123 research outputs found

    Dynamical aspects of σ\sigma-machines

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    The σ\sigma-machine was recently introduced by Cerbai, Claesson and Ferrari as a tool to gain a better insight on the problem of sorting permutations with two stacks in series. It consists of two consecutive stacks, which are restricted in the sense that their content must at all times avoid a certain pattern: a given σ\sigma, in the first stack, and 2121, in the second. Here we prove that in most cases sortable permutations avoid a bivincular pattern ξ\xi. We provide a geometric decomposition of ξ\xi-avoiding permutations and use it to count them directly. Then we characterize the permutations with the property that the output of the σ\sigma-avoiding stack does not contain σ\sigma, which we call effective. For σ=123\sigma=123, we obtain an alternative method to enumerate sortable permutations. Finally, we classify σ\sigma-machines and determine the most challenging to be studied.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.0362

    Stack sorting with restricted stacks

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    The (classical) problem of characterizing and enumerating permutations that can be sorted using two stacks connected in series is still largely open. In the present paper we address a related problem, in which we impose restrictions both on the procedure and on the stacks. More precisely, we consider a greedy algorithm where we perform the rightmost legal operation (here "rightmost" refers to the usual representation of stack sorting problems). Moreover, the first stack is required to be σ\sigma-avoiding, for some permutation σ\sigma, meaning that, at each step, the elements maintained in the stack avoid the pattern σ\sigma when read from top to bottom. Since the set of permutations which can be sorted by such a device (which we call σ\sigma-machine) is not always a class, it would be interesting to understand when it happens. We will prove that the set of σ\sigma-machines whose associated sortable permutations are not a class is counted by Catalan numbers. Moreover, we will analyze two specific σ\sigma-machines in full details (namely when σ=321\sigma=321 and σ=123\sigma=123), providing for each of them a complete characterization and enumeration of sortable permutations

    2-stack pushall sortable permutations

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    In the 60's, Knuth introduced stack-sorting and serial compositions of stacks. In particular, one significant question arise out of the work of Knuth: how to decide efficiently if a given permutation is sortable with 2 stacks in series? Whether this problem is polynomial or NP-complete is still unanswered yet. In this article we introduce 2-stack pushall permutations which form a subclass of 2-stack sortable permutations and show that these two classes are closely related. Moreover, we give an optimal O(n^2) algorithm to decide if a given permutation of size n is 2-stack pushall sortable and describe all its sortings. This result is a step to the solve the general 2-stack sorting problem in polynomial time.Comment: 41 page
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