorithm is designed to discover the consumer community with similar preferences so as to form the trusted groups for service recommendation. In the clustering process, a quantization function called community degree is given to evaluate the quality of community structure. Thirdly, a prediction model based on consumer community is built to predict a consumer’s evaluation on an unknown service. The experimental results show that CC-PSM can effectively partition the consumers based on their preferences and has good effectiveness in service selection applications

    Bloggers Behavior and Emergent Communities in Blog Space

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    Interactions between users in cyberspace may lead to phenomena different from those observed in common social networks. Here we analyse large data sets about users and Blogs which they write and comment, mapped onto a bipartite graph. In such enlarged Blog space we trace user activity over time, which results in robust temporal patterns of user--Blog behavior and the emergence of communities. With the spectral methods applied to the projection on weighted user network we detect clusters of users related to their common interests and habits. Our results suggest that different mechanisms may play the role in the case of very popular Blogs. Our analysis makes a suitable basis for theoretical modeling of the evolution of cyber communities and for practical study of the data, in particular for an efficient search of interesting Blog clusters and further retrieval of their contents by text analysis

    FLEET: Butterfly Estimation from a Bipartite Graph Stream

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    We consider space-efficient single-pass estimation of the number of butterflies, a fundamental bipartite graph motif, from a massive bipartite graph stream where each edge represents a connection between entities in two different partitions. We present a space lower bound for any streaming algorithm that can estimate the number of butterflies accurately, as well as FLEET, a suite of algorithms for accurately estimating the number of butterflies in the graph stream. Estimates returned by the algorithms come with provable guarantees on the approximation error, and experiments show good tradeoffs between the space used and the accuracy of approximation. We also present space-efficient algorithms for estimating the number of butterflies within a sliding window of the most recent elements in the stream. While there is a significant body of work on counting subgraphs such as triangles in a unipartite graph stream, our work seems to be one of the few to tackle the case of bipartite graph streams.Comment: This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Seyed-Vahid Sanei-Mehri, Yu Zhang, Ahmet Erdem Sariyuce and Srikanta Tirthapura. "FLEET: Butterfly Estimation from a Bipartite Graph Stream". The 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen

    Spectral Thresholds in the Bipartite Stochastic Block Model

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    We consider a bipartite stochastic block model on vertex sets V1V_1 and V2V_2, with planted partitions in each, and ask at what densities efficient algorithms can recover the partition of the smaller vertex set. When ∣V2∣≫∣V1∣|V_2| \gg |V_1|, multiple thresholds emerge. We first locate a sharp threshold for detection of the partition, in the sense of the results of \cite{mossel2012stochastic,mossel2013proof} and \cite{massoulie2014community} for the stochastic block model. We then show that at a higher edge density, the singular vectors of the rectangular biadjacency matrix exhibit a localization / delocalization phase transition, giving recovery above the threshold and no recovery below. Nevertheless, we propose a simple spectral algorithm, Diagonal Deletion SVD, which recovers the partition at a nearly optimal edge density. The bipartite stochastic block model studied here was used by \cite{feldman2014algorithm} to give a unified algorithm for recovering planted partitions and assignments in random hypergraphs and random kk-SAT formulae respectively. Our results give the best known bounds for the clause density at which solutions can be found efficiently in these models as well as showing a barrier to further improvement via this reduction to the bipartite block model.Comment: updated version, will appear in COLT 201

    Exploring Student Check-In Behavior for Improved Point-of-Interest Prediction

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    With the availability of vast amounts of user visitation history on location-based social networks (LBSN), the problem of Point-of-Interest (POI) prediction has been extensively studied. However, much of the research has been conducted solely on voluntary checkin datasets collected from social apps such as Foursquare or Yelp. While these data contain rich information about recreational activities (e.g., restaurants, nightlife, and entertainment), information about more prosaic aspects of people's lives is sparse. This not only limits our understanding of users' daily routines, but more importantly the modeling assumptions developed based on characteristics of recreation-based data may not be suitable for richer check-in data. In this work, we present an analysis of education "check-in" data using WiFi access logs collected at Purdue University. We propose a heterogeneous graph-based method to encode the correlations between users, POIs, and activities, and then jointly learn embeddings for the vertices. We evaluate our method compared to previous state-of-the-art POI prediction methods, and show that the assumptions made by previous methods significantly degrade performance on our data with dense(r) activity signals. We also show how our learned embeddings could be used to identify similar students (e.g., for friend suggestions).Comment: published in KDD'1
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