16 research outputs found

    Partitioning the triangles of the cross polytope into surfaces

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    We present a constructive proof that there exists a decomposition of the 2-skeleton of the k-dimensional cross polytope βk\beta^k into closed surfaces of genus g1g \leq 1, each with a transitive automorphism group given by the vertex transitive Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2k}-action on βk\beta^k. Furthermore we show that for each k1,5(6)k \equiv 1,5(6) the 2-skeleton of the (k-1)-simplex is a union of highly symmetric tori and M\"obius strips.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Minor update. Journal-ref: Beitr. Algebra Geom. / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 53(2):473-486, 201

    On r-stacked triangulated manifolds

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    The notion of r-stackedness for simplicial polytopes was introduced by McMullen and Walkup in 1971 as a generalization of stacked polytopes. In this paper, we define the r-stackedness for triangulated homology manifolds and study their basic properties. In addition, we find a new necessary condition for face vectors of triangulated manifolds when all the vertex links are polytopal.Comment: 15 page

    Triangulated Manifolds with Few Vertices: Centrally Symmetric Spheres and Products of Spheres

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    The aim of this paper is to give a survey of the known results concerning centrally symmetric polytopes, spheres, and manifolds. We further enumerate nearly neighborly centrally symmetric spheres and centrally symmetric products of spheres with dihedral or cyclic symmetry on few vertices, and we present an infinite series of vertex-transitive nearly neighborly centrally symmetric 3-spheres.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Nerve complexes of circular arcs

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    We show that the nerve complex of n arcs in the circle is homotopy equivalent to either a point, an odd-dimensional sphere, or a wedge sum of spheres of the same even dimension. Moreover this homotopy type can be computed in time O(n log n). For the particular case of the nerve complex of evenly-spaced arcs of the same length, we determine the dihedral group action on homology, and we relate the complex to a cyclic polytope with n vertices. We give three applications of our knowledge of the homotopy types of nerve complexes of circular arcs. First, we use the connection to cyclic polytopes to give a novel topological proof of a known upper bound on the distance between successive roots of a homogeneous trigonometric polynomial. Second, we show that the Lovasz bound on the chromatic number of a circular complete graph is either sharp or off by one. Third, we show that the Vietoris--Rips simplicial complex of n points in the circle is homotopy equivalent to either a point, an odd-dimensional sphere, or a wedge sum of spheres of the same even dimension, and furthermore this homotopy type can be computed in time O(n log n)

    Minimal triangulations of sphere bundles over the circle

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    For integers d2d \geq 2 and ϵ=0\epsilon = 0 or 1, let S1,d1(ϵ)S^{1, d - 1}(\epsilon) denote the sphere product S1×Sd1S^{1} \times S^{d - 1} if ϵ=0\epsilon = 0 and the twisted Sd1S^{d - 1} bundle over S1S^{1} if ϵ=1\epsilon = 1. The main results of this paper are: (a) if dϵd \equiv \epsilon (mod 2) then S1,d1(ϵ)S^{1, d - 1}(\epsilon) has a unique minimal triangulation using 2d+32d + 3 vertices, and (b) if d1ϵd \equiv 1 - \epsilon (mod 2) then S1,d1(ϵ)S^{1, d - 1}(\epsilon) has minimal triangulations (not unique) using 2d+42d + 4 vertices. The second result confirms a recent conjecture of Lutz. The first result provides the first known infinite family of closed manifolds (other than spheres) for which the minimal triangulation is unique. Actually, we show that while S1,d1(ϵ)S^{1, d - 1}(\epsilon) has at most one (2d+3)(2d + 3)-vertex triangulation (one if dϵd \equiv \epsilon (mod 2), zero otherwise), in sharp contrast, the number of non-isomorphic (2d+4)(2d + 4)-vertex triangulations of these dd-manifolds grows exponentially with dd for either choice of ϵ\epsilon. The result in (a), as well as the minimality part in (b), is a consequence of the following result: (c) for d3d \geq 3, there is a unique (2d+3)(2d + 3)-vertex simplicial complex which triangulates a non-simply connected closed manifold of dimension dd. This amazing simplicial complex was first constructed by K\"{u}hnel in 1986. Generalizing a 1987 result of Brehm and K\"{u}hnel, we prove that (d) any triangulation of a non-simply connected closed dd-manifold requires at least 2d+32d + 3 vertices. The result (c) completely describes the case of equality in (d). The proofs rest on the Lower Bound Theorem for normal pseudomanifolds and on a combinatorial version of Alexander duality.Comment: 15 pages, Revised, To appear in `Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A

    Equivelar and d-Covered Triangulations of Surfaces. I

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    We survey basic properties and bounds for qq-equivelar and dd-covered triangulations of closed surfaces. Included in the survey is a list of the known sources for qq-equivelar and dd-covered triangulations. We identify all orientable and non-orientable surfaces MM of Euler characteristic 0>χ(M)2300>\chi(M)\geq -230 which admit non-neighborly qq-equivelar triangulations with equality in the upper bound q12(5+4924χ(M))q\leq\Bigl\lfloor\tfrac{1}{2}(5+\sqrt{49-24\chi (M)})\Bigl\rfloor. These examples give rise to dd-covered triangulations with equality in the upper bound d212(5+4924χ(M))d\leq2\Bigl\lfloor\tfrac{1}{2}(5+\sqrt{49-24\chi (M)})\Bigl\rfloor. A generalization of Ringel's cyclic 7mod127{\rm mod}12 series of neighborly orientable triangulations to a two-parameter family of cyclic orientable triangulations Rk,nR_{k,n}, k0k\geq 0, n7+12kn\geq 7+12k, is the main result of this paper. In particular, the two infinite subseries Rk,7+12k+1R_{k,7+12k+1} and Rk,7+12k+2R_{k,7+12k+2}, k1k\geq 1, provide non-neighborly examples with equality for the upper bound for qq as well as derived examples with equality for the upper bound for dd.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Stacked polytopes and tight triangulations of manifolds

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    Tightness of a triangulated manifold is a topological condition, roughly meaning that any simplexwise linear embedding of the triangulation into euclidean space is "as convex as possible". It can thus be understood as a generalization of the concept of convexity. In even dimensions, super-neighborliness is known to be a purely combinatorial condition which implies the tightness of a triangulation. Here we present other sufficient and purely combinatorial conditions which can be applied to the odd-dimensional case as well. One of the conditions is that all vertex links are stacked spheres, which implies that the triangulation is in Walkup's class K(d)\mathcal{K}(d). We show that in any dimension d4d\geq 4 \emph{tight-neighborly} triangulations as defined by Lutz, Sulanke and Swartz are tight. Furthermore, triangulations with kk-stacked vertex links and the centrally symmetric case are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    The topological Tverberg problem beyond prime powers

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    Tverberg-type theory aims to establish sufficient conditions for a simplicial complex Σ\Sigma such that every continuous map f ⁣:ΣRdf\colon \Sigma \to \mathbb{R}^d maps qq points from pairwise disjoint faces to the same point in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Such results are plentiful for qq a power of a prime. However, for qq with at least two distinct prime divisors, results that guarantee the existence of qq-fold points of coincidence are non-existent---aside from immediate corollaries of the prime power case. Here we present a general method that yields such results beyond the case of prime powers. In particular, we prove previously conjectured upper bounds for the topological Tverberg problem for all qq.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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