919 research outputs found

    An application of a cocitation-analysis method to find further research possibilities on the area of scheduling problems

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    In this article we will give firstly a classification scheme of scheduling problems and their solving methods. The main aspects under examination are the following: machine and secondary resources, constraints, objective functions, uncertainty, mathematical models and adapted solution methods. In a second part, based on this scheme, we will examine a corpus of 60 main articles (1015 citation links were recorded in total) in scheduling literature from 1977 to 2009. The main purpose is to discover the underlying themes within the literature and to examine how they have evolved. To identify documents likely to be closely related, we are going to use the cocitation-based method of Greene et al. (2008). Our aim is to build a base of articles in order to extract the much developed research themes and find the less examined ones as well, and then try to discuss the reasons of the poorly investigation of some areas

    Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models

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    Nine manuscripts were published in this Special Issue on “Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models, 2021” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, covering a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of various scheduling models and their extensions/generalizations. These topics include a road network maintenance project, cost reduction of the subcontracted resources, a variant of the relocation problem, a network of activities with generally distributed durations through a Markov chain, idea on how to improve the return loading rate problem by integrating the sub-tour reversal approach with the method of the theory of constraints, an extended solution method for optimizing the bi-objective no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem, the burn-in (B/I) procedure, the Pareto-scheduling problem with two competing agents, and three preemptive Pareto-scheduling problems with two competing agents, among others. We hope that the book will be of interest to those working in the area of various scheduling problems and provide a bridge to facilitate the interaction between researchers and practitioners in scheduling questions. Although discrete mathematics is a common method to solve scheduling problems, the further development of this method is limited due to the lack of general principles, which poses a major challenge in this research field

    Unified Concept of Bottleneck

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    The term `bottleneck` has been extensively used in operations management literature. Management paradigms like the Theory of Constraints focus on the identification and exploitation of bottlenecks. Yet, we show that the term has not been rigorously defined. We provide a classification of bottleneck definitions available in literature and discuss several myths associated with the concept of bottleneck. The apparent diversity of definitions raises the question whether it is possible to have a single bottleneck definition which has as much applicability in high variety job shops as in mass production environments. The key to the formulation of an unified concept of bottleneck lies in relating the concept of bottleneck to the concept of shadow price of resources. We propose an universally applicable bottleneck definition based on the concept of average shadow price. We discuss the procedure for determination of bottleneck values for diverse production environments. The Law of Diminishing Returns is shown to be a sufficient but not necessary condition for the equivalence of the average and the marginal shadow price. The equivalence of these two prices is proved for several environments. Bottleneck identification is the first step in resource acquisition decisions faced by managers. The definition of bottleneck presented in the paper has the potential to not only reduce ambiguity regarding the meaning of the term but also open a new window to the formulation and analysis of a rich set of problems faced by managers.

    A Linear Programming Model for Renewable Energy Aware Discrete Production Planning and Control

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    Industrial production in the EU, like other sectors of the economy, is obliged to stop producing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. With its Green Deal, the European Union has already set the corresponding framework in 2019. To achieve Net Zero in the remaining time, while not endangering one's own competitiveness on a globalized market, a transformation of industrial value creation has to be started already today. In terms of energy supply, this means a comprehensive electrification of processes and a switch to fully renewable power generation. However, due to a growing share of renewable energy sources, increasing volatility can be observed in the European electricity market already. For companies, there are mainly two ways to deal with the accompanying increase in average electricity prices. The first is to reduce consumption by increasing efficiency, which naturally has its physical limits. Secondly, an increasing volatile electricity price makes it possible to take advantage of periods of relatively low prices. To do this, companies must identify their energy-intensive processes and design them in such a way as to enable these activities to be shifted in time. This article explains the necessary differentiation between labor-intensive and energy intensive processes. A general mathematical model for the holistic optimization of discrete industrial production is presented. With the help of this MILP model, it is simulated that a flexibilization of energy intensive processes with volatile energy prices can help to reduce costs and thus secure competitiveness while getting it in line with European climate goals. On the basis of real electricity market data, different production scenarios are compared, and it is investigated under which conditions the flexibilization of specific processes is worthwhile

    Energy Efficient Policies, Scheduling, and Design for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

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    Climate mitigation, more stringent regulations, rising energy costs, and sustainable manufacturing are pushing researchers to focus on energy efficiency, energy flexibility, and implementation of renewable energy sources in manufacturing systems. This thesis aims to analyze the main works proposed regarding these hot topics, and to fill the gaps in the literature. First, a detailed literature review is proposed. Works regarding energy efficiency in different manufacturing levels, in the assembly line, energy saving policies, and the implementation of renewable energy sources are analyzed. Then, trying to fill the gaps in the literature, different topics are analyzed more in depth. In the single machine context, a mathematical model aiming to align the manufacturing power required to a renewable energy supply in order to obtain the maximum profit is developed. The model is applied to a single work center powered by the electric grid and by a photovoltaic system; afterwards, energy storage is also added to the power system. Analyzing the job shop context, switch off policies implementing workload approach and scheduling considering variable speed of the machines and power constraints are proposed. The direct and indirect workloads of the machines are considered to support the switch on/off decisions. A simulation model is developed to test the proposed policies compared to others presented in the literature. Regarding the job shop scheduling, a fixed and variable power constraints are considered, assuming the minimization of the makespan as the objective function. Studying the factory level, a mathematical model to design a flow line considering the possibility of using switch-off policies is developed. The design model for production lines includes a targeted imbalance among the workstations to allow for defined idle time. Finally, the main findings, results, and the future directions and challenges are presented

    Energy Efficient Manufacturing Scheduling: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The social context in relation to energy policies, energy supply, and sustainability concerns as well as advances in more energy-efficient technologies is driving a need for a change in the manufacturing sector. The main purpose of this work is to provide a research framework for energy-efficient scheduling (EES) which is a very active research area with more than 500 papers published in the last 10 years. The reason for this interest is mostly due to the economic and environmental impact of considering energy in production scheduling. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of recent papers in this area, provide a classification of the problems studied, and present an overview of the main aspects and methodologies considered as well as open research challenges

    Use of Excel worksheets with user-friendly interface in batch process (PSBP) to minimize the makespan

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    In the chemical industry, the necessity for scheduling is becoming more pronounced, especially in batch production mode. Nowadays, planning industrial activities is a necessity for survival. Intense competition requires diversified products and delivery in accordance with the requirements of consumers. These activities require quick decision making and the lowest possible cost, through an efficient Production Scheduling. So, this work addresses the Permutation Flow Shop scheduling problem, characterized as Production Scheduling in Batch Process (PSBP), with the objective of minimizing the total time to complete the schedule (Makespan). A method to approach the problem of production scheduling is to turn it into Mixed Integer Linear Programming- MILP, and to solve it using commercial mathematical programming packages. In this study an electronic spreadsheet with user-friendly interface (ESUFI) was developed in Microsoft Excel. The ease of manipulation of the ESUFI is quite evident, as with the use of VBA language a user-friendly interface could be created between the user and the spreadsheet itself. The results showed that it is possible to use the ESUFI for small problems

    Effective and efficient estimation of distribution algorithms for permutation and scheduling problems.

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    Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) is a branch of evolutionary computation that learn a probabilistic model of good solutions. Probabilistic models are used to represent relationships between solution variables which may give useful, human-understandable insights into real-world problems. Also, developing an effective PM has been shown to significantly reduce function evaluations needed to reach good solutions. This is also useful for real-world problems because their representations are often complex needing more computation to arrive at good solutions. In particular, many real-world problems are naturally represented as permutations and have expensive evaluation functions. EDAs can, however, be computationally expensive when models are too complex. There has therefore been much recent work on developing suitable EDAs for permutation representation. EDAs can now produce state-of-the-art performance on some permutation benchmark problems. However, models are still complex and computationally expensive making them hard to apply to real-world problems. This study investigates some limitations of EDAs in solving permutation and scheduling problems. The focus of this thesis is on addressing redundancies in the Random Key representation, preserving diversity in EDA, simplifying the complexity attributed to the use of multiple local improvement procedures and transferring knowledge from solving a benchmark project scheduling problem to a similar real-world problem. In this thesis, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem benchmarks as well as significantly reducing both the computational effort required to build the probabilistic model and the number of function evaluations. We also achieve competitive results on project scheduling benchmarks. Methods adapted for solving a real-world project scheduling problem presents significant improvements

    A Keyword, Taxonomy and Cartographic Research Review of Sustainability Concepts for Production Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems

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    The concept of sustainability is defined as composed of three pillars: social, environmental, and economic. Social sustainability implies a commitment to equity in terms of several “interrelated and mutually supportive” principles of a “sustainable society”; this concept includes attitude change, the Earth’s vitality and diversity conservation, and a global alliance to achieve sustainability. The social and environmental aspects of sustainability are related in the way sustainability indicators are related to “quality of life” and “ecological sustainability”. The increasing interest in green and sustainable products and production has influenced research interests regarding sustainable scheduling problems in manufacturing systems. This study is aimed both at reducing pollutant emissions and increasing production efficiency: this topic is known as Green Scheduling. Existing literature research reviews on Green Scheduling Problems have pointed out both theoretical and practical aspects of this topic. The proposed work is a critical review of the scientific literature with a three-pronged approach based on keywords, taxonomy analysis, and research mapping. Specific research questions have been proposed to highlight the benefits and related objectives of this review: to discover the most widely used methodologies for solving SPGs in manufacturing and identify interesting development models, as well as the least studied domains and algorithms. The literature was analysed in order to define a map of the main research fields on SPG, highlight mainstream SPG research, propose an efficient view of emerging research areas, propose a taxonomy of SPG by collecting multiple keywords into semantic clusters, and analyse the literature according to a semantic knowledge approach. At the same time, GSP researchers are provided with an efficient view of emerging research areas, allowing them to avoid missing key research areas and focus on emerging ones

    A new model and metaheuristic approach for the energy-based resource-constrained scheduling problem

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    [EN] This article focuses on obtaining sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for limited resource programming problems. To this end, a model for integrating makespan and energy consumption objectives in multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problems (MRCPSP-ENERGY) is proposed. In addition, a metaheuristic approach for the efficient resolution of these problems is developed. In order to assess the appropriateness of theses proposals, the well-known Project Scheduling Problem Library is extended (called PSPLIB-ENERGY) to include energy consumption to each Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem instance through a realistic mathematical model. This extension provides an alternative to the current trend of numerous research works about optimization and the manufacturing field, which require the inclusion of components to reduce the environmental impact on the decision-making process. PSPLIB-ENERGY is available at http://gps.webs.upv.es/psplib-energy/.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was supported by the Spanish Government under the research projects TIN2013-46511-C2-1 and TIN2016-80856-R.Morillo-Torres, D.; Barber, F.; Salido, MA. (2017). A new model and metaheuristic approach for the energy-based resource-constrained scheduling problem. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 1(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954405417711734S1131